Needs Assessment of People Who Use Drugs in Rochester & Surrounding Region - Exploring Perspectives and Data to Inform Service Decisions
Trillium Health engaged CGR to understand the needs and perspectives of people who use drugs to inform strategic planning and future programming. Trillium provides medical care and operates a harm reduction program providing walk-in HIV, Hepatitis C and sexually transmitted infection testing, safe supplies such as needles and NARCAN, and...

Central New York Nonprofit Capacity Building - Assets, Needs & Opportunities
This report and related CNY Asset and Gaps/Needs Map identifies the capacity building needs and assets of nonprofit organizations in an eight-county region of Central New York (CNY). Commissioned by the Health Foundation for Western and Central New York (HFWCNY), CGR partnered with the Community Health Worker Network...

Central New York Nonprofit Capacity Building Assets/Gaps Map
This interactive "map" visually represents the capacity building assets and needs of nonprofit organizations in eight Central New York counties. The map is part of a study of the nonprofit capacity building needs and assets commissioned by the Health Foundation for Western and Central New York (HFWCNY). Data...

Western New York Nonprofit Capacity Building - Assets, Needs & Opportunities
This report and related WNY Asset and Gaps/Needs Map identifies the capacity building needs and assets of nonprofit organizations in a nine-county region of Western New York (WNY). Commissioned by the Western New York Nonprofit Support Group (WNYNSG), CGR partnered with the Community Health Worker Network...

Western New York Nonprofit Capacity Building Assets/Gaps Map
This interactive "map" visually represents the capacity building assets and needs of nonprofit organizations in nine Western New York counties. The map is part of a study of the nonprofit capacity building needs and assets commissioned by the Western New York Nonprofit Support Group (WNYNSG). Data in the
Addressing Food Insecurity in Northwest Arkansas - Identifying Barriers and Ways to Strengthen the Charitable Food System
The Walmart Foundation engaged CGR to examine food insecurity and the charitable food delivery network in Northwest Arkansas (Washington and Benton Counties) to better understand the state of food insecurity and to identify barriers to and gaps in services within this network. CGR analyzed national and local demographic and socioeconomic...

Renewing Our Pledge: A Path to Ending Lead Poisoning of Buffalo's Most Vulnerable Citizens
The lead contamination of Flint, Michigan’s water supply placed the problem of lead poisoning at center stage in cities across the nation. The Community Foundation of Greater Buffalo, along with the City of Buffalo and other partners, engaged CGR to help

LIFT Oswego Needs Assessment - Poverty in the City of Oswego
CGR was engaged by Oswego County Opportunities (OCO) and the City of Oswego to complete a comprehensive needs assessment about the state of poverty in the City of Oswego to inform a work plan aimed at reducing the prevalence and impact of poverty. The City is one of sixteen communities...

The Future of the DuPage County Convalescent Center: Options for Consideration
Like many counties across the United States that continue to operate publicly-owned skilled nursing facilities, DuPage County, IL is seeking to preserve the historic mission of its 360-bed Convalescent Center (nursing home) while improving its financial sustainability in a challenging healthcare and long-term care environment. CGR was engaged by the...

Going Mobile to Increase the Reach of Summer Meals: A Feasibility Study for the Rochester Community
CGR was engaged by Rochester Area Community Foundation to conduct a feasibility study of a mobile summer meals program for the City of Rochester. To complete this study, CGR researched existing programs elsewhere in New York and the rest of the nation, analyzed the reach of Rochester’s current summer meals...

Region I Voluntary Providers to the Developmentally Disabled: Economic and Fiscal Impact
Engaged by the Developmental Disability Alliance of Western New York (DDAWNY), CGR estimates that nearly 30,000 workers, receiving compensation exceeding $700 million, are employed by Western NY agencies servicing persons with disabilities. Spillover impacts push the estimated total to nearly 39,000 jobs and $1.2 billion in payroll. The proposed minimum...

Substance Abuse in Ontario County - Tracking Recent Trends
CGR was asked by the Partnership for Ontario County to collect and analyze data on substance abuse trends to inform the Partnership’s ongoing efforts, including a strategic planning initiative. We consulted a variety of national, state, and local data sources to compile a list of relevant indicators, then collaborated...

