Essex County EMS Strategic Plan Update: Looking to the Future after Five Years of Progress

CGR was engaged to conduct a follow up study to evaluate the changes since a 2017 strategic plan was enacted. Since then, there has been significant progress around dispatching, establishing a county EMS service, improving education and setting response targets. Service. Local EMS services have also increased paid staffing. Despite...


Potential Impacts of Village Incorporation - Assessing Fiscal and Operational Impacts in Edgemont, NY

CGR was engaged by New York State to examine the potential fiscal and operational impacts of a new village incorporation in the hamlet of Edgemont, a community of almost 8,000 people in Greenburgh, a town of 95,000 that contains six villages and an unincorporated area. We modeled three scenarios for...


Allegany County Emergency Medical Services - Current Conditions and Paths Forward

Allegany County engaged CGR to conduct a comprehensive analysis of its emergency medical services system and develop a series of actionable recommendations for the County and the EMS agencies to consider. The County has had a growing number of EMS incidents and a declining number of EMS providers. Additionally, several...


Code Enforcement in Chautauqua County - Implementation Roadmap

CGR undertook a comprehensive review of local code enforcement systems in Chautauqua County to determine what role the County might play in enhancing local code enforcement. The project was based on CGR’s earlier study for Tioga County, with more focus on potential options and their implementation. The project was divided...


Code Enforcement in Chautauqua County - Options for Improvements

CGR undertook a comprehensive review of local code enforcement systems in Chautauqua County to determine what role the County might play in enhancing local code enforcement. The project was based on CGR’s earlier study for Tioga County, with more focus on potential options and their implementation. The project was divided...


EMS, Fire and Rescue in Ridgefield Park - Evaluation of Existing Conditions and Options for the Future

The Village of Ridgefield Park (NJ) engaged CGR to conduct a comprehensive review of its emergency medical services, fire department and rescue squad operations. This community of 13,000 in 1.5 square miles in northern New Jersey has been served by dedicated volunteers for generations. After a thorough study of the...


Code Enforcement in Chautauqua County - Baseline of Current Conditions

CGR undertook a comprehensive review of local code enforcement systems in Chautauqua County to determine what role the County might play in enhancing local code enforcement. The project was based on CGR’s earlier study for Tioga County, with more focus on potential options and their implementation. The project was divided...


Ontario County EMS and Fire - Existing Conditions and Opportunities for Action

CGR developed a comprehensive report on the existing conditions of the EMS, fire, communications and hospital emergency departments in Ontario County. The project involved reviewing the operations of 28 fire agencies and ten EMS transport organizations that served the county. The number and types of fire protection and EMS agencies...


Avon Fire Department Plan for the Future - An Analysis of Existing Conditions and Setting a Course for the Future

The Avon Volunteer Fire Department (AVFD) serves the Town of Avon, CT, and its 19,000 residents as a fully volunteer organization. In 2022, AVFD is facing a series of challenges related to its personnel, an increased demand for services, the need to replace several apparatus and aging stations. The project...


Livingston County Weighted Voting - Apportionment Plan Based on 2020 Population

CGR was asked to determine the optimal number of weighted votes to apportion to Livingston County’s Supervisors based on the 2020 population numbers, using the Banzhaf Index as a test. This test was required to ensure that residents receive equal and appropriate representation for votes by the Livingston County Board...


Village Operations Study - The Village of Lancaster

CGR completed an operations and staffing study with the Village of Lancaster in Erie County, NY, in late 2021. The Village Board of Trustees sought an independent assessment of the Village’s operations to help the Board set priorities during its annual budget process. CGR’s local government team analyzed budget and...


Ontario County Weighted Voting - Apportionment Plan Based on 2020 Population

CGR was asked to determine the optimal number of weighted votes to apportion to Ontario County’s Supervisors based on the 2020 population numbers, using the Banzhaf Index as a test. This test was required to ensure that residents receive equal and appropriate representation for votes by the Ontario County Board...


DMV Operations Study - A Report for Oneida County

The Oneida County Board of Legislators retained CGR to study and recommend improvements to operations in the County’s Motor Vehicles Bureau. Also known informally as the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), the Bureau is operated by the Oneida County Clerk’s Office. CGR gathered and analyzed data about DMV transactions and...


Looking Toward the Future - Fire and EMS Services in the Wildwoods - Existing Conditions and Options for Change

In 2021, CGR was engaged by the City of North Wildwood to conduct a study on the fire and EMS services in North Wildwood and the City of Wildwood as well as the EMS service Wildwood Crest. The study found that the community has an average of 17 calls for...


Review and Analysis of the Proposed 2022 Budget - An Evaluation of the County Executive's Proposed Budget

Starting in 2017, the Rockland County Legislature engaged CGR to review and analyze the proposed 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 Executive Budgets for Rockland County. Each year, our report had three components. First, CGR reviewed a series of contextual elements, including budget priorities, economic trends, alignment with community plans,...


Marbletown Fire and EMS Operations - An Evaluation of Existing Conditions and Opportunities for the Future

The Town of Marbletown and its 5,500 residents are served by seven fire districts and an independent ambulance service. The Town Board, the ambulance service leadership and the leadership of six of the fire districts commissioned a study to evaluate the existing operations of the fire districts and EMS service...


Analysis of Emergency Medical Services in Irondequoit - Overview of Existing Conditions and Options for the Future

The Town of Irondequoit engaged CGR to analyze its existing emergency medical services (EMS) system and consider options for the future. Traditionally, five fire districts, an independent non-profit ambulance service and a commercial ambulance service have worked to provide the service to the 50,000 residents of Irondequoit. Because of recent...


Town of Irondequoit Fire Districts - An Analysis of Existing Conditions and Options for the Future

CGR was engaged by the five fire districts of the Town of Irondequoit (Laurelton, Point Pleasant, Ridge Culver, Sea Breeze and St. Paul Boulevard) to conduct a comprehensive study to evaluate their operations and identify options for improvement. CGR conducted interviews with an array of members of each department and...


No Time for Excuses: It's Time for Action - Report of the Commission on Racial and Structural Equity (RASE)

CGR supported the work of the Racial and Structural Equity Commission of Rochester and Monroe County, a 24-member body appointed by Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren and County Executive Adam Bello to inventory and assess local laws and policies to recommend ways to eliminate institutional and structural biases, racism and inequities....


Review and Analysis of the Proposed 2021 Budget-Rockland County, New York

Starting in 2017, the Rockland County Legislature engaged CGR to review and analyze the proposed 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 Executive Budgets for Rockland County. Each year, our report had three components. First, CGR reviewed a series of contextual elements, including budget priorities, economic trends, alignment with community plans, which...


