NYS DWI Report - An Exploratory Examination
CGR undertook an objective, exploratory assessment of Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) legislation and Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) regulations and their implementation in New York State. We examined how new regulations issued by the DMV in 2012, which expand the grounds for administrative license suspension and revocation, fit with the...

Oswego County Public Safety and Criminal Justice System - Evaluation of Existing Conditions and Recommendations for Change
CGR (Center for Governmental Research) was hired to conduct an evaluation of the Oswego Public Safety and Criminal Justice system. The project included a review of the civilian and union public safety services of the Oswego County’s Sheriff’s Department, 911, District Attorney’s Office, Assigned Counsel, county, city, and town/village courts,...

Police Oversight in Rochester - An Examination of Outcomes and Other Models
CGR was engaged by the Rochester City Council to analyze data and research best practices for civilian oversight of police to inform the Council’s review of the Rochester Civilian Review Board in light of community demands for stronger oversight of police. The study found that the oversight model used in...

An Assessment of the Future of the Tompkins County Jail
CGR (Center for Governmental Research) was hired by Tompkins County to conduct an assessment of the County jail; alternative-to-incarceration and other criminal justice programs, policies and practices affecting the jail and its inmate population; trends over time in the numbers and characteristics of that population; and future jail population projections...

The Future of the DuPage County Convalescent Center: Options for Consideration
Like many counties across the United States that continue to operate publicly-owned skilled nursing facilities, DuPage County, IL is seeking to preserve the historic mission of its 360-bed Convalescent Center (nursing home) while improving its financial sustainability in a challenging healthcare and long-term care environment. CGR was engaged by the...

Reducing Poverty in Rochester - An International Scan of Options to Consider
CGR was engaged by the United Way of Greater Rochester to research successful approaches to reducing poverty and their potential applicability to the 9-county Rochester region. Nearly 156,000 people live in poverty throughout the Greater Rochester region, with about two-thirds residing in Monroe County and over 40% in the City...

An Assessment of Community Needs in Suffolk County, NY - A Step toward Better Aligning Community Needs, Health and Human Services Safety Net, and Available Resources
In the aftermath of Super Storm Sandy, CGR was engaged by the Health and Welfare Council of Long Island in 2013 to conduct a community needs assessment. The need for such an assessment had emerged in early 2012 and became clear as the members of the Health and Welfare Council...

Feasibility Analysis for the Merger for the Department of Health and the Department of Mental Hygiene in Dutchess County, NY
CGR conducted a feasibility study of merging the Departments of Health and Mental Hygiene within Dutchess County. Our review included a detailed examination of the baseline of current services (operated by both government and non-profit agencies), and an overview of the changing landscape of the healthcare delivery systems. We evaluated...

The Future of County Nursing Homes in New York State
In a study of county-owned nursing homes throughout New York State, CGR found 92% of homes outside NYC lost money in 2010, and without significant changes in how they operate, most have little chance to survive. Historically, counties have considered the homes to be an important part of their missions,...

Options for the Future of Cattaraugus County Nursing Homes
Cattaraugus County is one of only 2 NY counties to own and operate a pair of nursing homes. Due to concerns about current operating costs and uncertainties about future state and federal funding, the county engaged CGR to help weigh options concerning the future operation, management and ownership of the...

Options for the Future of the Chautauqua County Nursing Home
Concerned about the cost of its nursing home, Chautauqua County requested bids for the facility from potential buyers, then decided to simultaneously assess what it could do to operate the home more cost effectively. In early 2012, CGR was engaged to determine the home’s financial viability and assess options for...

Coming Home to Caring Communities: A Blueprint for Serving Veterans and Families
After more than a decade of war in Afghanistan and years of combat in Iraq, thousands of returning service members struggle with injury, post-traumatic stress or other challenging problems. The lives of more than 6,200 families changed forever when they lost family members in these wars. The Rochester NY nonprofit...

Orange County Valley View Nursing Home: Current Reality and Future Options
A team led by CGR assessed options for the future of the 360-bed public nursing home operated by Orange County NY, and recommends the county sell the facility. Although CGR identified ways to reduce costs if the county continues to own the home, we concluded that any potential cost savings...

