The Future of EMS in Queensbury - An Evaluation of Existing Conditions and Recommendations for the Future

Our study found that Queensbury’s EMS system is in good shape in many respects: it has adequate funding, a strong cadre of volunteers, modern equipment and appropriate physical resources. We also found, however, that the EMS system in Queensbury could provide better service to residents and visitors for the same or perhaps a lower cost through the adoption of structural changes and/or improving its existing practices in meaningful ways. Our recommendations included partial or full mergers of the EMS agencies, adjustments to EMS service borders and / or funding formulas, and operational changes such as new staff wages, mandating and supporting performance standards, hiring professional management and tracking clinical care. The agencies are in the process of implementing several of CGR’s recommendations.

Report Date: Dec 2020
Author(s): Paul Bishop , Michael Silva , Katherine Bell
Subject(s): Public Safety , Shared Services/Consolidation , Organizational Development
Location: Warren, New York

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