Code Enforcement in Tioga County - A Report to the Tioga County Rural Economic Area Partnership

The Tioga County Rural Economic Area Partnership (REAP) engaged the Center for Governmental Research (CGR) to review and evaluate the provision of code enforcement services at the town and village level in Tioga County, and to identify opportunities to enforce codes more effectively and efficiently by sharing services. CGR conducted...


Rental Vacancy Rate Study - A Survey for the City of Kingston, NY

In 2019, New York State expanded an option for municipalities to regulate apartment rents from the New York City metropolitan area to the entire state. The City of Kingston, the first upstate municipality to explore this option, retained CGR to conduct an apartment vacancy rate study to determine if the...


Options for Schodack Fire Departments - Initial Concepts for the Future of the Fire Service

In 2018, the Town of Schodack and five of its fire departments engaged CGR to conduct a comprehensive study of the fire service in the town and develop a series of options for the future. The study looked at calls for service, equipment, staffing, facilities and financial operation for each...


Future of Fire Service in Schodack, NY - Part 1: An Evaluation of Existing Conditions

In 2018, the Town of Schodack and five of its fire departments engaged CGR to conduct a comprehensive study of the fire service in the town and develop a series of options for the future. The study looked at calls for service, equipment, staffing, facilities and financial operation for each...


Oswego County Public Safety and Criminal Justice System - Evaluation of Existing Conditions and Recommendations for Change

CGR (Center for Governmental Research) was hired to conduct an evaluation of the Oswego Public Safety and Criminal Justice system. The project included a review of the civilian and union public safety services of the Oswego County’s Sheriff’s Department, 911, District Attorney’s Office, Assigned Counsel, county, city, and town/village courts,...


Organizational Assessment of Cayuga County Government - Opportunities for Improvement

In 2017, the Cayuga County Legislature began a comprehensive organizational assessment to look for opportunities that would streamline, refocus and reorganize operations. Facing stagnant revenue growth from a limited number of sources and having completed several cost cutting efforts in recent years, the County sought to take a comprehensive look...


Southeast Connecticut Council of Governments - Shared Services Opportunity Study

In 2014, the Southeastern Connecticut Council of Governments (SCCOG) was awarded a grant from the Regional Performance Incentive Program (RPIP) via the State of Connecticut’s Office of Policy and Management to support a review of shared service opportunities among SCCOG’s member municipalities. CGR was engaged to identify potential shared services,...


Review and Analysis of Proposed 2018 Budget - Rockland County, New York

Starting in 2017, the Rockland County Legislature engaged CGR to review and analyze the proposed 2018, 2019 and 2020 Executive Budgets for Rockland County. Each year, the CGR's report was comprised of three components. First, CGR reviewed a series of contextual elements, including budget priorities, economic trends, alignment with community...


Municipal Consolidation and Efficiency Plan - Chautauqua County

In 2017 the State of New York created a competition to encourage communities to improve local government efficiency. Initial applications were reviewed in Phase I and the winners—Chautauqua County, Madison County, Montgomery County, Otsego County, Ulster County and Town of Brookhaven—were granted funds to support a Phase II submission for...


Evaluation of Public Safety in the Town and Village of Victor - Final Report with Baseline Review, Options and Possible Actions for EMS, Fire and Law Enforcement Services

In 2016, the town of Victor (NY) contracted with CGR to conduct a comprehensive evaluation and planning process for their growing suburban community. The analysis included reviewing the operations of two fire departments, an independent ambulance company, the sheriff’s office and state police and then identifying options for operation...


Elm City Communities Strategic Plan 2016-2018 Plan

The Housing Authority of the City of New Haven, CT engaged CGR to facilitate a strategic planning process for the agency. The Housing Authority provides public housing and housing choice vouchers to thousands of low-income or disabled residents of the City of New Haven, and has strengthened its reputation in...


Local Government in Onondaga County, NY - Preliminary Baseline Review: Section I (Who Does What & What It Costs)

Consensus – the Commission on Local Government Modernization – was launched in 2014 as a partnership of SYRACUSE 20/20, CenterState CEO, the County of Onondaga, the City of Syracuse, FOCUS Greater Syracuse, the League of Women Voters of the Syracuse Metropolitan Area, the Onondaga Citizens League and the Homebuilders &...


Dissolution of the Village of Macedon: Review of Potential Fiscal and Service Impacts

CGR was engaged by the Village of Macedon, NY, to provide a brief evaluation of the impact of dissolution on village services, finances, and residents. A citizen petition initiating a dissolution process prompted the evaluation, which found that there would be substantial tax savings and little to no disruption in...


City of Rochester's Recreation Services - A Roadmap Forward

The City engaged CGR to facilitate a strategic planning process for the Bureau of Recreational Services. CGR worked with bureau and department staff to articulate community expectations for Recreation Services in the city, through community surveys, focus groups and stakeholder interviews. We fed this information back to the department and...


Westwood Country Club Redevelopment - Economic and Fiscal Impact

CGR was engaged by Mensch Capital Partners to estimate the economic and fiscal impact of the proposed Westwood Country Club redevelopment in the Town of Amherst, NY. The developer proposes investing over $238 million to redevelop the site that currently houses the Westwood Country Club. This report details CGR's...


Governance at the County Level - Assessing Shared Service and Consolidation Options in Schuyler and Yates Counties

In May 2014, the counties of Schuyler and Yates, NY began a study process to examine the potential benefits of increased collaboration and sharing of services. CGR was engaged to provide a baseline review, review options, and determine the impact of these options on residents, finances, and services. CGR's report...


Village of Medina Dissolution Study - Baseline Description of Services, Options for Dissolution, Fiscal Impact and Dissolution Plan

In 2013, officials in the western New York Village of Medina launched an effort to analyze the potential efficiency of dissolving the Village of Medina. The study considered the impacts of dissolving the village government while maintaining appropriate levels of service for municipal services including the Police Department. Cost savings...


Future of Fire Service in Byron, NY - Baselines and Options Report

CGR completed an in-depth analysis of the provision of fire protection in Byron, NY in Genesee County. The report identified several options for the Town Of Byron, Byron Fire Department and the South Byron Fire District to consider related to potential changes in the fire service. The report highlighted...


