The Finger Lakes Region Clean Energy Workforce - Current State and Future Prospects

What does the transition to clean energy mean for the Rochester region? CGR was engaged by the local nonprofit Climate Solutions Accelerator to explore how our regional workforce can be optimally prepared for the new jobs and changes to come. Our report included a qualitative engagement with Finger Lakes regional...


Open Primary/Final Five Voting in NYS - Assessing Impacts on State and Local Elections

CGR studied the potential impact of a “Final Five” voting system in New York State, at the request of the League of Women Voters of the Rochester Metro Area. Final Five vote combines open primaries with ranked-choice voting of up to five candidates per race in the general election. Advocates of...


Needs Assessment of People Who Use Drugs in Rochester & Surrounding Region - Exploring Perspectives and Data to Inform Service Decisions

Trillium Health engaged CGR to understand the needs and perspectives of people who use drugs to inform strategic planning and future programming. Trillium provides medical care and operates a harm reduction program providing walk-in HIV, Hepatitis C and sexually transmitted infection testing, safe supplies such as needles and NARCAN, and...


Mobility Metrics - Measuring the Current State and Setting Goals in Rochester, NY

CGR developed a Data Book and online Dashboard for the Rochester-Monroe Anti-Poverty Initiative encompassing 36 mobility metrics to track progress and inform decision-making toward increased upward mobility for residents. The Data Book explained RMAPI’s shift from a narrow focus on reducing poverty to a broader purpose to boost upward...


Building a Coordinated, Equitable Out of School Time System - Ensuring Opportunities for Rochester's Youth

How to increase equity within and accessibility of out-of-school time (OST) programs for youth was the focus of a 2-year project that CGR, in partnership with RAND Corp., conducted for the Greater Rochester Afterschool & Summer Alliance (GRASA). The project included a local and national scan of OST systems, and a...


University of Rochester & Affiliates - New York State Economic Impact 2019

The University of Rochester (UR) engaged CGR to assess the economic and fiscal impact of the University and its affiliates on the State of New York during 2019. This report is the eighth in a series of reports exploring the impact of the University since 2006. Total employment—both direct and...


Analysis of Emergency Medical Services in Irondequoit - Overview of Existing Conditions and Options for the Future

The Town of Irondequoit engaged CGR to analyze its existing emergency medical services (EMS) system and consider options for the future. Traditionally, five fire districts, an independent non-profit ambulance service and a commercial ambulance service have worked to provide the service to the 50,000 residents of Irondequoit. Because of recent...


Town of Irondequoit Fire Districts - An Analysis of Existing Conditions and Options for the Future

CGR was engaged by the five fire districts of the Town of Irondequoit (Laurelton, Point Pleasant, Ridge Culver, Sea Breeze and St. Paul Boulevard) to conduct a comprehensive study to evaluate their operations and identify options for improvement. CGR conducted interviews with an array of members of each department and...


No Time for Excuses: It's Time for Action - Report of the Commission on Racial and Structural Equity (RASE)

CGR supported the work of the Racial and Structural Equity Commission of Rochester and Monroe County, a 24-member body appointed by Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren and County Executive Adam Bello to inventory and assess local laws and policies to recommend ways to eliminate institutional and structural biases, racism and inequities....


Remote Worker Programs - Comparative Evaluation

Remote work has increased rapidly in recent years, largely in response to improvement in internet communications and a mindset shift from employers. This trend has been magnified by the COVID-19 pandemic, which forced workers and companies to quickly adopt new sets of remote practices. In response to this shift, remote...


Public Funding for Charter Schools - An Analysis for Rochester

CGR was engaged by Geoffrey Rosenberger to analyze public funding for charter schools in hopes of comparing total levels with funding for traditional public schools. We interviewed school officials and reviewed documents from one new Rochester charter school (the Academy for Health Sciences, which opened this academic year) and a...


Boosting Hispanic/Latino Entrepreneurship and Economic Mobility - Data to Support Request for Funding

CGR was engaged by the Ibero-American Action League to compile and analyze data to support the organization’s application for funding to support entrepreneurship and workforce development for the Hispanic/Latino population in four Upstate New York cities: Rochester, Buffalo, Albany and Amsterdam. Our team gathered data from the U.S. Census Bureau,...


Community Racial Equity Initiatives - A Literature Review

The ESL Charitable Foundation commissioned CGR to conduct a literature scan of community-based racial justice and equity initiatives to better understand the types of initiatives that communities are engaged with nationally, the traits and best practices associated with these initiatives, and how is success defined and measured. To accomplish this,...


Step to College Evaluation Plan: A Multidimensional Approach

CGR completed an evaluation plan for East High School’s Step to College Program, an initiative to increase college preparation, matriculation and graduation of students. The evaluation plan included a revised theory of change and logic model, evaluation questions, measurement framework, and evaluation approaches and methods. The evaluation plan will...


The Difference a Diploma Makes - Impact Assessment for an Excel Center High School in Monroe County

CGR was engaged by Goodwill of the Finger Lakes to assess the potential benefits of a tuition-free high school and career acceleration center that would serve adults who dropped out and now wish to complete their education. Specifically, Goodwill is proposing a demonstration project for an Excel Center, a model...


