Scan of Workforce Development Efforts - Greater Rochester Region
CGR was engaged by the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce in late 2019 to conduct a scan of workforce development efforts in the Rochester region in order to inform local talent and economic development initiatives. Even though this report was completed in the first weeks of the COVID-19 outbreak, and...

NYS DWI Report - An Exploratory Examination
CGR undertook an objective, exploratory assessment of Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) legislation and Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) regulations and their implementation in New York State. We examined how new regulations issued by the DMV in 2012, which expand the grounds for administrative license suspension and revocation, fit with the...

Early Childhood Collaboration in Western New York - Collaborative Efforts to Improve Systems and Outcomes for Young Children
Western NY Funders for Early Childhood retained CGR in 2019 to study how organizations across Western New York collaborate to improve outcomes for the region’s youngest residents. Liftoff, a group of more than two dozen funders, asked CGR to gather and analyze information about coalitions, councils and other collaborative groups...

Prevailing Waste - New York's Costly Public Works Pay Mandate
The cost of publicly funded construction projects in New York is inflated up to 25 percent by the state's outdated "prevailing wage" mandate, which requires contractors to pay workers the amounts required by union collective bargaining agreements. The Empire Center for State Policy Report was coauthored by E.J. McMahon, research...

The Future of County Nursing Homes in New York State
In a study of county-owned nursing homes throughout New York State, CGR found 92% of homes outside NYC lost money in 2010, and without significant changes in how they operate, most have little chance to survive. Historically, counties have considered the homes to be an important part of their missions,...

The Economic Impact of the New York State Mining and Construction Industry
The mining industry in New York is large and diverse, encompassing a range of commodities that support highway construction and repair, new housing, ice control, landscaping and other commercial activities. The NYS mining and construction materials industry was responsible for generating $1.2 to $1.3 billion in wages and 28,000 to...

How Well Are We Doing? A Plan for Evaluation of 2-1-1 Service in New York State
NYS is implementing a regional network of 2-1-1 call centers. Part of a national movement, 2-1-1 will serve as the number to call to access community information and referral services for non-emergency situations. Working collaboratively with regional and state leaders, CGR identified 8 desired outcomes to provide 2-1-1 with...

Job Creation and New York State IDAs: A Response to the Jobs with Justice Report
Industrial development agencies (IDAs), the primary economic development entities in most NY communities, turned to CGR for independent analysis related to two key issues. First, proposals before the NY Legislature would require projects funded by IDAs to pay construction workers prevailing, instead of market, wage. Second, a 2007 report by...

Prevailing Wage in New York State: The Impact on Project Cost and Competitiveness
Industrial development agencies (IDAs), the primary economic development entities in most NY communities, turned to CGR for independent analysis related to two key issues. First, proposals before the NY Legislature would require projects funded by IDAs to pay construction workers prevailing, instead of market, wage. Second, a 2007 report by...

County Nursing Facilities in New York State Current Status, Challenges and Opportunities
In 2007 CGR was asked to update a study completed 10 years earlier for the County Nursing Facilities of New York Inc. (CNFNY). The original study resulted in a report, What Should Be Done with County Nursing Facilities in New York State?, which presented factual information about the county facilities...

Policy Alternatives Supporting Deployment of Broadband Services in Rural Areas of New York State
Late in 2006, CGR was approached by Empire State Development and asked to compile information that had been gathered by a state agency taskforce on rural access to broadband Internet. With the support of the taskforce, CGR prepared a report that described the current state of broadband access, explored the...

Reforming New York's Property Tax: Conference Summary
In January 2007, CGR sponsored a forum in Albany NY on reforming New York's property tax. Among the standing-room-only audience members who listened and debated the different options proposed by well-respected experts were members of the NYS Senate and Assembly, state agency representatives and policy experts. CGR subsequently developed a...

The Benefits of New York State's Preferred Source Legislation: An Economic Analysis
NYS Industries for the Disabled (NYSID) engaged CGR to revisit our 1999 benefit-cost analysis of "preferred source legislation" that encourages state agencies to purchase products from organizations providing employment opportunities for persons with disabilities. CGR weighed the benefit of reduced social service expenditures for NYSID agency clients against the cost...

