Review and Analysis of Proposed 2020 Budget - Rockland County, New York

CGR conducted a comprehensive review of the County Executive’s 2020 Budget at the behest of the County Legislature. CGR identified several areas where assumptions could be adjusted to either reduce property taxes or to expand other programs. However, in whole we found that the county executive presented a balanced budget, the level of speculation in the budget was reasonable, the sales tax revenue estimates were conservative, that the positions in county government were adequately funded with a minimal reduction from previous years, the debt service is appropriate and recent state criminal justice reform has the opportunity to substantially impact staffing levels in several departments. CGR found few line items in the budget to adjust and noted that the financial health of the county has improved in recent years, but lags behind peers in certain regards primarily related to paying of a debt bond.

Report Date: Nov 2019
Author(s): Joseph Stefko , David Riley , Paul Bishop
Subject(s): Financial/Budgetary Analysis , Economic Analysis
Location: Rockland, New York

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