Greater Rochester/Monroe County Community Profile:2000 Update Appendix 1; Data Tables
CGR has provided multi-year assistance to the United Way of Greater Rochester in the development and implementation of a community wide profile for Monroe County. CGR’s work in this area has been supported by the United Way of Greater Rochester, area foundations, the City of Rochester and Monroe County. The first community profile, produced by CGR in 1999, assessed progress on over 100 measures within five broad impact areas. In addition to a discussion of the data for each measure, the profile included a summary of trends, themes, and implications for each impact area. In 2000 and 2001, CGR provided the United Way with updated data tables. This year, CGR is under contract to update the entire community profile. The community profile has been widely distributed and is a valued resource among the human services community for planning and priority setting.
Report Date: Sep 2000
Author(s): Donald Pryor
, Shalini Sarin
Subject(s): Census Data Interpretation
, Community Indicators/Needs Assessment
Location: Monroe, New York