Economic Impact of Independent Colleges and Universities
New York's higher education sector - including world-renowned Columbia, New York and Cornell universities - has long been acknowledged as a center of scholarship and culture. Now higher education is being recognized for having an economic impact as well. CGR was engaged by the Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities...

Veterans in Rensselaer County: Understanding Needs and Local Solutions
CGR was engaged to conduct a county-wide needs assessment for veterans in Rensselaer County NY. As the veteran population changes so do their needs, and local communities are increasingly called upon to collaborate with the Veterans Administration (VA) to provide a network of support. CGR combined surveys and...

Capital Region Community Profile
CGR designed and created an interactive website featuring data, charts and analysis on more than 70 indicators measuring the health and vitality of the Greater Capital Region surrounding Albany, NY. Funded by the United Way of the Greater Capital Region, the Community Indicators project tracks strengths and challenges in the...

Collaborative Property Tax Administration in Albany County: A Review of Assessment and Tax Collection Options
In 2008, NYS provided grant funds to encourage counties to study how to streamline their local assessment and/or tax administration programs to promote efficiency, equity and transparency for taxpayers. Albany County was the only county in the state to analyze the assessment and tax administration program simultaneously. Recognizing the...

Independent Living in New York State: A Needs Assessment
A network of 35 nonprofit Independent Living Centers operate some 50 sites in NY that serve residents with disabilities. NYS has found these nonprofit organizations save taxpayers millions of dollars annually in avoided institutionalized care costs. In 2008, the centers’ statewide association engaged CGR to conduct a needs assessment. ...

Profile of Community-Wide Outcomes in Albany, Rensselaer and Saratoga Counties
The United Way of Northeastern New York, serving Albany, Rensselaer, and Saratoga Counties, engaged CGR to conduct an area wide needs assessment to track how well the region and its individual counties were doing in addressing community needs. In 2001, CGR developed and produced the first baseline community-wide profile...

City of Troy Strategic Action Plan (Troy Strategy Group)
Part of an effort to avoid bankruptcy for Troy, CGR summarized the highest priority action steps for fiscal stabilization & business climate improvement, including how the city might capitalize on its EDZ and Enterprise Community status.