Reducing Poverty in Rochester - An International Scan of Options to Consider
CGR was engaged by the United Way of Greater Rochester to research successful approaches to reducing poverty and their potential applicability to the 9-county Rochester region. Nearly 156,000 people live in poverty throughout the Greater Rochester region, with about two-thirds residing in Monroe County and over 40% in the City...

An Assessment of Community Needs in Suffolk County, NY - A Step toward Better Aligning Community Needs, Health and Human Services Safety Net, and Available Resources
In the aftermath of Super Storm Sandy, CGR was engaged by the Health and Welfare Council of Long Island in 2013 to conduct a community needs assessment. The need for such an assessment had emerged in early 2012 and became clear as the members of the Health and Welfare Council...

Feasibility Analysis for the Merger for the Department of Health and the Department of Mental Hygiene in Dutchess County, NY
CGR conducted a feasibility study of merging the Departments of Health and Mental Hygiene within Dutchess County. Our review included a detailed examination of the baseline of current services (operated by both government and non-profit agencies), and an overview of the changing landscape of the healthcare delivery systems. We evaluated...

Otsego County Community Health Assessment - Prevention Agenda Objectives 2014-17
Otsego County engaged CGR to assist with the development of its Community Health Assessment for 2014-17. CGR, in partnership with the county Health Department collected and analyzed data on a variety of health issues, as well as socioeconomic, demographic, educational and environmental data. In addition, CGR facilitated a community stakeholder...

The Future of County Nursing Homes in New York State
In a study of county-owned nursing homes throughout New York State, CGR found 92% of homes outside NYC lost money in 2010, and without significant changes in how they operate, most have little chance to survive. Historically, counties have considered the homes to be an important part of their missions,...

Rochester's Department of Recreation and Youth Services - Maximizing the City's Supports for Children and Youth
CGR was engaged by the City of Rochester to provide an inventory and resource analysis of its Department of Recreation and Youth Service (DRYS), compile information on similar programs and services offered by local nonprofits and governments, and benchmark the department’s operations to other cities. CGR found that, compared to...

City of Rochester Summer Meals Needs Assessment: Informing a Community-Wide Strategy to Close the Summer Meals Gap
CGR was engaged by the Rochester Area Community Foundation to assess the Summer Meals program providing free meals to eligible Rochester youth at sites throughout the city. Our analysis found that less than a quarter of children who would benefit from the program are currently being served, leaving a gap...

Southern Arizona Community Indicators: A Foundation for Action
CGR was selected to coordinate the creation of Southern Arizona Indicators, an interactive profile of Southern Arizona now serving to spur discussion of community issues and solutions. Led by the Community Foundation of Southern Arizona and the United Way of Tucson & Southern Arizona, the initiative is also supported by...

Options for the Future of Cattaraugus County Nursing Homes
Cattaraugus County is one of only 2 NY counties to own and operate a pair of nursing homes. Due to concerns about current operating costs and uncertainties about future state and federal funding, the county engaged CGR to help weigh options concerning the future operation, management and ownership of the...

Options for the Future of the Chautauqua County Nursing Home
Concerned about the cost of its nursing home, Chautauqua County requested bids for the facility from potential buyers, then decided to simultaneously assess what it could do to operate the home more cost effectively. In early 2012, CGR was engaged to determine the home’s financial viability and assess options for...

Coming Home to Caring Communities: A Blueprint for Serving Veterans and Families
After more than a decade of war in Afghanistan and years of combat in Iraq, thousands of returning service members struggle with injury, post-traumatic stress or other challenging problems. The lives of more than 6,200 families changed forever when they lost family members in these wars. The Rochester NY nonprofit...

Orange County Valley View Nursing Home: Current Reality and Future Options
A team led by CGR assessed options for the future of the 360-bed public nursing home operated by Orange County NY, and recommends the county sell the facility. Although CGR identified ways to reduce costs if the county continues to own the home, we concluded that any potential cost savings...