Profile of the Hispanic/Latino Community in Monroe County - A Demographic and Socioeconomic Analysis of Trends

CGR was engaged by the Ibero American Action League and La Cumbre to develop this Profile of the Hispanic and Latino community in Monroe County. This report updates previous reports from 2000, 2003 and 2012 and is aimed at providing both big-picture and granular information about Hispanic and Latino residents...


University of Rochester & Affiliates - 2017 NYS Economic Impact

The University of Rochester (UR), employs nearly 31,000 people, is the largest private employer in Upstate New York and NY's 5th largest private employer. Looking at the University’s entire economic footprint, CGR estimates that the direct and spillover impact of the University’s employee wages and spending, purchases, capital investments, and...


Transportation and Poverty in Monroe County - How Land Use, Job Locations and Commuting Options Affect Access to Jobs

CGR was engaged by Reconnect Rochester to explore the relationship between residence patterns, employment, transportation, and poverty in Rochester and Monroe County. CGR analyzed settlement, demographic, transportation and employment data to explore how changing patterns of residential settlement, locations of jobs and transportation options have collectively affected the ability of...


Police Oversight in Rochester - An Examination of Outcomes and Other Models

CGR was engaged by the Rochester City Council to analyze data and research best practices for civilian oversight of police to inform the Council’s review of the Rochester Civilian Review Board in light of community demands for stronger oversight of police. The study found that the oversight model used in...


University of Rochester & Affiliates: 2015 NYS Economic Impact

The University of Rochester (UR), which employs nearly 29,000 people, is NY's 6th largest private employer. Looking at the University’s entire economic footprint, CGR estimates that the direct and spillover impact of the University’s employee wages and spending, purchases, capital investments, and visitor and student spending, is responsible for about...


Going Mobile to Increase the Reach of Summer Meals: A Feasibility Study for the Rochester Community

CGR was engaged by Rochester Area Community Foundation to conduct a feasibility study of a mobile summer meals program for the City of Rochester. To complete this study, CGR researched existing programs elsewhere in New York and the rest of the nation, analyzed the reach of Rochester’s current summer meals...


Region I Voluntary Providers to the Developmentally Disabled: Economic and Fiscal Impact

Engaged by the Developmental Disability Alliance of Western New York (DDAWNY), CGR estimates that nearly 30,000 workers, receiving compensation exceeding $700 million, are employed by Western NY agencies servicing persons with disabilities. Spillover impacts push the estimated total to nearly 39,000 jobs and $1.2 billion in payroll. The proposed minimum...


School #17 Strategic Plan - Developing an Implementation Plan for a Community School

Receivership and Community Schools: In summer 2015, a new New York State Education Law was enacted pertaining to School Receivership to give greater autonomy and resources to chronically underperforming schools. CGR was engaged by the Farash Foundation to help a pre-K through 8th grade school in Rochester, NY...


North East Joint Fire District Evaluation of Operations: Review of Current Operations and Recommendations for Change

In 2015, officials for the Northeast Joint Fire District in Webster and Penfield, NY contracted with CGR to conduct an analysis of their district and two associated fire departments regarding the quality of operations, fiscal planning and opportunities for efficiency. As a result of the study, the board of fire...


City of Rochester's Recreation Services - A Roadmap Forward

The City engaged CGR to facilitate a strategic planning process for the Bureau of Recreational Services. CGR worked with bureau and department staff to articulate community expectations for Recreation Services in the city, through community surveys, focus groups and stakeholder interviews. We fed this information back to the department and...


Reducing Poverty in Rochester - An International Scan of Options to Consider

CGR was engaged by the United Way of Greater Rochester to research successful approaches to reducing poverty and their potential applicability to the 9-county Rochester region. Nearly 156,000 people live in poverty throughout the Greater Rochester region, with about two-thirds residing in Monroe County and over 40% in the City...


Child Care Subsidies in Monroe County - An Analysis of Need, Availability and Trends

The availability of child care subsidies in Monroe County has declined over the past 7 years and meets about one-fifth of the potential need, but Monroe outpaces similar counties in providing this support to low-income working families, a new CGR study reports. CGR and the League of Women Voters of...


The University of Rochester Economic Impact

As the 8th largest private employer in New York State, the University of Rochester (UR) is not only the largest regional employer, but the catalyst for over 50,000 jobs overall. In the two years since our previous study, it has continued to expand its influence by establishing affiliations with...


Rochester Area Skill Needs Assessment and Business Climate Survey - May, 2014

Monroe Community College engaged CGR to support a survey of the workforce skill needs of the business firms in the Rochester metro area. In addition to training needs, the survey also explored business climate questions and the extent of the “skills gap”—i.e. the number of positions that remain unfilled due...


Gates Chili Schools - Redistricting Elementary Attendance Zones

Gates-Chili School District in suburban Rochester confronted a problem that recurs among most school districts: The attendance boundaries for its 4 school buildings no longer matched the capacities of the individual schools. CGR was engaged to advise the district on the boundaries, measure the impact on the demographics of the...


