The Finger Lakes Region Clean Energy Workforce - Current State and Future Prospects

What does the transition to clean energy mean for the Rochester region? CGR was engaged by the local nonprofit Climate Solutions Accelerator to explore how our regional workforce can be optimally prepared for the new jobs and changes to come. Our report included a qualitative engagement with Finger Lakes regional...


Emergency Medical Services in Cheektowaga - Existing Conditions and Options for the Future

CGR was engaged by the Town of Cheektowaga to evaluate its emergency medical services system including its communications department, the eleven fire departments that provide an EMS response and the primary commercial ambulance provider, AMR. The project involved an extensive set of interviews, visiting each operational location and data gathering...


Mobility Metrics - Measuring the Current State and Setting Goals in Rochester, NY

CGR developed a Data Book and online Dashboard for the Rochester-Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative encompassing 36 mobility metrics to track progress and inform decision-making toward increased upward mobility for residents. The Data Book explained RMAPI’s shift from a narrow focus on reducing poverty to a broader purpose to boost upward...