Suffolk County's Bureau of Public Health Nursing: An Assessment
The Suffolk County Legislature engaged CGR to explore the balance of benefit and cost resulting from the County’s Bureau of Public Health Nursing. CGR also explored options for the sale or retention of the County’s Certified Home Health Agency. The final report includes a robust bibliography of cost-benefit analyses of...

Nassau County Youth Board Assessment: Implications of Reduced Funding of the Nassau County Youth Board and Options for the Future.
In the midst of a major financial crisis facing Nassau County, the Rauch Foundation engaged CGR to assess the impacts the crisis and resulting proposed cuts would have on the County Youth Board’s ability to support a wide range of community-based youth services. CGR developed a three-phase blueprint to strategically...

Genesee County Nursing Home Assessment and Analysis of Future Options
For Genesee County (NY), CGR explored a spectrum of options for its long-term care operations. CGR recommends the county remain in the nursing home business for the time being, but initiate steps to downsize its 80-bed domiciliary (adult home); look for a partner to provide an assisted living program within...

Mid-Hudson Valley Community Profile
The Mid–Hudson Valley Community Profiles project represents a commitment by three of the region’s leading philanthropic organizations to provide the public with continuously updated comparative information regarding Dutchess, Orange, and Ulster counties. The project is designed to provide government and nonprofits with an important new tool for assessing and understanding...

Community Status Report on Children: Establishing Baseline Measures and Investments for the 2010 Community Action Plan for Greater Rochester's Children
In late 2009, The Children’s Agenda, a nonprofit advocate for Rochester NY children, released its Community Action Plan for Greater Rochester’s Children. After the report’s release, local government and community leaders asked CGR and the Children’s Agenda to provide baseline measures so they could better understand how well the community...

An Evaluation and Enhancement Plan for the City of Rochester's Special Needs Housing Program: Emergency Shelter Grant and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS
The City of Rochester NY seeks to target $1 million in special needs housing funds more strategically to best align with its Housing Policy and revitalization goals. CGR outlines a funding allocation model identifying priority funding categories and selection criteria. Our report also includes results from a community-wide survey of...

Veterans in Rensselaer County: Understanding Needs and Local Solutions
CGR was engaged to conduct a county-wide needs assessment for veterans in Rensselaer County NY. As the veteran population changes so do their needs, and local communities are increasingly called upon to collaborate with the Veterans Administration (VA) to provide a network of support. CGR combined surveys and...

Providing Effective Crisis and Financial Stability Services: a Strategy Paper to Inform the United Way of Greater Rochester’s Blueprint for Change Process
The United Way of Greater Rochester seeks to target community resources more strategically through a well regarded Blueprint for Change process. CGR developed a strategy paper to help the United Way in its efforts to provide more effective crisis and financial stability services in Rochester and Monroe County NY. CGR’s...

Voices Together: A Community Conversation on Veterans' Reintegration in the Syracuse Region
Funding from Harris Beach law firm enabled CGR to conduct a day-long summit in fall 2009 on veteran’s reintegration issues in the Syracuse NY area. CGR's report on local priorities, service gaps and solutions are based on input provided by about 70 participants.

Dutchess County ICA Community Health Survey - Final Report
In 2008, CGR was engaged by the Dutchess County Department of Health to conduct and analyze a survey of residents regarding the health of their communities. CGR surveyed a random sample of 1,000 residents, stratified by regions within the county. The survey focused on issues such as threats to community...

ACT Rochester
A joint venture of the Rochester Area Community Foundation and United Way of Greater Rochester NY, this web-based ACT Community Profile encompasses 10 topics and more than 130 indicators measuring the community’s status in areas ranging from prenatal care for developing babies to affordable housing to the change...

Independent Living in New York State: A Needs Assessment
A network of 35 nonprofit Independent Living Centers operate some 50 sites in NY that serve residents with disabilities. NYS has found these nonprofit organizations save taxpayers millions of dollars annually in avoided institutionalized care costs. In 2008, the centers’ statewide association engaged CGR to conduct a needs assessment. ...

An Evaluation of the City of Rochester's Lead Law: 2006-2008
Rochester NY is the first U.S. city to have a housing inspection law that incorporates both visual inspections and dust wipes for rental units located in areas at high risk for lead paint problems. CGR conducted a 2-year study, funded by the Greater Rochester Health Foundation, of the impact of...