Nassau County Youth Board Assessment: Implications of Reduced Funding of the Nassau County Youth Board and Options for the Future.
In the midst of a major financial crisis facing Nassau County, the Rauch Foundation engaged CGR to assess the impacts the crisis and resulting proposed cuts would have on the County Youth Board’s ability to support a wide range of community-based youth services. CGR developed a three-phase blueprint to strategically...

Genesee County Nursing Home Assessment and Analysis of Future Options
For Genesee County (NY), CGR explored a spectrum of options for its long-term care operations. CGR recommends the county remain in the nursing home business for the time being, but initiate steps to downsize its 80-bed domiciliary (adult home); look for a partner to provide an assisted living program within...

Community Status Report on Children: Establishing Baseline Measures and Investments for the 2010 Community Action Plan for Greater Rochester's Children
In late 2009, The Children’s Agenda, a nonprofit advocate for Rochester NY children, released its Community Action Plan for Greater Rochester’s Children. After the report’s release, local government and community leaders asked CGR and the Children’s Agenda to provide baseline measures so they could better understand how well the community...

Veterans in Rensselaer County: Understanding Needs and Local Solutions
CGR was engaged to conduct a county-wide needs assessment for veterans in Rensselaer County NY. As the veteran population changes so do their needs, and local communities are increasingly called upon to collaborate with the Veterans Administration (VA) to provide a network of support. CGR combined surveys and...

The Impact of AmeriCorps Builds Lives through Education (ABLE): Getting Things Done for Buffalo
An evaluation of Western NY AmeriCorps’ ABLE program (AmeriCorps Builds Lives through Education) found evidence of a strong community impact on the Buffalo region. CGR’s evaluation, which included surveys, focus groups, interviews, site visits, and data analysis, met requirements of the Corporation for National & Community Service. CGR also provided...

Providing Effective Crisis and Financial Stability Services: a Strategy Paper to Inform the United Way of Greater Rochester’s Blueprint for Change Process
The United Way of Greater Rochester seeks to target community resources more strategically through a well regarded Blueprint for Change process. CGR developed a strategy paper to help the United Way in its efforts to provide more effective crisis and financial stability services in Rochester and Monroe County NY. CGR’s...

Voices Together: A Community Conversation on Veterans' Reintegration in the Syracuse Region
Funding from Harris Beach law firm enabled CGR to conduct a day-long summit in fall 2009 on veteran’s reintegration issues in the Syracuse NY area. CGR's report on local priorities, service gaps and solutions are based on input provided by about 70 participants.

Dutchess County ICA Community Health Survey - Final Report
In 2008, CGR was engaged by the Dutchess County Department of Health to conduct and analyze a survey of residents regarding the health of their communities. CGR surveyed a random sample of 1,000 residents, stratified by regions within the county. The survey focused on issues such as threats to community...

Independent Living in New York State: A Needs Assessment
A network of 35 nonprofit Independent Living Centers operate some 50 sites in NY that serve residents with disabilities. NYS has found these nonprofit organizations save taxpayers millions of dollars annually in avoided institutionalized care costs. In 2008, the centers’ statewide association engaged CGR to conduct a needs assessment. ...

Voices Together: Exploring Priority Needs and Solutions for Change in Veterans Reintegration
To help the Veterans Outreach Center serving the Greater Rochester NY region address veterans’ reintegration issues, CGR brought together 140 stakeholders in specially designed summits. Exposing veterans who had recently served in the military, family members and service providers to different perspectives, and having them work together to...

How Well Are We Doing? A Plan for Evaluation of 2-1-1 Service in New York State
NYS is implementing a regional network of 2-1-1 call centers. Part of a national movement, 2-1-1 will serve as the number to call to access community information and referral services for non-emergency situations. Working collaboratively with regional and state leaders, CGR identified 8 desired outcomes to provide 2-1-1 with...

Assessment of the Dutchess County Department of Mental Hygiene
Dutchess County NY, which frequently turns to CGR to assist with assessments involving its human services delivery system, engaged CGR to review the Department of Mental Hygiene. Over the years, selected in-house services have been contracted out to nonprofits due to county financial constraints and a need to reduce staffing...

