Emergency Medical Services in Cheektowaga - Existing Conditions and Options for the Future
CGR was engaged by the Town of Cheektowaga to evaluate its emergency medical services system including its communications department, the eleven fire departments that provide an EMS response and the primary commercial ambulance provider, AMR. The project involved an extensive set of interviews, visiting each operational location and data gathering...

Potential Impacts of Village Incorporation - Assessing Fiscal and Operational Impacts in Edgemont, NY
CGR was engaged by New York State to examine the potential fiscal and operational impacts of a new village incorporation in the hamlet of Edgemont, a community of almost 8,000 people in Greenburgh, a town of 95,000 that contains six villages and an unincorporated area. We modeled three scenarios for...

Allegany County Emergency Medical Services - Current Conditions and Paths Forward
Allegany County engaged CGR to conduct a comprehensive analysis of its emergency medical services system and develop a series of actionable recommendations for the County and the EMS agencies to consider. The County has had a growing number of EMS incidents and a declining number of EMS providers. Additionally, several...