West Central Educational Service Center - Assessment of a Merger

Educational service centers in rural Ohio sought CGR’s assistance to explore merger. Changes in Ohio state law have changed the competitive climate for what were originally county-level entities. Created to serve individual county school districts, the state eliminated their exclusive franchise. Smaller ESCs have struggled to be responsive to member...


Effective Local Government Through Collaboration: Service Delivery in Moreland Hills, Orange, Pepper Pike and Woodmere

Four Eastern Cleveland suburbs, originally one municipality, sought CGR’s assistance to explore the advantages and disadvantages of re-assembling under a single unit of government. CGR reviewed all aspects of municipal services for the 3 villages and 1 city, identifying likely synergies and service sharing opportunities. Cost savings associated with...


Gates Chili Schools - Redistricting Elementary Attendance Zones

Gates-Chili School District in suburban Rochester confronted a problem that recurs among most school districts: The attendance boundaries for its 4 school buildings no longer matched the capacities of the individual schools. CGR was engaged to advise the district on the boundaries, measure the impact on the demographics of the...


The Future of Law Enforcement in Watkins Glen

In 2012, CGR was engaged by the Village of Watkins Glen to evaluate their police department and provide options to reduce costs including sharing services with the Schuyler County Sheriff’s Office. CGR conducted on site interviews with staff of both departments, participated in department observation, and regularly met with...


Options for Governmental Structural Changes: Dissolution & Alternatives Study for Village of Hoosick Falls, NY

In 2012, the officials in the eastern New York Village of Hoosick Falls contracted with CGR to conduct a study on the impacts of village dissolution. The study considered the impacts of dissolving the village government including the impacts on the police department, justice court, public works and administrative functions....


Evaluation of Potential Governance Structures and Shared Services: Town and Village of Ossining, NY

CGR analyzed the potential fiscal impacts of a range of structural alternatives for the Westchester County, NY community of Ossining, which currently is serviced by town and village governments. CGR examined the implications of consolidating the 2 governments into a single city; dissolving the village and shifting service responsibility to...


Village of Norwood Dissolution Study, Plan and Alternatives

The Village of Norwood, located in NY’s St. Lawrence County, is partially in the Town of Norfolk and partially in the Town of Potsdam. The Town of Potsdam also includes the Village of Potsdam. Driven by a desire for greater autonomy and concerns about the impact on Norwood...


Village of Mannsville Dissolution Study, Plan and Alternatives

Mannsville is a small village (population 354) in the Town of Ellisburg, located in northern NY. In late 2012, a study committee explored the impact of dissolving the village and developed a report and dissolution plan. The committee estimates Mannsville taxpayers will experience a 40% decrease in their...


The Village of East Syracuse and Town of DeWitt Shared Services Study

The Village of East Syracuse received a NYS Local Government Efficiency grant to assess, in cooperation with the Town of DeWitt, service sharing and cost saving opportunities in 6 service areas: assessment; code enforcement; planning and zoning; snow removal; parks and recreation; and code enforcement. CGR completed the assessment...


Village of Chaumont Dissolution Study and Dissolution Plan

Chaumont is a small NY village (population 625) known for having one of the largest freshwater bays in the world. For some time, the village and surrounding Town of Lyme have actively pursued working closely together. At village request, a study committee examined dissolving the village and merging operations with...


Governance and Service Options - Village and Town of Malone

Nearly 60% of the 10,000 residents in NY’s Town of Malone reside in the Village of Malone, located in Franklin County near the Canadian border. At village request, a study committee examined dissolving the village and outlined alternatives to dissolution. If the impact of an estimated $750,000 state incentive for...


Who Provides Services on Long Island? An Introduction to the Long Island Index's New Interactive Map

Dozens of special districts on Long Island add to the patchwork quilt of governments providing services to residents. A new interactive map developed by the Long Island Index allows users for the first time to see the boundaries of all local service providers, along with information about how to...


Ontario County Regional High Schools Feasibility Study: Options for Addressing Rising Costs and Shrinking Enrollment

Eight of the nine districts in Ontario County have decreasing enrollment, a trend that is projected to continue through the next decade. The districts agreed to explore how regional high schools and/or regional collaborations could save taxpayer dollars and expand educational opportunities. CGR presents several models and finds that...


Schoharie County Highways Shared Services/Consolidation Study - An Overview of Current Operations and Analysis of Options

Schoharie County engaged CGR to study options for improving efficiency in the highway services provided by the 22 municipalities in the county. CGR catalogued the highway inventory and operations of each local government and analyzed 2 sub-regional models for improving efficiency. The first explored merging 2 town highway operations, and...


Hamlin, Morton, Walker Fire District Consolidation Study - Baseline Review and Analysis of Options

CGR completed a consolidation study for the Fire Districts of Hamlin, Morton and Walker. The districts are located primarily in the northwest quadrant of Monroe County NY, largely covering the Town of Hamlin. The districts jointly agreed to study the operational and tax impacts associated with consolidation to address the...


Options for the Future - A Report for the Village of Painted Post and the Town of Erwin

Facing serious fiscal challenges, the Painted Post NY village board appointed a committee to examine options for the future and project related financial and property tax impacts. In its December 2011 report, the committee provides a strategic framework for creating a more cost effective way to deliver local government...


Review and Analysis of Proposed 2012 Budget - Ulster County, New York

In 2011, Ulster County engaged CGR to provide comprehensive analytical support for its proposed 2012 fiscal year budget of $350 million. CGR’s role involved analyzing all line-items across the County budget’s seven fund accounts and reporting on the reasonableness of projected spending and revenue levels. The economic and...


Options for the Future for the Village of Hudson Falls and the Town of Kingsbury

Leadership in the Village of Hudson Falls agreed to assess options for increasing efficiency and promoting taxpayer savings - up to and including dissolution. A study committee, with support from CGR, identified a range of options from co-locating offices to coordinating capital planning and purchasing for fire services. As required...


Elector Initiated Dissolution Plan and Report for the Village of Altmar

On Dec. 6, 2011, voters in the Village of Altmar approved an elector-initiated dissolution plan by a vote of 54 to 50. As a result, Altmar is the first village in NY to approve dissolution under a state law that took effect in March 2010. The village will be...


Village of Potsdam Dissolution Study and Dissolution Plan

Located in northern NYS, the Town of Potsdam includes two villages; with the majority of residents living in the Village of Potsdam, population 10,000. Home to two state universities, nearly 70% of village properties are tax-exempt – putting pressure on village residents to cover a large share of the costs...