Rochester Area Skill Needs Assessment and Business Climate Survey

Monroe Community College engaged CGR to support a survey of the workforce skill needs of the business firms in the Rochester metro area. In addition to training needs, the survey also explored business climate questions and the extent of the “skills gap”—i.e. the number of positions that remain unfilled due...


Rochester's Department of Recreation and Youth Services - Maximizing the City's Supports for Children and Youth

CGR was engaged by the City of Rochester to provide an inventory and resource analysis of its Department of Recreation and Youth Service (DRYS), compile information on similar programs and services offered by local nonprofits and governments, and benchmark the department’s operations to other cities. CGR found that, compared to...


The Context for Assessing the Role of Charter Schools

The Farash Foundation, considering providing support for charter schools in the Rochester NY region, asked CGR for a brief background overview. CGR’s report summarizes the arguments supporting and opposing charter schools; recounts the history of charter school development in the nation, NYS, and Rochester; and cites recent studies of charter...


Rochester's Communities and their Public Libraries - 2012 and Beyond

To provide the foundation for the Rochester NY Public Library’s strategic planning process for 10 community branches, CGR documented how patrons use each branch. Key findings included: a) branches fill different roles in different locations and need flexibility to be responsive, b) since 1999 circulation was down but door count,...


What Makes the Horseshoe Golden? Why Greater Toronto Outperforms Central & Western NYS

Separate by water and an international border, Canada’s Golden Horseshoe region has been growing steadily for decades while Upstate New York languishes. What explains this stark difference in economic outcomes? Although many less measurable factors are surely at play here, the Golden Horseshoe’s formula combines an attractive immigration...


City of Rochester Summer Meals Needs Assessment: Informing a Community-Wide Strategy to Close the Summer Meals Gap

CGR was engaged by the Rochester Area Community Foundation to assess the Summer Meals program providing free meals to eligible Rochester youth at sites throughout the city. Our analysis found that less than a quarter of children who would benefit from the program are currently being served, leaving a gap...


What Supports 3rd Grade Reading in Rochester?

To support the launch in Rochester NY of a “cradle to career” initiative called ROC the Future, CGR documented the community supports that contribute to children reading on grade level by Grade 3, which the initiative targets as a critical indicator of children’s success in life. With funding from...


Summer Youth Employment in the City of Rochester: A Review and Benchmarking of the Summer of Opportunity Program

Rochester NY engaged CGR to review its Summer of Opportunity (youth jobs) Program. Key issues explored included overall cost, administrative expenses, how impact is measured, and whether the city should continue its own program. CGR identified benchmark programs in New York City, Buffalo, Hartford, and Oneida County NY, and made...


Potential Opportunities and Actions for ROC the Future As heard by CGR and The Children's Agenda

To support the launch in Rochester NY of a “cradle to career” initiative called ROC the Future, CGR documented the community supports that contribute to children reading on grade level by Grade 3, which the initiative targets as a critical indicator of children’s success in life. With funding from...


Profile of the Hispanic/Latino Community in Monroe County: How are we doing?

Monroe County’s Hispanic/Latino community has grown 30% in the past decade, and more Hispanic youth are graduating from high school though relatively few go on to college. A CGR report documents the growth, strengths and challenges facing the Hispanic/Latino community with data and analysis of more than 20 Census indicators.


Economic Impact of the University of Rochester: Measuring the Regional Stimulus Provided by New York State's Seventh Largest Private Employer

The University of Rochester (UR), which employs more than 23,000 people, is NY's 7th largest private employer. In 2011, UR continued to expand, adding infrastructure and driving research-related dollars to the Rochester region even as the local, state and national economies struggled to regain their footing. CGR...


Coming Home to Caring Communities: A Blueprint for Serving Veterans and Families

After more than a decade of war in Afghanistan and years of combat in Iraq, thousands of returning service members struggle with injury, post-traumatic stress or other challenging problems. The lives of more than 6,200 families changed forever when they lost family members in these wars. The Rochester NY nonprofit...


Hamlin, Morton, Walker Fire District Consolidation Study - Baseline Review and Analysis of Options

CGR completed a consolidation study for the Fire Districts of Hamlin, Morton and Walker. The districts are located primarily in the northwest quadrant of Monroe County NY, largely covering the Town of Hamlin. The districts jointly agreed to study the operational and tax impacts associated with consolidation to address the...


RCSD New Schools Evaluation: Year One

CGR completed an implementation evaluation of five secondary schools opened in the Rochester NY City School District in 2010-11. CGR found the schools have successfully established generally positive environments where students feel cared about and teachers are proud to work. Some academic outcomes are higher that the district as a...


Local Development Corporations (LDC): Risks and Benefits - Case Studies in the Rochester Area

CGR, with funding from the Beatrice Bibby Fund at CGR in cooperation with the League of Women Voters of Metropolitan Rochester (NY), set out to identify the number, type and characteristics of local development corporations in the Rochester area. These quasi-government entities are not subject to the same public oversight...