Strengthening Criminal Justice System Practices in Chemung County, NY – An Update
Chemung County asked CGR to provide a follow-up to our 2006 report on ways to strengthen criminal justice practices in the county. The update was completed 15 months after release of the original report.

AmeriCorps: Planning for the Future
At the request of the Rochester NY AmeriCorps, CGR identified internal management process improvement opportunities. CGR held focus groups with staff and conducted surveys of program alumni, and found the program is widely viewed as successful. CGR recommended, however, that AmeriCorps staff increase their presence at host sites, better educate...

Seneca County Community Profile 2007: How Well Are We Doing?
A broad-based partnership in Seneca County (NY) – engaged in a strategic planning process designed to set community priorities, determine future resource allocations, and effect needed community change – turned to CGR for assistance. In conjunction with the partnership, CGR developed a county profile that documents demographic trends affecting the...

Access to Subsidized Child Care in Monroe County, NY
Between 2001 and early 2007 the average number of child care slots per month filled by Monroe County (NY) children receiving child care subsidies declined by about 38%, from about 13,575 to 8,400. The decline was fueled primarily by three factors: 1) Monroe County lowered the income eligibility rate from...

County Nursing Facilities in New York State Current Status, Challenges and Opportunities
In 2007 CGR was asked to update a study completed 10 years earlier for the County Nursing Facilities of New York Inc. (CNFNY). The original study resulted in a report, What Should Be Done with County Nursing Facilities in New York State?, which presented factual information about the county facilities...

Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection Evaluation Performance Assessment: 2006 Update and Future Implications
The Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection, established in 1987, works with at-risk students in the Rochester and Syracuse NY public school districts, with the goal of keeping students in school through graduation. Recently, with support from the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, CGR completed its third assessment of the program. In the latest...

An Assessment of the Chemung County, NY, Juvenile Justice System
CGR assessed Chemung County's Criminal & Juvenile Justice system practices and their impact on the jail population, and also programs and initiatives designed to reduce juvenile justice system detentions and out-of-home placements. CGR identified seven key strategies the County can use to reduce the average jail census by at...

Assessing Human Services Needs in Rockland County A Community Survey
CGR worked with the United Way of Rockland County to develop and conduct a survey of county residents to provide an assessment of Rockland County resident needs in the areas of health and human services.

Strengthening Criminal Justice System Practices in Chemung County, NY
CGR assessed Chemung County's Criminal & Juvenile Justice system practices and their impact on the jail population, and also programs and initiatives designed to reduce juvenile justice system detentions and out-of-home placements. CGR identified seven key strategies the County can use to reduce the average jail census by at...

Children in Broome County with Co-Occurring Mental Health and Developmental Disability Conditions Numbers and Service Gaps
Broome County (NY) Children's Mental Health Task Force, comprised of a cross-section of government, non-profit service agency, education and mental health representatives, commissioned CGR to identify the numbers, characteristics and needs of county children and adolescents who have both mental health and developmental disability conditions. In 2005, CGR identified approximately...

Strengthening Alternatives to Incarceration Programs and Criminal Justice System Practices in Steuben County
In a study for Steuben County, CGR identified changes the county can implement that will reduce the jail population by an estimated 30 inmates (or more) per day, saving county taxpayers at least $876,000 annually. At the time of the study, the jail operated at or near capacity, and county...

The Center for Dispute Settlement Child Permanency Mediation Program: A Survey of Stakeholders and Key Program Participants
The Center for Dispute Settlement hired CGR to conduct a survey of stakeholders and participants in its Child Permanency Mediation Program. The survey found most respondents said the program created an environment for meaningful exchange and identified issues amenable to mediation, but fewer said the program was effective in developing...

Feasibility of Creating a Central Business Office in the Schuyler-Chemung-Tioga BOCES Region
CGR recommended the creation of a central business office among the districts within the Schuyler-Chemung-Tioga BOCES district. Centralization would save more than $434,000 a year, or 55 percent of current expenses. It would also expand safeguards protecting against accounting problems, improve management and integrity of fiscal information, and expand access...

