Code Enforcement in Chautauqua County - Implementation Roadmap

CGR undertook a comprehensive review of local code enforcement systems in Chautauqua County to determine what role the County might play in enhancing local code enforcement. The project was based on CGR’s earlier study for Tioga County, with more focus on potential options and their implementation. The project was divided into three phases, with accompanying reports: a Baseline phase & report, documenting the current conditions; an Options phase & report, presenting options for improvements; and an Implementation Roadmap report, with more detail on executing specific chosen options. Conclusions were that code enforcement is a patchwork of municipal systems, some of which are working well and others of which are struggling, that is having problems strongly enforcing sanctions on code violators. The Options and Implementation phases examined potential solutions to a range of specific issues.

Report Date: Nov 2023
Author(s): Paul Bishop , Kieran Bezila , Donna Harris
Subject(s): Shared Services/Consolidation , Government Reorganization/Dissolution
Location: Chautauqua, New York

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