Review of Code Enforcement Operations in Broome, County, NY: Options for Regional Consolidation and Shared Services

In 2010, Broome County NY engaged CGR to assess the feasibility and potential efficiency of consolidating municipal code enforcement functions on a countywide basis. CGR found that local service providers stood to gain the most savings by shifting the responsibility entirely to the state, something permitted under current state...


Government Reorganization Feasibility Study for the Village of Medina and Surrounding Towns

The Village of Medina and the Towns of Ridgeway and Shelby commissioned CGR in 2010 to assist an Inter Municipal Study Committee to explore potential benefits of sharing services and merging the Towns, and/or dissolving the Village. The project was paid for in part by a NYS Local Government...


Nassau County Youth Board Assessment: Implications of Reduced Funding of the Nassau County Youth Board and Options for the Future.

In the midst of a major financial crisis facing Nassau County, the Rauch Foundation engaged CGR to assess the impacts the crisis and resulting proposed cuts would have on the County Youth Board’s ability to support a wide range of community-based youth services. CGR developed a three-phase blueprint to strategically...


Consolidation Options and Impacts for Princeton, NJ: A Report to the Joint Consolidation/Shared Services Study Commission

In November 2011, voters in the Borough and Township of Princeton NJ overwhelmingly approved consolidating into a single government, effective in January 2013. CGR was engaged in 2010 to complete an in-depth analysis of the financial and operational implications of merger and assist the appointed Consolidation Commission with development of...


Local Development Corporations (LDC): Risks and Benefits - Case Studies in the Rochester Area

CGR, with funding from the Beatrice Bibby Fund at CGR in cooperation with the League of Women Voters of Metropolitan Rochester (NY), set out to identify the number, type and characteristics of local development corporations in the Rochester area. These quasi-government entities are not subject to the same public oversight...


Herkimer County Highway Shared Services/Consolidation Study - Options for Increasing Efficiency

CGR completed a report that evaluated ways that the 31 local governments in Herkimer County might be able to maintain roads and bridges within the County more efficiently. The report is designed to be a long range planning document for the local governments. Using GIS mapping along with...


Town of Aurora and Village of East Aurora: Options for Shared Highway/DPW Services

The Town of Aurora and Village of East Aurora in western NY engaged CGR to document the existing operations in their highway and public works departments and to explore options for increasing efficiency and effectiveness and maximizing the return to taxpayers. The communities have a history of identifying areas...


Analysis of Shared Services in Lyons, NY

The Village and Town of Lyons, along with the Lyons Central School District have a long history of implementing shared services to better serve their Wayne County (NY) community. In 2010, they collectively engaged CGR to explore ways to further their collaboration. CGR studied code enforcement, municipal courts,...


Municipal Services & Financial Overview - Borough and Township of Princeton

In November 2011, voters in the Borough and Township of Princeton NJ overwhelmingly approved consolidating into a single government, effective in January 2013. CGR was engaged in 2010 to complete an in-depth analysis of the financial and operational implications of merger and assist the appointed Consolidation Commission with development of...


Village of Edwards Dissolution Study and Dissolution Plan

The Village of Edwards, population 440, is located in NY's southern St. Lawrence County. In the years since 1981, when the last mine in this rural area closed, the community lost virtually all of its business and retail base. After receiving a state Local Government Efficiency grant, the village engaged...


Village of Candor Dissolution Study and Dissolution Plan

The Village of Candor, population 794, is located in the Southern Tier of New York State and received a petition calling for a plan of dissolution of the village government. The village engaged CGR to assist a committee of residents in developing cost-effective options to deliver municipal services up to...


Analysis of Shared Services in the Village and Town of Geneseo Code Enforcement and Courts

The Village and Town of Geneseo have a long history of sharing municipal services. The municipalities decided to formally study two informal sharing relationships – code enforcement and courts. One goal was to understand if the current arrangement for code enforcement is still advantageous or whether the communities should formalize...


Village of Dansville Dissolution/Coterminous Feasibility Study

The Village of Dansville and Town of North Dansville NY are interested in controlling costs through shared service opportunities up to and including full consolidation. While elected officials were originally intrigued by the concept of becoming a co-terminous village and town, a full study found that pursuing city status...


Options for Shared Police Services in the Villages of West Carthage and Carthage

CGR developed a report for the Villages of West Carthage and Carthage Shared Police Services Study Committee that identified a range of options for the two villages to improve delivery of police services currently being provided by their two separate departments. The options ranged from better coordinating operations of...


Village of Holley & Town of Murray Shared Services/Consolidation Study

The Village of Holley NY, in partnership with the Town of Murray, engaged CGR to study the feasibility of enhancing shared services and/or consolidation in the areas of code enforcement, DPW / highway, purchasing and tax collection. As a result of our analyses, CGR found little opportunity in the areas...


A Review of Shared Service Options in Addison, NY: Facilities, Maintenance and Fueling

The Addison NY Central School District, in partnership with the Town and Village of Addison, engaged CGR to study the feasibility of enhancing shared services in the areas of administrative office space, vehicle maintenance and fueling. CGR presented a baseline review of the partners’ municipal facilities and fleet operations,...


Consolidation Options and Impacts for Chester, NJ: A Report to the Joint Consolidation Study Commission

Under authority provided by New Jersey law, the separate governing bodies of Chester township and Chester borough created a joint consolidation study commission to examine the feasibility and potential benefits of consolidating into a single municipality. CGR was engaged as study consultant to advise the commission.


Municipal Services & Financial Overview - Township and Borough of Chester

Under authority provided by New Jersey law, the separate governing bodies of Chester township and Chester borough created a joint consolidation study commission to examine the feasibility and potential benefits of consolidating into a single municipality. CGR was engaged as study consultant to advise the commission.


An Evaluation and Enhancement Plan for the City of Rochester's Special Needs Housing Program: Emergency Shelter Grant and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS

The City of Rochester NY seeks to target $1 million in special needs housing funds more strategically to best align with its Housing Policy and revitalization goals. CGR outlines a funding allocation model identifying priority funding categories and selection criteria. Our report also includes results from a community-wide survey of...


Baseline Review of Ambulance Services and EMS in the Town of North Hempstead, NY

CGR completed, in partnership with Hofstra University, a major research engagement that looked at current ambulance and emergency medical services for the Town of North Hempstead (population 220,000) in NY’s Nassau County, where fire departments represent the most numerous emergency medical providers in the community. CGR completed extensive data collection...


A Plan for Consolidation of the City and Town of Batavia, NY

After receiving a NYS grant to study consolidation and engaging CGR as study consultant, a joint Batavia City/Town Committee spent nearly a year investigating and assessing options for the future. In 2009 the Committee delivered its final report – a plan for consolidation with a proposed timetable and recommended approach...


