Looking Toward the Future - Fire and EMS Services in the Wildwoods - Existing Conditions and Options for Change
In 2021, CGR was engaged by the City of North Wildwood to conduct a study on the fire and EMS services in North Wildwood and the City of Wildwood as well as the EMS service Wildwood Crest. The study found that the community has an average of 17 calls for...

Marbletown Fire and EMS Operations - An Evaluation of Existing Conditions and Opportunities for the Future
The Town of Marbletown and its 5,500 residents are served by seven fire districts and an independent ambulance service. The Town Board, the ambulance service leadership and the leadership of six of the fire districts commissioned a study to evaluate the existing operations of the fire districts and EMS service...

University of Rochester & Affiliates - New York State Economic Impact 2019
The University of Rochester (UR) engaged CGR to assess the economic and fiscal impact of the University and its affiliates on the State of New York during 2019. This report is the eighth in a series of reports exploring the impact of the University since 2006. Total employment—both direct and...

The Future of EMS in Queensbury - An Evaluation of Existing Conditions and Recommendations for the Future
Our study found that Queensbury’s EMS system is in good shape in many respects: it has adequate funding, a strong cadre of volunteers, modern equipment and appropriate physical resources. We also found, however, that the EMS system in Queensbury could provide better service to residents and visitors for the same...

Review and Analysis of the Proposed 2021 Budget-Rockland County, New York
Starting in 2017, the Rockland County Legislature engaged CGR to review and analyze the proposed 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021 Executive Budgets for Rockland County. Each year, our report had three components. First, CGR reviewed a series of contextual elements, including budget priorities, economic trends, alignment with community plans, which...

Boosting Hispanic/Latino Entrepreneurship and Economic Mobility - Data to Support Request for Funding
CGR was engaged by the Ibero-American Action League to compile and analyze data to support the organization’s application for funding to support entrepreneurship and workforce development for the Hispanic/Latino population in four Upstate New York cities: Rochester, Buffalo, Albany and Amsterdam. Our team gathered data from the U.S. Census Bureau,...

Estimating the Economic Impact of a New T-Mobile Customer Experience Center in Nassau County, New York
In November 2019, T-Mobile US and Sprint Corporation announced plans to locate the fourth of five New T-Mobile Customer Experience Centers in Nassau County, New York, pending a proposed merger of T-Mobile US and Sprint Corporation. CGR was selected on a sole source basis to conduct. This project is expected...

Bloomsburg University - Economic and Community Impact
Bloomsburg University is central to the Bloomsburg MSA economy. Employing 1,070 FTEs directly, it is the second largest employer in the region after Geisinger Health System. Using detailed data provided by Bloomsburg University, CGR estimated the impact of BU employee, operational, construction and student spending on the local and...

The Difference a Diploma Makes - Impact Assessment for an Excel Center High School in Monroe County
CGR was engaged by Goodwill of the Finger Lakes to assess the potential benefits of a tuition-free high school and career acceleration center that would serve adults who dropped out and now wish to complete their education. Specifically, Goodwill is proposing a demonstration project for an Excel Center, a model...

Profile of the Hispanic/Latino Community in Monroe County - A Demographic and Socioeconomic Analysis of Trends
CGR was engaged by the Ibero American Action League and La Cumbre to develop this Profile of the Hispanic and Latino community in Monroe County. This report updates previous reports from 2000, 2003 and 2012 and is aimed at providing both big-picture and granular information about Hispanic and Latino residents...

University of Rochester & Affiliates - 2017 NYS Economic Impact
The University of Rochester (UR), employs nearly 31,000 people, is the largest private employer in Upstate New York and NY's 5th largest private employer. Looking at the University’s entire economic footprint, CGR estimates that the direct and spillover impact of the University’s employee wages and spending, purchases, capital investments, and...

Transportation and Poverty in Monroe County - How Land Use, Job Locations and Commuting Options Affect Access to Jobs
CGR was engaged by Reconnect Rochester to explore the relationship between residence patterns, employment, transportation, and poverty in Rochester and Monroe County. CGR analyzed settlement, demographic, transportation and employment data to explore how changing patterns of residential settlement, locations of jobs and transportation options have collectively affected the ability of...