Rochester Housing Authority Strategic Plan 2010-2015

The Rochester Housing Authority (RHA) provides public housing, Section 8 and/or other housing-related services for more than 22,000 low income or disabled residents in the 5-county Rochester NY region. CGR provided consultant and facilitation services to assist the agency as it developed its first comprehensive strategic plan. The engagement...


Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection Graduation Years 2007-2009

CGR conducted a study of the Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection program for participants graduating in 2007, 2008 and 2009. Inquiries about CGR’s report should be directed to Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection at (585) 654-1600.


Village of Brockport NY Dissolution Vote

On June 15, 2010, voters in the Village of Brockport rejected dissolving the village by a vote of 959-662. Brockport was the first village to hold a dissolution vote under a new NYS law that became effective in spring 2010. Unlike previous referendums on dissolving a village in the state,...


Economic Impact of University of Rochester and its Affiliates

An analysis of the University of Rochester and its affiliates (UR) shows the economic impact on the 5-county Rochester NY region is substantial, and today UR is not only the #1 regional employer but also NY's #6 employer. Other key findings for 2009: wages paid totaled nearly $1.25 billion, and...


Community Status Report on Children: Establishing Baseline Measures and Investments for the 2010 Community Action Plan for Greater Rochester's Children

In late 2009, The Children’s Agenda, a nonprofit advocate for Rochester NY children, released its Community Action Plan for Greater Rochester’s Children. After the report’s release, local government and community leaders asked CGR and the Children’s Agenda to provide baseline measures so they could better understand how well the community...


An Evaluation of the Greater Rochester Health Foundation's Community Mini-Grants Initiative

The Greater Rochester (NY) Health Foundation has a 10-year plan to combat childhood obesity and its Mini-Grant Initiative is part of this plan. Under the iniitiative, 129 community organizations (e.g., daycare centers, faith-based groups, schools and neighborhood programs) were awarded funding to increase physical activity and improve nutrition...


An Evaluation and Enhancement Plan for the City of Rochester's Special Needs Housing Program: Emergency Shelter Grant and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS

The City of Rochester NY seeks to target $1 million in special needs housing funds more strategically to best align with its Housing Policy and revitalization goals. CGR outlines a funding allocation model identifying priority funding categories and selection criteria. Our report also includes results from a community-wide survey of...


Providing Effective Crisis and Financial Stability Services: a Strategy Paper to Inform the United Way of Greater Rochester’s Blueprint for Change Process

The United Way of Greater Rochester seeks to target community resources more strategically through a well regarded Blueprint for Change process. CGR developed a strategy paper to help the United Way in its efforts to provide more effective crisis and financial stability services in Rochester and Monroe County NY. CGR’s...


Public vs. Private Sector Employee Benefits: A Summary Analysis of School and Local Government Union Contracts in Monroe County

CGR provides an analysis of employee health costs, paid time off and other fringe benefits for local government and school employees in Monroe County NY. We find taxpayers are funding health and paid time off benefits that typically exceed national averages. In some cases, the disparities are significant....


ACT Rochester

A joint venture of the Rochester Area Community Foundation and United Way of Greater Rochester NY, this web-based ACT Community Profile encompasses 10 topics and more than 130 indicators measuring the community’s status in areas ranging from prenatal care for developing babies to affordable housing to the change...


An Evaluation of the City of Rochester's Lead Law: 2006-2008

Rochester NY is the first U.S. city to have a housing inspection law that incorporates both visual inspections and dust wipes for rental units located in areas at high risk for lead paint problems. CGR conducted a 2-year study, funded by the Greater Rochester Health Foundation, of the impact of...


Voices Together: Exploring Priority Needs and Solutions for Change in Veterans Reintegration

To help the Veterans Outreach Center serving the Greater Rochester NY region address veterans’ reintegration issues, CGR brought together 140 stakeholders in specially designed summits. Exposing veterans who had recently served in the military, family members and service providers to different perspectives, and having them work together to...


Economic Impact of the University of Rochester Medical Center's Strategic Plan

CGR estimates the economic and fiscal impact of the new 5-year strategic plan of the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC) on the economy of the Rochester NY region. We estimate URMC’s $300 million in planned construction projects will generate almost $270 million in construction-related wages involving 7,000 local jobs...


AmeriCorps: Planning for the Future

At the request of the Rochester NY AmeriCorps, CGR identified internal management process improvement opportunities. CGR held focus groups with staff and conducted surveys of program alumni, and found the program is widely viewed as successful. CGR recommended, however, that AmeriCorps staff increase their presence at host sites, better educate...


An Evaluation of the City of Rochester’s Lead Law: Year One Report

Rochester NY is the first U.S. city to have a housing inspection law that incorporates both visual inspections and dust wipes for rental units located in areas at high risk for lead paint problems. CGR conducted a 2-year study, funded by the Greater Rochester Health Foundation, of the impact of...


Childhood Overweight Obesity Monroe County Elementary School Readiness

The Greater Rochester Health Foundation, formed in 2006, has identified elementary schools as key to addressing childhood overweight and obesity issues, and is seeking to promote strategies involving increased physical activity and improved nutrition. The foundation turned to CGR to conduct a multi-faceted survey of practices, policies and attitudes in...