Village of Perrysburg Dissolution Feasibility Study: Final Report on Dissolution and Alternatives to Dissolution for the Village of Perrysburg

The Village of Perrysburg NY has a population of about 380 residents, covers one square mile, and in recent years has lost most of its private businesses. In 2009, CGR was engaged to complete a study identifying options for the village, up to and including dissolving the village and consolidating...


Dissolution Study and Plan: Village of Port Henry, NY

In March 2010, voters in the Village of Port Henry, located in NY’s Adirondack Park, voted 186-146 against dissolving the village. Had voters approved dissolution, responsibility for providing services would have been assumed by the Town of Moriah per a dissolution plan developed by a joint village/town committee. CGR was...


Greenburgh/Dobbs Ferry Police Consolidation & Shared Services Study

After receiving a NYS grant to study consolidation and engaging CGR as study consultant, a joint Village/Town Steering Committee spent nearly a year investigating and assessing options for the future of the two police departments. In November 2009 the Committee delivered its final report to the Town and Village Boards...


Village of North Collins Dissolution Feasibility Study: Final Report on Dissolution and Alternatives to Dissolution for the Village of North Collins

The Village of North Collins NY initiated a consolidation, merger and dissolution feasibility study in spring 2009. A dissolution study committee, assisted by CGR, prepared a report including a formal dissolution plan and alternatives to dissolution and delivered it to the Village board in late 2009. The board subsequently voted...


Village of Seneca Falls Dissolution Plan: Final Report on Dissolution and Alternatives to Dissolution for the Village of Seneca Falls

The Village and Town of Seneca Falls NY initially engaged CGR to assess ways to achieve a major goal: reduce the cost of government to help stimulate economic growth in the community. CGR found, in a 2008 study, that consolidating the governments would offer potential for major savings for village...


Feasibility of Creating a Central Business Office for Sullivan County BOCES and Component Districts

Faced with enrollment declines, increased operating expenses, and steep reductions in state aid, the Sullivan County (NY) BOCES engaged CGR to determine whether there are cost savings and efficiencies from combining business office functions for any of 7 participating school districts. CGR provides 4 models that give the districts...


Village of Johnson City Dissolution Report and Plan Addendum August 31, 2009

In November 2009, voters in the Village of Johnson City NY rejected by a 40-vote margin (2,256 to 2,216) a referendum to dissolve the Village and consolidate it with the Town of Union. A study committee spent 18 months developing a plan for having one government. CGR provided staff...


Community Services Benchmarking Summary

As part of a strategic planning process, the Town of Victor NY engaged CGR to perform a community service benchmarking study, comparing the town against a group of peer communities on a variety of fiscal, governmental and service delivery measures. The study’s purpose was not just to target the...


Planning Service Alternatives for the Town of Canandaigua

The Canandaigua NY Town Board asked CGR to review its planning services and suggest alternative models. A growing community navigating the tensions of expanding residential development and desires for preservation, the town has experienced a 130% increase in expenditures for its planning, code, and zoning functions since 2000. CGR conducted...


Consolidation Study for the Village of Albion, Town of Albion and Town of Gaines

Four-fifths of the Village of Albion is in the Town of Albion, and one fifth is in the Town of Gaines. A CGR study found limited opportunity for the three municipalities to generate significant cost savings through shared service agreements. However, if the Village and Town of Albion consolidate, overall...


Collaborative Property Tax Administration in Albany County: A Review of Assessment and Tax Collection Options

In 2008, NYS provided grant funds to encourage counties to study how to streamline their local assessment and/or tax administration programs to promote efficiency, equity and transparency for taxpayers. Albany County was the only county in the state to analyze the assessment and tax administration program simultaneously. Recognizing the...


A Review of Property Tax Assessment Options for Wayne County

In 2008, NYS provided grant funds to encourage counties to study how to streamline their local assessment programs to promote efficiency, equity and transparency for taxpayers. CGR helped Wayne County conduct an analysis of assessment operations to determine whether consolidation of local assessment offices would create efficiencies and/or equity....


A Review of Property Tax Assessment Options for Chemung County

In 2008, NYS provided grant funds to encourage counties to study how to streamline their local assessment programs to promote efficiency, equity and transparency for taxpayers, and the county engaged CGR for the study. Chemung County, a leader in shared service and consolidation projects in NY, chose to analyze the...


A Review of Property Tax Assessment Options for Orleans County

In 2008, NYS provided grant funds to encourage counties to study how to streamline their local assessment programs to promote efficiency, equity and transparency for taxpayers. Orleans County officials initiated a study as part of a continued effort to streamline assessment operations and create a more efficient system. ...


A Review of Collaborative Options for Functions and Facilities: City of Tonawanda & Tonawanda City School District

For the City of Tonawanda NY and the Tonawanda City School District, CGR conducted a shared services study funded by a state grant. CGR made 10 recommendations in the functional areas of purchasing, maintenance and technology and also provided a cost/benefit analysis for a series of potential collaborative facility options.


Village of Lake Placid/Town of North Elba Shared Services Study

CGR completed a study in 2008 for the Village of Lake Placid and the Town of North Elba that evaluated opportunities to expand shared services between the village and town to reduce costs and share them more equitably. The study focused primarily on parks, public works and administrative...


An Evaluation of the City of Rochester's Lead Law: 2006-2008

Rochester NY is the first U.S. city to have a housing inspection law that incorporates both visual inspections and dust wipes for rental units located in areas at high risk for lead paint problems. CGR conducted a 2-year study, funded by the Greater Rochester Health Foundation, of the impact of...


Final Report on Strategic Alternatives for the Village & Town of Seneca Falls, NY: Considerations for a New Governance Model

The leaders of the Village & Town of Seneca Falls engaged CGR to help them achieve a major goal: reducing the cost of government to help stimulate economic growth in the greater community. They asked CGR to develop a strategic plan for implementing shared service alternatives up to and including...


Opportunities for School District Savings in Nassau County

Through the impetus of County Executive Tom Suozzi, Nassau County set out to develop an action plan aimed at reducing the growth of property taxes. What distinguished this effort was the County’s focus on units of local government over which it had no direct control. Using a collaborative...


A Study of Shared Service Opportunities for the Village and Town of Cobleskill, NY

The Village and Town of Cobleskill in NY’s Adirondack region received a state Shared Municipal Services Incentive (SMSI) grant to identify options for increased service sharing or consolidation. CGR’s report describes options in 3 key categories that could lead to increased efficiency and/or cost savings. The categories include sharing services...