Solutions for New York The Economic Significance of Independent Colleges and Universities in New York State
New York's higher education sector - including world-renowned Columbia, New York and Cornell universities - has long been acknowledged as a center of scholarship and culture. Now higher education is being recognized for having an economic impact as well. CGR was engaged by the Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities...

Fiscal Impact of Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention and Safe Housing Act - Impact on NYS and Local Governments
As a coalition of groups worked to pass lead abatement legislation in the NYS Legislature, CGR was asked to draft the "fiscal note" that accompanies legislation slated for a vote. The "fiscal note" assesses the net impact of the proposed legislation on all levels of government.

Capital Pork: How State Politicians Divvy Up Billions for Favored Capital Projects
CGR analyzed the $1.7 billion in grants (all borrowed funds) handed out since 1997 by New York State legislators for “capital” projects. This first-ever geographic analysis found stark differences in benefits for regions and interest groups; secret agreements among top state leaders; fewer checks on spending than other states; and...

Balance of Revenue & Expenditure Among NYS Regions: Fiscal Years 4/1/97-3/31/98 Thru 4/1/00-3/31/01
CGR analyzed information from various sources, including four years of the General Ledger of the State of New York , to trace the revenue and expenditures of New York’s budget by region. Contrary to the beliefs of many upstate residents, CGR’s study confirmed the conclusion of an earlier CGR analysis,...

Coordinated Children's Services Initiative (CCSI) in New York State: Implementation Status & Future Directions
CGR completed the first comprehensive assessment of this statewide interagency approach that enhances county efforts to create integrated systems of care, and support services designed to help children at risk of residential placement remain in their homes. CCSI promotes a set of core principles at state and local levels...

Small Business: Big Challenge- A Survey of Small Firms in Upstate New York
CGR assisted the Federal Reserve Bank of NY, Buffalo Branch, in the design and implementation of a survey of small business firms in Upstate NY, identifying key barriers to growth and profitability for this important part of the economy.

Will NYS Miss the Biotech Train?
CGR's Gleason Center for State Policy explored NYS's financial return from investments in biotech R&D. CGR found that investments in biotech are likely to yield a greater economic impact than investments in physical science research.

Governance Models for Regional Public Health Projects
Depending on the scope and focus of the program, regional public health initiatives require different types of management structures. CGR documented the alternatives and established criteria for selecting one structural model over another.

The Economic Impact of New York State's Preferred Source Legislation (New York State Industries for the Disabled, Inc.) November 1999
CGR assessed the economic impact of Human Services state agencies to purchase products from NYSID agencies. When reduced social service expenditures was balanced against the cost of the NYSID program, NYS taxpayers benefited.

Integrated Systems of Care for Children's Mental Health: A Technical Assistance Resource Book
This project included research into county models of integrated systems of care and the development of a technical assistance tool, Integrated Systems of Care for Children’s Mental Health: A Technical Assistance Resource Book, which included profiles of the models and common core elements. Based on this work, CGR staff held...

The Fiscal Balance Among NYS Regions: NYS Fiscal Years Ended March 31, 1992-March 31, 1997 (GAIN of Metropolitan Rochester and NYC Office of Management and Budget) January 1999
CGR traced the revenue and expenditures of New York's $60 billion budget by region. Jointly funded by New York City and a Rochester group, the report summarizes trends in the geographic dispersion of revenue and expenditure for SFY 1992-1997.

Evaluation of Job Creation Effectiveness of New York State Industrial Development Agencies
Mandated by NYS law, CGR was engaged to evaluate New York's industrial development agencies, assessing their effectiveness and exploring policy issues of concern to the Legislature.

What Should Be Done With County Nursing Facilities in New York State? (County Nursing Facilities of New York, Inc.)
Engaged by the state’s association of nursing homes, CGR studied the unique issues facing county homes and present options for county policy makers and nursing home administrators. This study has helped shape decisions in counties throughout the state.

Medicaid Cost Containment Options for New York (New York State Association of Counties)
NYS pays more per capita or per recipient for Medicaid than any other state. CGR identified the most costly program elements and what factors contributed to the differential between costs in New York and the rest of the nation.

Barriers to School District Reorganization and Service Sharing in New York State
In an attempt to systematically identify and better understand the barriers or obstacles to school district reorganization in New York, the State Education Department hired CGR to analyze factors that influence school district decisions to consider reorganization; perceived barriers to reorganization and strategies used to overcome them; and the impact...