Access to Subsidized Child Care in Monroe County, NY

Between 2001 and early 2007 the average number of child care slots per month filled by Monroe County (NY) children receiving child care subsidies declined by about 38%, from about 13,575 to 8,400. The decline was fueled primarily by three factors: 1) Monroe County lowered the income eligibility rate from...


Growing the Economy in the Greater Rochester Region; Drawing on the Competencies of the Finger Lakes

Finger Lakes Wired, one of the first 13 federally designated “Wired” regions in the country funded by the U.S. Department of Labor to support economic development and transform regional economies, engaged CGR to identify key competencies in its 9-county region and recommend strategies to capitalize on them.


Worksite Wellness in Rochester, NY: Part I - Best Practices and Lessons Learned & Part II - Survey Results

CGR was engaged by the Rochester Business Alliance to complete a two-part study on worksite wellness issues. Part I included a summary of worksite wellness metrics and best practices based on findings in the literature, identified examples of worksite wellness initiatives nationwide, and described important resources available to employers of...


Rochester Housing Authority Tenant Profile Numbers and Trends for the Years 1999 & 2007

The Rochester Housing Authority asked CGR to develop the agency's first ever "tenant profile," so that the agency has a comprehensive understanding of the Public Housing and Section 8 tenants it serves. The profile covers the year 1999 (and related census data) and shows how the profile changed by early...


Economic Impact of CIMS Sustainability Institute

A new Sustainability Institute focused on sustainable design and manufacturing, fuel cell research, and renewable energy research has been proposed for Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). The institute would be part of RIT’s Center for Integrated Manufacturing Systems (CIMS). CGR explored the potential impact of the new institute on the...


Profile of Seniors in the Six-County Greater Rochester Region: Demographic Analysis

The Rochester Area Community Foundation (RACF) assessed civic engagement opportunities and constraints for older citizens in the six-county Rochester region. As part of this project, RACF contracted with CGR to develop a demographic profile of the region's 60+ seniors, and provide some targeted data on the next younger age group.


Program Impact Evaluations for the City of Rochester: Mortgage Default Resolution, Landlord-Tenant, and Fair Housing Electronic Resource Services

For the Department of Community Development (DCD), we evaluated four programs that provide mortgage default resolution services, landlord and tenant services, and a fair housing electronic resource center. Services in these areas have been provided for years by four nonprofit agencies in Rochester (Human Services Council, Legal Aid Society, Monroe...


Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection Evaluation Performance Assessment: 2006 Update and Future Implications

The Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection, established in 1987, works with at-risk students in the Rochester and Syracuse NY public school districts, with the goal of keeping students in school through graduation. Recently, with support from the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, CGR completed its third assessment of the program. In the latest...


Clinical and Translational Science Award: Economic Impact of Award and Spillover Effects

CGR explored the catalytic effects, both on the University of Rochester Medical Center and the larger community, of URMC's selection by the National Institutes of Health as one of the first 12 Clinical and Translational Science Institutes. The NIH designation, and accompanying grant award, are designed to enable URMC...


The Rochester High Falls District Looking to the Future

After reviewing the City of Rochester’s role in the High Falls area since it was first proposed as an historic district in the 1980s, CGR recommended the City assert High Falls’ success as an office park; end subsidies for the Center at High Falls/Brown’s Race Market complex; begin conversations to...


Information & Referral: How Well are We Doing? A Model for Evaluation of 2-1-1 Services

CGR assisted the Finger Lakes 2-1-1 Collaborative in developing an evaluation model to gauge progress toward key outcomes and measures. CGR collected information on six established 2-1-1 systems across the country to identify best practices and challenges in measuring the performance of 2-1-1 operations.


An Evaluation of the Neighborhood Empowerment Team (NET) Office in the City of Rochester Options for the Future

In 1997, the City of Rochester introduced a new organization – the Neighborhood Empowerment Team (NET) Office - to focus resources to improve the quality of life in City neighborhoods. NET created six satellite offices throughout the City where code enforcement personnel and police officers work jointly with neighborhood...


Northeast Joint Fire District Planning Study - 2006 to 2026 Staffing, Equipment and Facilities Needs for the Next Twenty Years

CGR studied the need for an additional fire house in the North East Joint Fire District and recommended that a new station be built near the intersection of Schlegel and Phillips roads. The study recommended that a pumper and light rescue vehicle be housed at the new station, estimated to...


Youth/Emerging Worker Focus Groups: Monroe County Youth Ages 14-21

RochesterWorks and the MC Youth Council are in the process of redesigning job training and employment services to youth ages 14-21. They wanted to obtain input directly from youth on what they feel they need in terms of training--what type of training, where do they want to go to...


Rochester Police Department Patrol Division Reorganization: An Interim Evaluation

CGR studied the impact of the Rochester Police Department's patrol sector reorganization for the six months after it was implemented and found that response time had been cut by an average of 10 percent and $940,000 in overtime costs had been saved. The study did not determine whether officers...