A Cost of Government Study for Northeast Ohio

CGR built a comprehensive cost and revenue database for local governments in the 16-county Northeast Ohio region and comparison regions in Columbus, Dayton, Indianapolis, Minneapolis-St. Paul and Raleigh-Durham. We put this “data dictionary” into an interactive, user-friendly web format to allow anyone to ask questions and develop answers from the...


A Cost of Government Study for Northeast Ohio: Report Focus-Cuyahoga County

CGR built a comprehensive cost and revenue database for local governments in the 16-county Northeast Ohio region and comparison regions in Columbus, Dayton, Indianapolis, Minneapolis-St. Paul and Raleigh-Durham. We put this “data dictionary” into an interactive, user-friendly web format to allow anyone to ask questions and develop answers from the...


A Cost of Government Study for Northeast Ohio: Report Focus-Mahoning and Trumbull Counties

CGR built a comprehensive cost and revenue database for local governments in the 16-county Northeast Ohio region and comparison regions in Columbus, Dayton, Indianapolis, Minneapolis-St. Paul and Raleigh-Durham. We put this “data dictionary” into an interactive, user-friendly web format to allow anyone to ask questions and develop answers from the...


A Cost of Government Study for Northeast Ohio: Report Focus-Stark County

CGR built a comprehensive cost and revenue database for local governments in the 16-county Northeast Ohio region and comparison regions in Columbus, Dayton, Indianapolis, Minneapolis-St. Paul and Raleigh-Durham. We put this “data dictionary” into an interactive, user-friendly web format to allow anyone to ask questions and develop answers from the...


Consolidating Police Services in Whitestown, New York - Options for the Future

Five communities in Oneida County – the Town of Whitestown, and the Villages of Yorkville, New York Mills, Whitesboro and Oriskany – had discussed off and on over the years consolidating their separate police departments. CGR was engaged to provide, for the first time, comprehensive information that can serve as...


Opportunities to Use Shared Services and Consolidation Strategies to Improve Efficiency, Effectiveness and Equity in Local Government Observations from Three City/Town Groups in Upstate New York

NY’s Commission on Local Government Efficiency and Competitiveness engaged CGR to analyze local governments (city and town) in the Oneonta, Norwich and Cortland areas and evaluate opportunities to share services and/or consolidate. CGR’s report of the issues and options in the 3 city/town groups focuses attention on workable and realistic...


Village of Speculator Dissolution Plan and Options for Shared Services: Findings and Alternatives

In response to a resident-initiated petition to dissolve the Village of Speculator in NY’s Adirondack region, Village leaders were required by state law to develop a dissolution plan and present it to Village voters. CGR was engaged to study all options for shared services up to and including dissolution of...


A Tale of Two Suburbs: A Comparative Analysis of the Cost of Local Government in Long Island and in Northern Virginia

In 2007, CGR conducted a landmark comparison of local governments on Long Island with a comparable area in northern Virginia. Local government services, including schools, cost 44% less in NVA, although the level of services and citizen satisfaction with those services appear comparable. A detailed comparison of school districts and...


An Evaluation of the City of Rochester’s Lead Law: Year One Report

Rochester NY is the first U.S. city to have a housing inspection law that incorporates both visual inspections and dust wipes for rental units located in areas at high risk for lead paint problems. CGR conducted a 2-year study, funded by the Greater Rochester Health Foundation, of the impact of...


County Nursing Facilities in New York State Current Status, Challenges and Opportunities

In 2007 CGR was asked to update a study completed 10 years earlier for the County Nursing Facilities of New York Inc. (CNFNY). The original study resulted in a report, What Should Be Done with County Nursing Facilities in New York State?, which presented factual information about the county facilities...


Policy Alternatives Supporting Deployment of Broadband Services in Rural Areas of New York State

Late in 2006, CGR was approached by Empire State Development and asked to compile information that had been gathered by a state agency taskforce on rural access to broadband Internet. With the support of the taskforce, CGR prepared a report that described the current state of broadband access, explored the...


Program Impact Evaluations for the City of Rochester: Mortgage Default Resolution, Landlord-Tenant, and Fair Housing Electronic Resource Services

For the Department of Community Development (DCD), we evaluated four programs that provide mortgage default resolution services, landlord and tenant services, and a fair housing electronic resource center. Services in these areas have been provided for years by four nonprofit agencies in Rochester (Human Services Council, Legal Aid Society, Monroe...


Reforming New York's Property Tax: Conference Summary

In January 2007, CGR sponsored a forum in Albany NY on reforming New York's property tax. Among the standing-room-only audience members who listened and debated the different options proposed by well-respected experts were members of the NYS Senate and Assembly, state agency representatives and policy experts. CGR subsequently developed a...


The Rochester High Falls District Looking to the Future

After reviewing the City of Rochester’s role in the High Falls area since it was first proposed as an historic district in the 1980s, CGR recommended the City assert High Falls’ success as an office park; end subsidies for the Center at High Falls/Brown’s Race Market complex; begin conversations to...


MASTER CONTRACTING WITH COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE PROVIDERS: A Tool to Simplify Administration and Promote Outcome-Focused, Integrated Services

CGR was commissioned by the UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families and Communities to prepare a resource paper on master contracting because of the unique expertise of CGR staff in this area. Master contracting is an administrative tool to combine government contracts within a single provider to both simplify...


An Assessment of the Chemung County, NY, Juvenile Justice System

CGR assessed Chemung County's Criminal & Juvenile Justice system practices and their impact on the jail population, and also programs and initiatives designed to reduce juvenile justice system detentions and out-of-home placements. CGR identified seven key strategies the County can use to reduce the average jail census by at...


Strengthening Criminal Justice System Practices in Chemung County, NY

CGR assessed Chemung County's Criminal & Juvenile Justice system practices and their impact on the jail population, and also programs and initiatives designed to reduce juvenile justice system detentions and out-of-home placements. CGR identified seven key strategies the County can use to reduce the average jail census by at...


Capital Pork: How State Politicians Divvy Up Billions for Favored Capital Projects

CGR analyzed the $1.7 billion in grants (all borrowed funds) handed out since 1997 by New York State legislators for “capital” projects. This first-ever geographic analysis found stark differences in benefits for regions and interest groups; secret agreements among top state leaders; fewer checks on spending than other states; and...