Voices Together: Exploring Priority Needs and Solutions for Change in Veterans Reintegration
To help the Veterans Outreach Center serving the Greater Rochester NY region address veterans’ reintegration issues, CGR brought together 140 stakeholders in specially designed summits. Exposing veterans who had recently served in the military, family members and service providers to different perspectives, and having them work together to...

How Well Are We Doing? A Plan for Evaluation of 2-1-1 Service in New York State
NYS is implementing a regional network of 2-1-1 call centers. Part of a national movement, 2-1-1 will serve as the number to call to access community information and referral services for non-emergency situations. Working collaboratively with regional and state leaders, CGR identified 8 desired outcomes to provide 2-1-1 with...

Assessment of the Dutchess County Department of Mental Hygiene
Dutchess County NY, which frequently turns to CGR to assist with assessments involving its human services delivery system, engaged CGR to review the Department of Mental Hygiene. Over the years, selected in-house services have been contracted out to nonprofits due to county financial constraints and a need to reduce staffing...

AmeriCorps: Planning for the Future
At the request of the Rochester NY AmeriCorps, CGR identified internal management process improvement opportunities. CGR held focus groups with staff and conducted surveys of program alumni, and found the program is widely viewed as successful. CGR recommended, however, that AmeriCorps staff increase their presence at host sites, better educate...

An Evaluation of the City of Rochester’s Lead Law: Year One Report
Rochester NY is the first U.S. city to have a housing inspection law that incorporates both visual inspections and dust wipes for rental units located in areas at high risk for lead paint problems. CGR conducted a 2-year study, funded by the Greater Rochester Health Foundation, of the impact of...

Seneca County Community Profile 2007: How Well Are We Doing?
A broad-based partnership in Seneca County (NY) – engaged in a strategic planning process designed to set community priorities, determine future resource allocations, and effect needed community change – turned to CGR for assistance. In conjunction with the partnership, CGR developed a county profile that documents demographic trends affecting the...

Access to Subsidized Child Care in Monroe County, NY
Between 2001 and early 2007 the average number of child care slots per month filled by Monroe County (NY) children receiving child care subsidies declined by about 38%, from about 13,575 to 8,400. The decline was fueled primarily by three factors: 1) Monroe County lowered the income eligibility rate from...

Profile of Seniors in the Six-County Greater Rochester Region: Demographic Analysis
The Rochester Area Community Foundation (RACF) assessed civic engagement opportunities and constraints for older citizens in the six-county Rochester region. As part of this project, RACF contracted with CGR to develop a demographic profile of the region's 60+ seniors, and provide some targeted data on the next younger age group.

Sharing Promising System Reform Strategies: A Resource Manual Describing Nassau County's No Wrong Door Staff Development Initiative
Nassau County is pioneering a new approach to human service delivery via an innovative, multi-year initiative called "No Wrong Door." The goal is to make it possible for a client entering the public service system through any door to gain access to any other needed county or community services. CGR...

Information & Referral: How Well are We Doing? A Model for Evaluation of 2-1-1 Services
CGR assisted the Finger Lakes 2-1-1 Collaborative in developing an evaluation model to gauge progress toward key outcomes and measures. CGR collected information on six established 2-1-1 systems across the country to identify best practices and challenges in measuring the performance of 2-1-1 operations.

Assessing Human Services Needs in Rockland County A Community Survey
CGR worked with the United Way of Rockland County to develop and conduct a survey of county residents to provide an assessment of Rockland County resident needs in the areas of health and human services.

Planning For the Future-Improving Rockland County's Delivery of Human Services Findings and Recommendations
Through a collaborative effort with a 25-member Task Force, CGR completed a comprehensive analysis of Rockland County’s largest human service departments - DSS, Health, Mental Health and Probation. This report presents 10 recommendations to bring about a more customer-focused, efficient and effective delivery system. Recommendations focus on organizational, service response,...