The Center for Dispute Settlement Child Permanency Mediation Program: A Survey of Stakeholders and Key Program Participants

The Center for Dispute Settlement hired CGR to conduct a survey of stakeholders and participants in its Child Permanency Mediation Program. The survey found most respondents said the program created an environment for meaningful exchange and identified issues amenable to mediation, but fewer said the program was effective in developing...


Opportunities to Improve the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Records Management Processes in the City of Rochester

For the City of Rochester NY, CGR identified opportunities to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of records management processes. In 2005, CGR reviewed the flow of electronic and paper records between departments and the city’s Information Systems and Record Archives Center, and specifically targeted three departments – police, code enforcement,...


Wilmot Cancer Center: Economic Impact of Current & Proposed Operation

In preparation for a major capital campaign, URMC engaged CGR to assess the likely economic impact of a dramatic increase in the clinical and research activity stimulated by an expansion of the Wilmot Cancer Center.


Disaster Planning Needs Assessment for the North Greece Fire District

CGR completed a Disaster Planning Needs Assessment for the North Greece Fire District, which serves the largest service area in Monroe County NY. The project involved surveying paper, electronic and microfilm records; identifying records vital to district operations; identifying related risks and vulnerabilities; assessing current disaster recovery practices in place;...


Rochester Safe Start 2004 Community Assessment Children's Exposure to Violence in Rochester & Monroe County, NY

Rochester Safe Start, a federal demonstration project, hired CGR to update a 2000 report on violence affecting young children. CGR found data on crime, police service calls, domestic violence calls to Lifeline, and reports of child abuse and neglect offered a conflicting and unclear picture of the trends in violence...


Pathways to Better Police-Community Relations in Rochester

CGR conducted a detailed analysis of police-community relations in Rochester. Among its various aspects, the study has focused on relationships of the police department with the courts and District Attorney’s office. One component of the study was an analysis of the impact of Drug Court as it relates...


Rochester Downtown Casino: An Economic & Social Impact Assessment

A casino in downtown Rochester was proposed as partial settlement of a land claim from an Oklahoma-based Indian nation, the Seneca-Cayuga of Oklahoma. CGR was engaged by the nation’s representative, the Wilmorite development corporation, to assess the fiscal, economic and social impacts of the casino on the Rochester...


The Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection: Charting a Course for the Future

CGR evaluated the Work-Scholarship Connection, which was established to help youth at risk of dropping out of school succeed academically. The program provides its students with youth advocates, a range of support services, enrichment workshops and, for some, part-time job opportunities and worksite mentors. The Work-Scholarship Connection currently...


Evaluating Service Learning at RIT: Students Working with Neighbors Building Neighborhoods: A Summary of Evaluation Findings

CGR was engaged by RIT to help design and evaluate the impact of renovations of a portion of the University course curriculum developed to focus more on hands-on learning for students in a community-based “learn and serve” environment.


Reorganizing the Rochester Police Department: An Analysis of the Rochester, NY Police Department Patrol Division

Since the 1970's, the Rochester New York Police Department had been working under an organizational structure of seven patrol sections. Changing crime trends and the need to build a more responsive and effective police department prompted the department to look at reorganizing. As recommended by CGR, the department will be...


Re-Thinking Service Delivery Strategies For PINS And JD Youth And Their Families In Monroe County - August 2003

CGR assisted Monroe County Department of Human Services, the Monroe County Office of Probation-Community Corrections, Family Court, the education system, and other Monroe County stakeholders in an eight-month process to extend its efforts to reduce out of home placements to all youth involved in the Juvenile Justice system. ...


The Rochester Community Physician Workforce - Factors Effecting Recruitment And Retention - July 2003

The Rochester Physician Workforce Task Force (Task Force), engaged CGR to conduct an analysis of the physician workforce in the six-county Rochester, NY region.  The Task Force was concerned that existing data did not sufficiently measure supply nor identify the root causes of physicians leaving the Rochester area. This analysis...


Cooperate, Collaborate, Consolidate: Options for Local Government in Monroe County

In the spring of 2003, CGR assisted the Council of Local Governments and a group of local business leaders identify opportunities for reducing local government costs through increased inter-governmental cooperation. As part of this work, CGR developed an analytic framework for identifying areas of common revenues and expense and...


Cost Trends In Selected Consumer Goods and Necessities-Rochester, NY 2003 Update - June 2003

CGR looked at consumer expenditures for selected energy sources as a proportion of total annual income in eight comparison states.


Propelling Rochester's 21st Century Economy - The Economic Impact of RIT

Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) is a major contributor to the Rochester and NYS economies. CGR worked closely with RIT staff to gather data from the full array of RIT programs, capturing the impact of RIT purchases, staff and student spending, visitor spending, grant receipts and other financial impacts,...


Survey of Community Opinions - Town of Mendon Comprehensive Plan Update

CGR developed and administered the first Internet-based survey in Mendon's history, gauging residents' opinions on issues for the Town's comprehensive planning process. The survey revised one last completed by the Town in 1991, and supplements the ongoing review of Mendon's land use development plan. CGR facilitated meetings of...