Prevailing Waste - New York's Costly Public Works Pay Mandate
The cost of publicly funded construction projects in New York is inflated up to 25 percent by the state's outdated "prevailing wage" mandate, which requires contractors to pay workers the amounts required by union collective bargaining agreements. The Empire Center for State Policy Report was coauthored by E.J. McMahon, research...

University of Rochester & Affiliates: 2015 NYS Economic Impact
The University of Rochester (UR), which employs nearly 29,000 people, is NY's 6th largest private employer. Looking at the University’s entire economic footprint, CGR estimates that the direct and spillover impact of the University’s employee wages and spending, purchases, capital investments, and visitor and student spending, is responsible for about...

Region I Voluntary Providers to the Developmentally Disabled: Economic and Fiscal Impact
Engaged by the Developmental Disability Alliance of Western New York (DDAWNY), CGR estimates that nearly 30,000 workers, receiving compensation exceeding $700 million, are employed by Western NY agencies servicing persons with disabilities. Spillover impacts push the estimated total to nearly 39,000 jobs and $1.2 billion in payroll. The proposed minimum...

Transforming Regional Data on the Gulf Coast
Gulf Coast Community Indicators is an initiative of Gulf Coast Community Foundation. This “state of the community” website provides a common source of data and analysis on critical topics that affect the health and progress of our region in order to inform community stakeholders, spur discussion and collaboration,...

Westwood Country Club Redevelopment - Economic and Fiscal Impact
CGR was engaged by Mensch Capital Partners to estimate the economic and fiscal impact of the proposed Westwood Country Club redevelopment in the Town of Amherst, NY. The developer proposes investing over $238 million to redevelop the site that currently houses the Westwood Country Club. This report details CGR's...

Child Care Subsidies in the Mid-Hudson Valley - An Analysis of Need, Availability and Trends
The availability of child care subsidies in the Mid-Hudson Valley has increased somewhat over the past 7 years, but only 1 in 10 children who could benefit are being served, a new CGR study reports. This is the second in a series of reports on child care

Child Care Subsidies in Monroe County - An Analysis of Need, Availability and Trends
The availability of child care subsidies in Monroe County has declined over the past 7 years and meets about one-fifth of the potential need, but Monroe outpaces similar counties in providing this support to low-income working families, a new CGR study reports. CGR and the League of Women Voters of...

Building a Stronger Knoxville Region
ET Index was launched by the Knoxville-Knox County Metropolitan Planning Commission (MPC) and the Knoxville Regional Transportation Planning Organization, with the support and advice of a number of regional organizations. The project aims to provide a common source of data and analysis on critical topics in...

The University of Rochester Economic Impact
As the 8th largest private employer in New York State, the University of Rochester (UR) is not only the largest regional employer, but the catalyst for over 50,000 jobs overall. In the two years since our previous study, it has continued to expand its influence by establishing affiliations with...

Rochester Area Skill Needs Assessment and Business Climate Survey - May, 2014
Monroe Community College engaged CGR to support a survey of the workforce skill needs of the business firms in the Rochester metro area. In addition to training needs, the survey also explored business climate questions and the extent of the “skills gap”—i.e. the number of positions that remain unfilled due...

Rochester's Communities and their Public Libraries - 2012 and Beyond
To provide the foundation for the Rochester NY Public Library’s strategic planning process for 10 community branches, CGR documented how patrons use each branch. Key findings included: a) branches fill different roles in different locations and need flexibility to be responsive, b) since 1999 circulation was down but door count,...

Ontario County Regional High Schools Feasibility Study: Options for Addressing Rising Costs and Shrinking Enrollment
Eight of the nine districts in Ontario County have decreasing enrollment, a trend that is projected to continue through the next decade. The districts agreed to explore how regional high schools and/or regional collaborations could save taxpayer dollars and expand educational opportunities. CGR presents several models and finds that...

Mid-Hudson Valley Community Profile
The Mid–Hudson Valley Community Profiles project represents a commitment by three of the region’s leading philanthropic organizations to provide the public with continuously updated comparative information regarding Dutchess, Orange, and Ulster counties. The project is designed to provide government and nonprofits with an important new tool for assessing and understanding...