An Evaluation of the Neighborhood Empowerment Team (NET) Office in the City of Rochester Options for the Future

In 1997, the City of Rochester introduced a new organization – the Neighborhood Empowerment Team (NET) Office - to focus resources to improve the quality of life in City neighborhoods. NET created six satellite offices throughout the City where code enforcement personnel and police officers work jointly with neighborhood...


Long Island Index 2006 Special Analysis Report Analysis of Governmental Expenditures and Revenues on Long Island 1998-2003

CGR examined expenditure and revenue information for 359 units of local government on Long Island. This data was incorporated into a report published in 2006 entitled the Long Island Index, a status report on the Long Island region which engages the community to think about the future. The...


Northeast Joint Fire District Planning Study - 2006 to 2026 Staffing, Equipment and Facilities Needs for the Next Twenty Years

CGR studied the need for an additional fire house in the North East Joint Fire District and recommended that a new station be built near the intersection of Schlegel and Phillips roads. The study recommended that a pumper and light rescue vehicle be housed at the new station, estimated to...


Children in Broome County with Co-Occurring Mental Health and Developmental Disability Conditions Numbers and Service Gaps

Broome County (NY) Children's Mental Health Task Force, comprised of a cross-section of government, non-profit service agency, education and mental health representatives, commissioned CGR to identify the numbers, characteristics and needs of county children and adolescents who have both mental health and developmental disability conditions. In 2005, CGR identified approximately...


Strengthening Alternatives to Incarceration Programs and Criminal Justice System Practices in Steuben County

In a study for Steuben County, CGR identified changes the county can implement that will reduce the jail population by an estimated 30 inmates (or more) per day, saving county taxpayers at least $876,000 annually. At the time of the study, the jail operated at or near capacity, and county...


An Assessment of the Village of Westhampton Beach Police Department: Options for the Future

CGR studied the staffing and configuration of the Westhampton Police Department and found that it had a sufficient number of police officers (in fact, it was above a recommended ratio, but residents appear willing to fund a high level of service) but that it could consider adding officers and supervisors...


Rochester Police Department Patrol Division Reorganization: An Interim Evaluation

CGR studied the impact of the Rochester Police Department's patrol sector reorganization for the six months after it was implemented and found that response time had been cut by an average of 10 percent and $940,000 in overtime costs had been saved. The study did not determine whether officers...


Opportunities to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Records Management Processes in the City of Rochester

For the City of Rochester NY, CGR identified opportunities to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of records management processes. In 2005, CGR reviewed the flow of electronic and paper records between departments and the city’s Information Systems and Record Archives Center, and specifically targeted three departments – police, code enforcement,...


Planning For the Future-Improving Rockland County's Delivery of Human Services Findings and Recommendations

Through a collaborative effort with a 25-member Task Force, CGR completed a comprehensive analysis of Rockland County’s largest human service departments - DSS, Health, Mental Health and Probation. This report presents 10 recommendations to bring about a more customer-focused, efficient and effective delivery system. Recommendations focus on organizational, service response,...


Rockland County Community Health Assessment

CGR was engaged to conduct the 2005-2010 Community Health Assessment for the Rockland County Health Department. CGR conducted a series of focus groups with a wide range of community groups, conducted selected interviews with individuals, and designed and conducted a survey with a convenience sample of the general population. CGR...


Erie County Fleet Maintenance Centers: Site and Staffing Options

CGR found Erie County could reduce the number of garages serving its fleet of 1,000 government vehicles to eight and still meet maintenance service needs as well as quick response time objectives. This was a follow-up to a February 2003 study of county operations that said improving fleet maintenance could...


Feasibility of Creating a Central Business Office in the Schuyler-Chemung-Tioga BOCES Region

CGR recommended the creation of a central business office among the districts within the Schuyler-Chemung-Tioga BOCES district. Centralization would save more than $434,000 a year, or 55 percent of current expenses. It would also expand safeguards protecting against accounting problems, improve management and integrity of fiscal information, and expand access...


Disaster Planning Needs Assessment for the North Greece Fire District

CGR completed a Disaster Planning Needs Assessment for the North Greece Fire District, which serves the largest service area in Monroe County NY. The project involved surveying paper, electronic and microfilm records; identifying records vital to district operations; identifying related risks and vulnerabilities; assessing current disaster recovery practices in place;...


Thinking Beyond Boundaries: Opportunities to Use Regional and Local Strategies to Strengthen Public Education in the Broome-Tioga Region

CGR conducted a major study for the 15 school districts in NY’s Broome-Tioga BOCES (Board of Cooperative Educational Services) that evaluated opportunities for reducing costs and improving services by sharing services, consolidating districts or merging. The study, completed in 2004, identified a large number of opportunities for the...


Building a More Cohesive and Effective Human Service System in Dutchess County: Recommendations to the County Executive

Engaged by Dutchess County, CGR developed an integrated and cost-efficient strategy for health and human services both within and across county departments.


Pathways to Better Police-Community Relations in Rochester

CGR conducted a detailed analysis of police-community relations in Rochester. Among its various aspects, the study has focused on relationships of the police department with the courts and District Attorney’s office. One component of the study was an analysis of the impact of Drug Court as it relates...


Records Disaster Planning and Recovery for the Newark Housing Authority

CGR studied ways to improve the records management program of the Newark Housing Authority. The report recommended that the authority replace an agency safe, buy additional fireproof cabinets, move records now on media to another location, begin a microfilm program for permanent records, and change a range of office practices...


Thinking Beyond Municipal Boundaries - Cost Reduction Opportunities

CGR provided an array of examples of how to use economies of scale to reduce costs in the Buffalo region. Using information from the New York State's Comptroller's office, CGR found that the greater community could reduce annual costs by $8.2 million to $9.9 million by acting as...


Transforming Medicaid: Options for New York, Making Medicaid more Effective and Efficient

In the mid-1990’s, New York State faced a Medicaid crisis and the new governor at the time, George Pataki, created the Comprehensive Medicaid Task Force, to study Medicaid and make cost-containment recommendations. At the same time, CGR and the New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC) studied the underlying...


Reorganizing the Rochester Police Department: An Analysis of the Rochester, NY Police Department Patrol Division

Since the 1970's, the Rochester New York Police Department had been working under an organizational structure of seven patrol sections. Changing crime trends and the need to build a more responsive and effective police department prompted the department to look at reorganizing. As recommended by CGR, the department will be...


Cooperate, Collaborate, Consolidate: Options for Local Government in Monroe County

In the spring of 2003, CGR assisted the Council of Local Governments and a group of local business leaders identify opportunities for reducing local government costs through increased inter-governmental cooperation. As part of this work, CGR developed an analytic framework for identifying areas of common revenues and expense and...


