Village Operations Study - The Village of Lancaster
CGR completed an operations and staffing study with the Village of Lancaster in Erie County, NY, in late 2021. The Village Board of Trustees sought an independent assessment of the Village’s operations to help the Board set priorities during its annual budget process. CGR’s local government team analyzed budget and...

DMV Operations Study - A Report for Oneida County
The Oneida County Board of Legislators retained CGR to study and recommend improvements to operations in the County’s Motor Vehicles Bureau. Also known informally as the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), the Bureau is operated by the Oneida County Clerk’s Office. CGR gathered and analyzed data about DMV transactions and...

The Future of EMS in Queensbury - An Evaluation of Existing Conditions and Recommendations for the Future
Our study found that Queensbury’s EMS system is in good shape in many respects: it has adequate funding, a strong cadre of volunteers, modern equipment and appropriate physical resources. We also found, however, that the EMS system in Queensbury could provide better service to residents and visitors for the same...

Community Racial Equity Initiatives - A Literature Review
The ESL Charitable Foundation commissioned CGR to conduct a literature scan of community-based racial justice and equity initiatives to better understand the types of initiatives that communities are engaged with nationally, the traits and best practices associated with these initiatives, and how is success defined and measured. To accomplish this,...

Step to College Evaluation Plan: A Multidimensional Approach
CGR completed an evaluation plan for East High School’s Step to College Program, an initiative to increase college preparation, matriculation and graduation of students. The evaluation plan included a revised theory of change and logic model, evaluation questions, measurement framework, and evaluation approaches and methods. The evaluation plan will...

Organizational Assessment of Cayuga County Government - Opportunities for Improvement
In 2017, the Cayuga County Legislature began a comprehensive organizational assessment to look for opportunities that would streamline, refocus and reorganize operations. Facing stagnant revenue growth from a limited number of sources and having completed several cost cutting efforts in recent years, the County sought to take a comprehensive look...

Elm City Communities Strategic Plan 2016-2018 Plan
The Housing Authority of the City of New Haven, CT engaged CGR to facilitate a strategic planning process for the agency. The Housing Authority provides public housing and housing choice vouchers to thousands of low-income or disabled residents of the City of New Haven, and has strengthened its reputation in...

Read to Succeed Buffalo - Focusing and Aligning Resources
A Buffalo NY nonprofit at a crossroads turned to CGR to design and facilitate its strategic planning process. CGR involved board, staff and community stakeholders in the work of planning Read to Succeed’s future in a way that aligns staff’s day-to-day work with organizational mission. CGR deliverables included developing the...

Sharing Promising System Reform Strategies: A Resource Manual Describing Nassau County's No Wrong Door Staff Development Initiative
Nassau County is pioneering a new approach to human service delivery via an innovative, multi-year initiative called "No Wrong Door." The goal is to make it possible for a client entering the public service system through any door to gain access to any other needed county or community services. CGR...

Buffalo Literacy Campaign Focus Groups with Target Populations
For a Buffalo, NY coalition that is working to bring about systemic changes in the way literacy services are provided in the city, CGR conducted focus groups with target populations.

Youth/Emerging Worker Focus Groups: Monroe County Youth Ages 14-21
RochesterWorks and the MC Youth Council are in the process of redesigning job training and employment services to youth ages 14-21. They wanted to obtain input directly from youth on what they feel they need in terms of training--what type of training, where do they want to go to...

Rockland County Community Health Assessment
CGR was engaged to conduct the 2005-2010 Community Health Assessment for the Rockland County Health Department. CGR conducted a series of focus groups with a wide range of community groups, conducted selected interviews with individuals, and designed and conducted a survey with a convenience sample of the general population. CGR...

Building a More Cohesive and Effective Human Service System in Dutchess County: Recommendations to the County Executive
Engaged by Dutchess County, CGR developed an integrated and cost-efficient strategy for health and human services both within and across county departments.

Pathways to Better Police-Community Relations in Rochester
CGR conducted a detailed analysis of police-community relations in Rochester. Among its various aspects, the study has focused on relationships of the police department with the courts and District Attorney’s office. One component of the study was an analysis of the impact of Drug Court as it relates...

Erie County: State of the Child & Family
In 2002, Joel A. Giambra, Erie County Executive, engaged CGR to lead the county’s Blueprint for Change Initiative. This project included three components: 1) examining the current operations of the county’s human service agencies and recommending organizational and service delivery improvements that will result in more cost-effective, integrated, and...

Wraparound Demonstration Project: An Alternative to Out-of-Home Placement for Youth at Risk
In 2002, Joel A. Giambra, Erie County Executive, engaged CGR to lead the county’s Blueprint for Change Initiative. This project included three components: 1) examining the current operations of the county’s human service agencies and recommending organizational and service delivery improvements that will result in more cost-effective, integrated, and...

A Blueprint for Change: Restructuring Erie County Government to Improve the Impact and Effectiveness of Services to Children and Families
In 2002, Joel A. Giambra, Erie County Executive, engaged CGR to lead the county’s Blueprint for Change Initiative. This project included three components: 1) examining the current operations of the county’s human service agencies and recommending organizational and service delivery improvements that will result in more cost-effective, integrated, and...

Re-Thinking the Niagara County Department of Social Services, Preparing DSS for the Future - August 2001
One of the top priorities identified by the Niagara County Legislature from a county-wide CGR study was the need for an in-depth assessment of the Department of Human Services, and ways in which it needs to rethink its mission, functions and structure in light of welfare reform, changing county demographics,...