Thinking Beyond Boundaries: Opportunities to Use Regional and Local Strategies to Strengthen Public Education in the Broome-Tioga Region
CGR conducted a major study for the 15 school districts in NY’s Broome-Tioga BOCES (Board of Cooperative Educational Services) that evaluated opportunities for reducing costs and improving services by sharing services, consolidating districts or merging. The study, completed in 2004, identified a large number of opportunities for the...

Rochester Safe Start 2004 Community Assessment Children's Exposure to Violence in Rochester & Monroe County, NY
Rochester Safe Start, a federal demonstration project, hired CGR to update a 2000 report on violence affecting young children. CGR found data on crime, police service calls, domestic violence calls to Lifeline, and reports of child abuse and neglect offered a conflicting and unclear picture of the trends in violence...

Pathways to Better Police-Community Relations in Rochester
CGR conducted a detailed analysis of police-community relations in Rochester. Among its various aspects, the study has focused on relationships of the police department with the courts and District Attorney’s office. One component of the study was an analysis of the impact of Drug Court as it relates...

An Assessment of Alternatives for Incarceration Programs for Ontario County, NY: Impact for Future
In 2004, CGR completed an analysis for Ontario County of its alternative to incarceration programs. The evaluation focused on the extent to which the alternative programs were being used, the interrelationships of the alternative programs to each other and with the overall Criminal & Juvenile Justice system, and the...

The Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection: Charting a Course for the Future
CGR evaluated the Work-Scholarship Connection, which was established to help youth at risk of dropping out of school succeed academically. The program provides its students with youth advocates, a range of support services, enrichment workshops and, for some, part-time job opportunities and worksite mentors. The Work-Scholarship Connection currently...

Evaluating Service Learning at RIT: Students Working with Neighbors Building Neighborhoods: A Summary of Evaluation Findings
CGR was engaged by RIT to help design and evaluate the impact of renovations of a portion of the University course curriculum developed to focus more on hands-on learning for students in a community-based “learn and serve” environment.

Cost Trends In Selected Consumer Goods and Necessities-Rochester, NY 2003 Update - June 2003
CGR looked at consumer expenditures for selected energy sources as a proportion of total annual income in eight comparison states.

Rochester and Monroe County Community Profile: How Well Are We Doing?
CGR provided multi-year assistance to the United Way of Greater Rochester in the development and implementation of a community-wide profile for Monroe County (NY). CGR’s work in this area was supported by the local United Way, area foundations, the City of Rochester and Monroe County. The first community profile,...

Parental Workforce Participation and Childcare for Children Under Six in Monroe County - Formal and Informal Care, Subsidized and Unsubsidized Children - April 2003
The Rochester/Monroe County Workforce Investment Board (WIB) and its Welfare to Work subcommittee engaged CGR to conduct a study of child care in Monroe County. This study provides a “snapshot” of child care in Monroe County in terms of workforce participation. While CGR and the Welfare to Work committee believe...

RIT Climate Study - Perceptions of Faculty, Students and Staff - April 2003
In its continuing efforts to improve all aspects of campus life, RIT is striving to become a more racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse university. As part of that process, RIT engaged CGR to conduct an objective baseline assessment of how faculty, staff, and students perceive the current campus environment....

Self-Reported Anticipated Impacts of Proposed 2002 and 2003 Monroe County Budget Cuts - Rochester Human Service Organizations - August 2002
The United Way funds programs across nearly 80 human services agencies in Monroe County, and is concerned about the impact of proposed Monroe County budget cuts on these agencies and their clients. CGR was asked to conduct a survey of the agencies in conjunction with the United Way, in order...

Broome County Visioning Project for Children and Adolescents - An Assessment of What Exists and Service Gaps - July 2002
CGR coordinated a year-long research and community-based planning process which resulted in 2002 in a detailed action plan to expand and improve mental health and related services to children and adolescents, and their families, in Broome County. The primary focus of the county and state Office of Mental Health-funded...