Survey of Community Opinions - Town of Mendon Comprehensive Plan Update

CGR developed and administered the first Internet-based survey in Mendon's history, gauging residents' opinions on issues for the Town's comprehensive planning process. The survey revised one last completed by the Town in 1991, and supplements the ongoing review of Mendon's land use development plan. CGR facilitated meetings of...


Assessing the Impact of Merging the Police Departments of the Village of Angola and Town of Evans: Service and Cost Implications

CGR conducted a study in 2003 to evaluate whether or not it would be beneficial to merge the village and town police departments. The study concluded that annual savings of $140,000 per year could be achieved, depending on the final service agreement reached between the village and the town. The...


Changes in Total Spending and Spending on Children - 2001-2003 Monroe County Budgets - November 2002

The Children’s Agenda, a nonpartisan, independent research and education group, asked CGR to provide an analysis of the 2003 Monroe County proposed budget, and the 2002 and 2001 amended budgets in terms of components that directly or indirectly (but significantly) affect children.  The Children’s Agenda was interested in a detailed...


Blue Ribbon Commission on Monroe County Finances - Report to the Monroe County Legislature - November 2002

CGR provided staff support to the Monroe County Blue Ribbon Commission on county finances.


Self-Reported Anticipated Impacts of Proposed 2002 and 2003 Monroe County Budget Cuts - Rochester Human Service Organizations - August 2002

The United Way funds programs across nearly 80 human services agencies in Monroe County, and is concerned about the impact of proposed Monroe County budget cuts on these agencies and their clients.  CGR was asked to conduct a survey of the agencies in conjunction with the United Way, in order...


Broome County Visioning Project for Children and Adolescents - An Assessment of What Exists and Service Gaps - July 2002

CGR coordinated a year-long research and community-based planning process which resulted in 2002 in a detailed action plan to expand and improve mental health and related services to children and adolescents, and their families, in Broome County. The primary focus of the county and state Office of Mental Health-funded...


Re-Thinking the Niagara County Department of Social Services, Preparing DSS for the Future - August 2001

One of the top priorities identified by the Niagara County Legislature from a county-wide CGR study was the need for an in-depth assessment of the Department of Human Services, and ways in which it needs to rethink its mission, functions and structure in light of welfare reform, changing county demographics,...


Disaster Recovery Review for Key City of Rochester Operations Records - June 2001

In 2001, CGR identified key records at risk for the City of Rochester NY. The study involved an assessment of the top three sites and records series in each department that needed back-up or other recovery plans in the event of an unforeseen disaster. The assessment included both paper and...


Governance Models for Regional Public Health Projects

Depending on the scope and focus of the program, regional public health initiatives require different types of management structures. CGR documented the alternatives and established criteria for selecting one structural model over another.


Rochester Branch Library's Focusing for the Future - Nov. 2000

CGR was contracted by the Rochester Public Library to conduct a study that would help it use its fiscal resources as efficiently as possible and fulfill its mission. CGR developed a methodology and recommended that the RPL develop strategies based on both general and specific roles for the branch...


Results of Survey on Carter Street Recreational Center Expansion (14621 Neighborhood) Sept. 2000

City residents and officials were divided over whether to renovate the Carter St. Recreation Center. CGR was asked to conduct a survey of local residents to determine the level of support for the renovation and planned merger of Genesee Settlement House.


A Review of the Nassau County Department of Social Services Home Care Program

In 1998, Nassau County’s Personal Care Services Program spent nearly $100 million, far above the average for NYS counties whether calculated per recipient or per capita. This is about a third of all non-NYC spending on personal care in the State of New York, even though Nassau County...


Niagara County Workforce 2000:Phase 1 Recommended Opportunities and Next Steps (Niagara County Legislature) March 2000

In what was originally conceptualized as an assessment of government efficiency and workforce needs of Niagara County government, CGR worked with County officials to broaden the scope of the project to a strategic reassessment of the purposes and functions of County government. In a March 2000 report, CGR recommended...


Toward an Improved Payroll Processing/Human Resources System for Cattaraugus County (Cattaraugus County) December 1999

Cattaraugus County engaged CGR to undertake a detailed strategic analysis of the purpose, current operations and future potential of five core infrastructure departments that affect virtually all other departments and functions of County government. The study resulted in specific practical and realistic recommendations for change, most of which have been...


Analyzing Service Delivery Options: Town of Portland and Village of Brocton, NY February 1999

In 1992, the former Rural Services Institute at the State University of New York College at Fredonia began an analysis of municipal services in the Town of Portland and Village of Brocton, New York. Building on this initial project, CGR conducted a study to identify opportunities for delivering services in...


What Should Be Done With County Nursing Facilities in New York State? (County Nursing Facilities of New York, Inc.)

Engaged by the state’s association of nursing homes, CGR studied the unique issues facing county homes and present options for county policy makers and nursing home administrators. This study has helped shape decisions in counties throughout the state.


No Handout, No Bailout - A Plan to Re-Engineer Service Delivery to Buffalo Residents (Buffalo Renaissance Foundation)

Engaged by the Buffalo Renaissance Foundation through the initiative of then City Comptroller Joel Giambra, CGR assessed prospects for Buffalo/Erie County consolidation and developed an innovative municipal service delivery strategy for the City of Buffalo. Involving a radically-different relationship between the city, county and private sectors, CGR demonstrated that...


Specialized Transit Coordination Study - Nassau County

In 1995, Nassau County spent an estimated $30 million providing specialized transportation services. CGR recommended a radical re-structuring of the county's approach to contracting and supervising most specialized transportation services.


City of Troy Strategic Action Plan (Troy Strategy Group)

Part of an effort to avoid bankruptcy for Troy, CGR summarized the highest priority action steps for fiscal stabilization & business climate improvement, including how the city might capitalize on its EDZ and Enterprise Community status.


Barriers to School District Reorganization and Service Sharing in New York State

In an attempt to systematically identify and better understand the barriers or obstacles to school district reorganization in New York, the State Education Department hired CGR to analyze factors that influence school district decisions to consider reorganization; perceived barriers to reorganization and strategies used to overcome them; and the impact...


Two-Tiered Government in Monroe County, New York

Much of the research material included in this report is derived from reports prepared for GRIP by the Center for Governmental Research. The Structural Design section of this report is an edited version of Chapter II of the November 15, 1974 GRIP report. Chapter II of the November, 1974 report...