Rochester and Monroe County Community Profile: How Well Are We Doing?

CGR provided multi-year assistance to the United Way of Greater Rochester in the development and implementation of a community-wide profile for Monroe County (NY). CGR’s work in this area was supported by the local United Way, area foundations, the City of Rochester and Monroe County. The first community profile,...


Parental Workforce Participation and Childcare for Children Under Six in Monroe County - Formal and Informal Care, Subsidized and Unsubsidized Children - April 2003

The Rochester/Monroe County Workforce Investment Board (WIB) and its Welfare to Work subcommittee engaged CGR to conduct a study of child care in Monroe County. This study provides a “snapshot” of child care in Monroe County in terms of workforce participation.  While CGR and the Welfare to Work committee believe...


RIT Climate Study - Perceptions of Faculty, Students and Staff - April 2003

In its continuing efforts to improve all aspects of campus life, RIT is striving to become a more racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse university. As part of that process, RIT engaged CGR to conduct an objective baseline assessment of how faculty, staff, and students perceive the current campus environment....


Evaluation of SHARED Participant Progress on Behavioral Change: Analysis of Action Plan

Project SHARED was a community collaborative designed to provide socially and culturally appropriate healthcare services to low-income, uninsured, and underinsured individuals with health risks in Monroe County. CGR was hired to provide assistance to the collaborative in study design issues, survey instrument design, and data analysis.


Profile of the Hispanic/Latino Population in Monroe County 1970-2000 - 2003 Update - March 2003

CGR was asked to update an earlier study, analyzing selected Census trend data for Monroe County’s Hispanic/Latino population. Characteristics of the Hispanic population living in Monroe County were analyzed using decennial Census data for the years 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, and 2003.


Health & Bioscience as Engine of Economic Growth: Case Studies of Academic Medical Centers & Their Economic Impact

CGR updated prior assessments of the economic impact on Rochester of the URMC expansion, prepared six case studies of the role academic medical centers play in their local economies and assessed the net impact of graduate medical education (GME) on the Rochester area. For the third component, CGR summed...


Changes in Total Spending and Spending on Children - 2001-2003 Monroe County Budgets - November 2002

The Children’s Agenda, a nonpartisan, independent research and education group, asked CGR to provide an analysis of the 2003 Monroe County proposed budget, and the 2002 and 2001 amended budgets in terms of components that directly or indirectly (but significantly) affect children.  The Children’s Agenda was interested in a detailed...


Blue Ribbon Commission on Monroe County Finances - Report to the Monroe County Legislature - November 2002

CGR provided staff support to the Monroe County Blue Ribbon Commission on county finances.


Building a New Foundation: The University of Rochester Medical Center in the Regional Economy

CGR updated prior assessments of the economic impact on Rochester of the URMC expansion, prepared six case studies of the role academic medical centers play in their local economies and assessed the net impact of graduate medical education (GME) on the Rochester area. For the third component, CGR summed...


Self-Reported Anticipated Impacts of Proposed 2002 and 2003 Monroe County Budget Cuts - Rochester Human Service Organizations - August 2002

The United Way funds programs across nearly 80 human services agencies in Monroe County, and is concerned about the impact of proposed Monroe County budget cuts on these agencies and their clients.  CGR was asked to conduct a survey of the agencies in conjunction with the United Way, in order...


Lead Poisoning Among Young Children in Monroe County - A Needs Assessment, Projection Model, and Next Steps- May 2002

The County of Monroe and other local stakeholders including the City of Rochester, landlords, Human Services agencies, and individual advocates are searching ways to target resources to protect the most children possible, in the shortest period of time. CGR was asked to (1) use Monroe County Health Department data on...


After-School Inventory - Results of Monroe County After-School Provider Survey - June 2002

The Greater Rochester After-School Alliance commissioned CGR to conduct the first comprehensive survey of after-school providers throughout Monroe County. The survey focused on understanding the organizational climate of these programs, location, characteristics of those served, staffing issues, activities provided, and impact on children served. Completed responses were obtained...


A Needs Assessment of Access to the Poison and Drug Information Center - The Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, and Migrant Worker Populations - June 2002

CGR assisted the Finger Lakes Regional Poison and Drug Information Center in improving its services to the deaf and hard of hearing. By conducting a multi-county needs assessment through the use of focus groups and expert interviews, CGR was able to provide broad focus areas as well as a specialized...


Net Financial Impact of Graduate Medical Education in Rochester, NY- May 2002

CGR updated prior assessments of the economic impact on Rochester of the URMC expansion, prepared six case studies of the role academic medical centers play in their local economies and assessed the net impact of graduate medical education (GME) on the Rochester area. For the third component, CGR summed...


Behavior Issues in Early Childhood Programs in Monroe County - October 2001

CGR completed a comprehensive analysis of the extent to which childcare providers were being asked to serve children with severe behavioral problems. Prepared for the Children & Youth Services Intervention Council of Monroe County (NY) and the Children & Youth Services Development Initiative, the study concluded that childcare providers...