An Evaluation of Family Focus Even Start: Year Three (2001-2002) Livingston County - June 2002
This was a three year evaluation of the Livingston County Even Start program. The evaluation involved surveys and interviews with staff, enrolled families and partner agencies, a focus group with the advisory board, and evaluation of performance indicators. Additional information on the program operations and the process evaluation is...

After-School Inventory - Results of Monroe County After-School Provider Survey - June 2002
The Greater Rochester After-School Alliance commissioned CGR to conduct the first comprehensive survey of after-school providers throughout Monroe County. The survey focused on understanding the organizational climate of these programs, location, characteristics of those served, staffing issues, activities provided, and impact on children served. Completed responses were obtained...

A Needs Assessment of Access to the Poison and Drug Information Center - The Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, and Migrant Worker Populations - June 2002
CGR assisted the Finger Lakes Regional Poison and Drug Information Center in improving its services to the deaf and hard of hearing. By conducting a multi-county needs assessment through the use of focus groups and expert interviews, CGR was able to provide broad focus areas as well as a specialized...

Coordinated Children's Services Initiative (CCSI) in New York State: Implementation Status & Future Directions
CGR completed the first comprehensive assessment of this statewide interagency approach that enhances county efforts to create integrated systems of care, and support services designed to help children at risk of residential placement remain in their homes. CCSI promotes a set of core principles at state and local levels...

Behavior Issues in Early Childhood Programs in Monroe County - October 2001
CGR completed a comprehensive analysis of the extent to which childcare providers were being asked to serve children with severe behavioral problems. Prepared for the Children & Youth Services Intervention Council of Monroe County (NY) and the Children & Youth Services Development Initiative, the study concluded that childcare providers...

Re-Thinking the Niagara County Department of Social Services, Preparing DSS for the Future - August 2001
One of the top priorities identified by the Niagara County Legislature from a county-wide CGR study was the need for an in-depth assessment of the Department of Human Services, and ways in which it needs to rethink its mission, functions and structure in light of welfare reform, changing county demographics,...

An Evaluation of Broome County's Community Reinvestment Programs- August 2001
CGR evaluated the progress of the Community Reinvestment initiative from the mid nineteen nineties to 2000. Research showed that the State appropriations had a positive impact on Broome County by funding and creating services that effectively assisted the mentally ill, and eliminating many unnecessary medical costs.

Livingston County Family Focus Even Start: Year Two Evaluation - July 2001
This was a three year evaluation of the Livingston County Even Start program. The evaluation involved surveys and interviews with staff, enrolled families and partner agencies, a focus group with the advisory board, and evaluation of performance indicators. Additional information on the program operations and the process evaluation is...

Workplace Satisfaction and Staff Morale Survey, Greece Central School District - June 2001
The Greece Teachers Association needed an external group to conduct a survey of GTA members to determine their level of satisfaction with their jobs and the District Administration.

A Profile of Selected Community Outcome Measures for the Monroe County Hispanic Population - January 2000
In 2001 the United Way conducted an Hispanic Community Assessment: Assets and Opportunities. As part of the project, CGR was asked to analyze selected Census trend data for Monroe County’s Hispanic/Latino population. Characteristics of the Hispanic population living in Monroe County were analyzed using decennial Census data for the years...

Profile of Community-Wide Outcomes in Albany, Rensselaer and Saratoga Counties
The United Way of Northeastern New York, serving Albany, Rensselaer, and Saratoga Counties, engaged CGR to conduct an area wide needs assessment to track how well the region and its individual counties were doing in addressing community needs. In 2001, CGR developed and produced the first baseline community-wide profile...

Profile of the Hispanic/Latino Population in Monroe County 1970-1990; October 2000
As part of its Community Assessment: Assets and Opportunities project, the United Way engaged CGR to analyze selected Census trend data for Monroe County’s Hispanic/Latino population. Using census data from 1970 to 1990 as well as selected Census 2000 data, CGR was able to create a comprehensive list of statistics...

Results of Survey on Carter Street Recreational Center Expansion (14621 Neighborhood) Sept. 2000
City residents and officials were divided over whether to renovate the Carter St. Recreation Center. CGR was asked to conduct a survey of local residents to determine the level of support for the renovation and planned merger of Genesee Settlement House.

