Emergency Medical Services in Cheektowaga - Existing Conditions and Options for the Future
CGR was engaged by the Town of Cheektowaga to evaluate its emergency medical services system including its communications department, the eleven fire departments that provide an EMS response and the primary commercial ambulance provider, AMR. The project involved an extensive set of interviews, visiting each operational location and data gathering...

Village Operations Study - The Village of Lancaster
CGR completed an operations and staffing study with the Village of Lancaster in Erie County, NY, in late 2021. The Village Board of Trustees sought an independent assessment of the Village’s operations to help the Board set priorities during its annual budget process. CGR’s local government team analyzed budget and...

Western New York Nonprofit Capacity Building - Assets, Needs & Opportunities
This report and related WNY Asset and Gaps/Needs Map identifies the capacity building needs and assets of nonprofit organizations in a nine-county region of Western New York (WNY). Commissioned by the Western New York Nonprofit Support Group (WNYNSG), CGR partnered with the Community Health Worker Network...

Western New York Nonprofit Capacity Building Assets/Gaps Map
This interactive "map" visually represents the capacity building assets and needs of nonprofit organizations in nine Western New York counties. The map is part of a study of the nonprofit capacity building needs and assets commissioned by the Western New York Nonprofit Support Group (WNYNSG). Data in the
Renewing Our Pledge: A Path to Ending Lead Poisoning of Buffalo's Most Vulnerable Citizens
The lead contamination of Flint, Michigan’s water supply placed the problem of lead poisoning at center stage in cities across the nation. The Community Foundation of Greater Buffalo, along with the City of Buffalo and other partners, engaged CGR to help

Westwood Country Club Redevelopment - Economic and Fiscal Impact
CGR was engaged by Mensch Capital Partners to estimate the economic and fiscal impact of the proposed Westwood Country Club redevelopment in the Town of Amherst, NY. The developer proposes investing over $238 million to redevelop the site that currently houses the Westwood Country Club. This report details CGR's...

Read to Succeed Buffalo - Focusing and Aligning Resources
A Buffalo NY nonprofit at a crossroads turned to CGR to design and facilitate its strategic planning process. CGR involved board, staff and community stakeholders in the work of planning Read to Succeed’s future in a way that aligns staff’s day-to-day work with organizational mission. CGR deliverables included developing the...

Town of Aurora and Village of East Aurora: Options for Shared Highway/DPW Services
The Town of Aurora and Village of East Aurora in western NY engaged CGR to document the existing operations in their highway and public works departments and to explore options for increasing efficiency and effectiveness and maximizing the return to taxpayers. The communities have a history of identifying areas...

The Impact of AmeriCorps Builds Lives through Education (ABLE): Getting Things Done for Buffalo
An evaluation of Western NY AmeriCorps’ ABLE program (AmeriCorps Builds Lives through Education) found evidence of a strong community impact on the Buffalo region. CGR’s evaluation, which included surveys, focus groups, interviews, site visits, and data analysis, met requirements of the Corporation for National & Community Service. CGR also provided...

Village of North Collins Dissolution Feasibility Study: Final Report on Dissolution and Alternatives to Dissolution for the Village of North Collins
The Village of North Collins NY initiated a consolidation, merger and dissolution feasibility study in spring 2009. A dissolution study committee, assisted by CGR, prepared a report including a formal dissolution plan and alternatives to dissolution and delivered it to the Village board in late 2009. The board subsequently voted...

Fiscal Impact of Land Uses: Town of Amherst, NY
CGR was engaged by the Buffalo Niagara Builders Association to explore the fiscal consequences of new construction in the Town of Amherst, NY. The project entailed constructing a spreadsheet model that measures the impact on tax levies and tax rates of commercial and new home construction on the Town of...

A Review of Collaborative Options for Functions and Facilities: City of Tonawanda & Tonawanda City School District
For the City of Tonawanda NY and the Tonawanda City School District, CGR conducted a shared services study funded by a state grant. CGR made 10 recommendations in the functional areas of purchasing, maintenance and technology and also provided a cost/benefit analysis for a series of potential collaborative facility options.

Fiscal Impact of Land Development Alternatives: Town of Aurora
The Town of Aurora in Erie County includes the historically significant Village of East Aurora, which features scenic views, natural resources, and a thriving tourism industry. In hopes of preserving the character, charm and economic viability of the village, town leaders engaged CGR to study how restricting residential development in...

Buffalo Literacy Campaign Focus Groups with Target Populations
For a Buffalo, NY coalition that is working to bring about systemic changes in the way literacy services are provided in the city, CGR conducted focus groups with target populations.

City of Buffalo Literacy Needs Assessment
A coalition of more than 40 groups is engaged in bringing about systemic changes in the way literacy services are provided in Buffalo, NY, and called upon CGR to conduct a citywide needs assessment.

Erie County Fleet Maintenance Centers: Site and Staffing Options
CGR found Erie County could reduce the number of garages serving its fleet of 1,000 government vehicles to eight and still meet maintenance service needs as well as quick response time objectives. This was a follow-up to a February 2003 study of county operations that said improving fleet maintenance could...

Thinking Beyond Municipal Boundaries - Cost Reduction Opportunities
CGR provided an array of examples of how to use economies of scale to reduce costs in the Buffalo region. Using information from the New York State's Comptroller's office, CGR found that the greater community could reduce annual costs by $8.2 million to $9.9 million by acting as...

Erie County: State of the Child & Family
In 2002, Joel A. Giambra, Erie County Executive, engaged CGR to lead the county’s Blueprint for Change Initiative. This project included three components: 1) examining the current operations of the county’s human service agencies and recommending organizational and service delivery improvements that will result in more cost-effective, integrated, and...

Wraparound Demonstration Project: An Alternative to Out-of-Home Placement for Youth at Risk
In 2002, Joel A. Giambra, Erie County Executive, engaged CGR to lead the county’s Blueprint for Change Initiative. This project included three components: 1) examining the current operations of the county’s human service agencies and recommending organizational and service delivery improvements that will result in more cost-effective, integrated, and...

A Blueprint for Change: Restructuring Erie County Government to Improve the Impact and Effectiveness of Services to Children and Families
In 2002, Joel A. Giambra, Erie County Executive, engaged CGR to lead the county’s Blueprint for Change Initiative. This project included three components: 1) examining the current operations of the county’s human service agencies and recommending organizational and service delivery improvements that will result in more cost-effective, integrated, and...

Assessing the Impact of Merging the Police Departments of the Village of Angola and Town of Evans: Service and Cost Implications
CGR conducted a study in 2003 to evaluate whether or not it would be beneficial to merge the village and town police departments. The study concluded that annual savings of $140,000 per year could be achieved, depending on the final service agreement reached between the village and the town. The...

No Handout, No Bailout - A Plan to Re-Engineer Service Delivery to Buffalo Residents (Buffalo Renaissance Foundation)
Engaged by the Buffalo Renaissance Foundation through the initiative of then City Comptroller Joel Giambra, CGR assessed prospects for Buffalo/Erie County consolidation and developed an innovative municipal service delivery strategy for the City of Buffalo. Involving a radically-different relationship between the city, county and private sectors, CGR demonstrated that...