Disaster Recovery Review for Key City of Rochester Operations Records - June 2001

In 2001, CGR identified key records at risk for the City of Rochester NY. The study involved an assessment of the top three sites and records series in each department that needed back-up or other recovery plans in the event of an unforeseen disaster. The assessment included both paper and...


Workplace Satisfaction and Staff Morale Survey, Greece Central School District - June 2001

The Greece Teachers Association needed an external group to conduct a survey of GTA members to determine their level of satisfaction with their jobs and the District Administration.


A Profile of Selected Community Outcome Measures for the Monroe County Hispanic Population - January 2000

In 2001 the United Way conducted an Hispanic Community Assessment: Assets and Opportunities. As part of the project, CGR was asked to analyze selected Census trend data for Monroe County’s Hispanic/Latino population. Characteristics of the Hispanic population living in Monroe County were analyzed using decennial Census data for the years...


Rochester Branch Library's Focusing for the Future - Nov. 2000

CGR was contracted by the Rochester Public Library to conduct a study that would help it use its fiscal resources as efficiently as possible and fulfill its mission. CGR developed a methodology and recommended that the RPL develop strategies based on both general and specific roles for the branch...


Economic Impact of URMC Strategic Plan: Phase II Expans Initial Impact Project

CGR updated a prior assessment of the impact of the URMC Strategic Plan on the Rochester economy, responding to an expansion of the previous initiative.


Profile of the Hispanic/Latino Population in Monroe County 1970-1990; October 2000

As part of its Community Assessment: Assets and Opportunities project, the United Way engaged CGR to analyze selected Census trend data for Monroe County’s Hispanic/Latino population. Using census data from 1970 to 1990 as well as selected Census 2000 data, CGR was able to create a comprehensive list of statistics...


Results of Survey on Carter Street Recreational Center Expansion (14621 Neighborhood) Sept. 2000

City residents and officials were divided over whether to renovate the Carter St. Recreation Center. CGR was asked to conduct a survey of local residents to determine the level of support for the renovation and planned merger of Genesee Settlement House.


Greater Rochester/Monroe County Community Profile:2000 Update Appendix 1; Data Tables

CGR has provided multi-year assistance to the United Way of Greater Rochester in the development and implementation of a community wide profile for Monroe County. CGR’s work in this area has been supported by the United Way of Greater Rochester, area foundations, the City of Rochester and Monroe County....


Greater Rochester/Monroe County Community Profile:2000 Update Appendix 1; Data Tables

CGR has provided multi-year assistance to the United Way of Greater Rochester in the development and implementation of a community wide profile for Monroe County. CGR’s work in this area has been supported by the United Way of Greater Rochester, area foundations, the City of Rochester and Monroe County....


A Comprehensive Framework for Youth Violence Prevention: Some Promising Initiatives (City of Rochester) June 2000

CGR was hired by the City of Rochester to conduct a nationwide literature search on anti-violence programs and assist the City in selecting one that would have the greatest potential to work locally. This report contains nine models that have been tested and found effective in other communities as...


Return on Investment, Options for Agency Change- June 2000

With the implementation of the Return on Investment Project, CGR analyzed the initial phases to note its pros and cons. We identified a menu of options established or proposed within several non-profit agencies and the amount of use the ROI was being used in local agencies. CGR did not make...


A Report Card for Workforce Development Performance Accountability in Rochester/Monroe County (Monroe Community College, Rochester/ Monroe County Workforce Development Steering Committee) February 2000

The Workforce Investment Act, which changed the delivery of workforce development services in the U.S., requires more integrated and streamlined delivery of services through One Stop Career Centers. CGR was asked to assist the Rochester/Monroe County NY Workforce Development Steering Committee in developing a performance accountability design for the area’s...


Looking to the 21st Century: Improving the Return on Investment in Rochester's Human Services Delivery System (Human Services Return on Investment Leadership Team)

The goal of the Return on Investment (ROI) Project is to improve the community’s return on its investment in its people and human service systems. It aims to enhance human services outcomes of its citizens by shifting as many of our resources as possible from any inefficient administrative and overhead...


Economic Assessment of Combined Lake Ontario Water Supply & Industrial Cooling

CGR was engaged to evaluate the impact of an environmentally-friendly system for cooling office and manufacturing buildings on new industrial development, local tax revenue and economic vitality in suburban Webster.


Non-Homestead Tax Rates and City Competitiveness (Rochester City Council)

The City Council of Rochester engaged CGR to assess the impact of the business/residential tax differential permitted by the Homestead Tax Law on the competitiveness of the city economy.


Independent Living for Seniors: A 3-year Assessment of Perceptions and Impact of Program

Independent Living for Seniors was started in 1990 to provide a cost-effective, community-based alternative to nursing home care for frail elderly residents of northeastern Monroe County. CGR conducted an evaluation of the program’s initial 3 years, and this report is the final component of the evaluation.


Two-Tiered Government in Monroe County, New York

Much of the research material included in this report is derived from reports prepared for GRIP by the Center for Governmental Research. The Structural Design section of this report is an edited version of Chapter II of the November 15, 1974 GRIP report. Chapter II of the November, 1974 report...