Greater Rochester/Monroe County Community Profile:2000 Update Appendix 1; Data Tables
CGR has provided multi-year assistance to the United Way of Greater Rochester in the development and implementation of a community wide profile for Monroe County. CGR’s work in this area has been supported by the United Way of Greater Rochester, area foundations, the City of Rochester and Monroe County....

Greater Rochester/Monroe County Community Profile:2000 Update Appendix 1; Data Tables
CGR has provided multi-year assistance to the United Way of Greater Rochester in the development and implementation of a community wide profile for Monroe County. CGR’s work in this area has been supported by the United Way of Greater Rochester, area foundations, the City of Rochester and Monroe County....

A Comprehensive Framework for Youth Violence Prevention: Some Promising Initiatives (City of Rochester) June 2000
CGR was hired by the City of Rochester to conduct a nationwide literature search on anti-violence programs and assist the City in selecting one that would have the greatest potential to work locally. This report contains nine models that have been tested and found effective in other communities as...

Livingston County Family Focus Even Start: Year One Evaluation (Livingston Family Focus Even Start) - June 2000
This was a three year evaluation of the Livingston County Even Start program. The evaluation involved surveys and interviews with staff, enrolled families and partner agencies, a focus group with the advisory board, and evaluation of performance indicators. Additional information on the program operations and the process evaluation is...

Return on Investment, Options for Agency Change- June 2000
With the implementation of the Return on Investment Project, CGR analyzed the initial phases to note its pros and cons. We identified a menu of options established or proposed within several non-profit agencies and the amount of use the ROI was being used in local agencies. CGR did not make...

Niagara County Workforce 2000:Phase 1 Recommended Opportunities and Next Steps (Niagara County Legislature) March 2000
In what was originally conceptualized as an assessment of government efficiency and workforce needs of Niagara County government, CGR worked with County officials to broaden the scope of the project to a strategic reassessment of the purposes and functions of County government. In a March 2000 report, CGR recommended...

A Report Card for Workforce Development Performance Accountability in Rochester/Monroe County (Monroe Community College, Rochester/ Monroe County Workforce Development Steering Committee) February 2000
The Workforce Investment Act, which changed the delivery of workforce development services in the U.S., requires more integrated and streamlined delivery of services through One Stop Career Centers. CGR was asked to assist the Rochester/Monroe County NY Workforce Development Steering Committee in developing a performance accountability design for the area’s...

Orleans County Preliminary Directions For Community Planning and Youth Asset Development: Inventory for Services, Community Perceptions, Issues and Data (Genesee/Orleans Integrated County Planning for Children, Youth and Families)
Working in conjunction with the Genesee/Orleans Youth Bureau and with the Genesee and Orleans County Departments of Human Services, CGR coordinated their joint integrated planning project, and helped develop a comprehensive vision of the strengths, resources and services Genesee and Orleans County already had in place and those that needed...

Looking to the 21st Century: Improving the Return on Investment in Rochester's Human Services Delivery System (Human Services Return on Investment Leadership Team)
The goal of the Return on Investment (ROI) Project is to improve the community’s return on its investment in its people and human service systems. It aims to enhance human services outcomes of its citizens by shifting as many of our resources as possible from any inefficient administrative and overhead...

What Should Be Done With County Nursing Facilities in New York State? (County Nursing Facilities of New York, Inc.)
Engaged by the state’s association of nursing homes, CGR studied the unique issues facing county homes and present options for county policy makers and nursing home administrators. This study has helped shape decisions in counties throughout the state.

Independent Living for Seniors: A 3-year Assessment of Perceptions and Impact of Program
Independent Living for Seniors was started in 1990 to provide a cost-effective, community-based alternative to nursing home care for frail elderly residents of northeastern Monroe County. CGR conducted an evaluation of the program’s initial 3 years, and this report is the final component of the evaluation.

Barriers to School District Reorganization and Service Sharing in New York State
In an attempt to systematically identify and better understand the barriers or obstacles to school district reorganization in New York, the State Education Department hired CGR to analyze factors that influence school district decisions to consider reorganization; perceived barriers to reorganization and strategies used to overcome them; and the impact...