Rochester Safe Start 2004 Community Assessment Children's Exposure to Violence in Rochester & Monroe County, NY
Rochester Safe Start, a federal demonstration project, hired CGR to update a 2000 report on violence affecting young children. CGR found data on crime, police service calls, domestic violence calls to Lifeline, and reports of child abuse and neglect offered a conflicting and unclear picture of the trends in violence...

Building a More Cohesive and Effective Human Service System in Dutchess County: Recommendations to the County Executive
Engaged by Dutchess County, CGR developed an integrated and cost-efficient strategy for health and human services both within and across county departments.

Erie County: State of the Child & Family
In 2002, Joel A. Giambra, Erie County Executive, engaged CGR to lead the county’s Blueprint for Change Initiative. This project included three components: 1) examining the current operations of the county’s human service agencies and recommending organizational and service delivery improvements that will result in more cost-effective, integrated, and...

Wraparound Demonstration Project: An Alternative to Out-of-Home Placement for Youth at Risk
In 2002, Joel A. Giambra, Erie County Executive, engaged CGR to lead the county’s Blueprint for Change Initiative. This project included three components: 1) examining the current operations of the county’s human service agencies and recommending organizational and service delivery improvements that will result in more cost-effective, integrated, and...

A Blueprint for Change: Restructuring Erie County Government to Improve the Impact and Effectiveness of Services to Children and Families
In 2002, Joel A. Giambra, Erie County Executive, engaged CGR to lead the county’s Blueprint for Change Initiative. This project included three components: 1) examining the current operations of the county’s human service agencies and recommending organizational and service delivery improvements that will result in more cost-effective, integrated, and...

An Evaluation Of Family Focus Even Start: Year Four (2002 - 2003) - Livingston County - July 2003
This was a three year evaluation of the Livingston County Even Start program. The evaluation involved surveys and interviews with staff, enrolled families and partner agencies, a focus group with the advisory board, and evaluation of performance indicators. Additional information on the program operations and the process evaluation is...

Rochester and Monroe County Community Profile: How Well Are We Doing?
CGR provided multi-year assistance to the United Way of Greater Rochester in the development and implementation of a community-wide profile for Monroe County (NY). CGR’s work in this area was supported by the local United Way, area foundations, the City of Rochester and Monroe County. The first community profile,...

Parental Workforce Participation and Childcare for Children Under Six in Monroe County - Formal and Informal Care, Subsidized and Unsubsidized Children - April 2003
The Rochester/Monroe County Workforce Investment Board (WIB) and its Welfare to Work subcommittee engaged CGR to conduct a study of child care in Monroe County. This study provides a “snapshot” of child care in Monroe County in terms of workforce participation. While CGR and the Welfare to Work committee believe...

North Shore Child and Family Guidance Center
CGR facilitated a roundtable discussion of 17 experts in the field of children's emotional health services from across the nation for North Shore Child and Family Guidance Center in Nassau County NY. North Shore, a not-for-profit agency providing comprehensive mental health, alcoholism, and drug abuse treatment services to children and...

A Needs Assessment of Access to the Poison and Drug Information Center - The Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, and Migrant Worker Populations - June 2002
CGR assisted the Finger Lakes Regional Poison and Drug Information Center in improving its services to the deaf and hard of hearing. By conducting a multi-county needs assessment through the use of focus groups and expert interviews, CGR was able to provide broad focus areas as well as a specialized...

Streamlining and Strengthening Services for Children, Youth and Families in Tioga County
Intrigued by Albany County’s decision to form a new Department for Children, Youth, and Families, Tioga County secured the assistance of Meridian Consulting Services and now CGR to help the County review its current operations and develop a new organizational structure for children and families. Our staff is now...

Re-Thinking the Niagara County Department of Social Services, Preparing DSS for the Future - August 2001
One of the top priorities identified by the Niagara County Legislature from a county-wide CGR study was the need for an in-depth assessment of the Department of Human Services, and ways in which it needs to rethink its mission, functions and structure in light of welfare reform, changing county demographics,...

An Evaluation of Broome County's Community Reinvestment Programs- August 2001
CGR evaluated the progress of the Community Reinvestment initiative from the mid nineteen nineties to 2000. Research showed that the State appropriations had a positive impact on Broome County by funding and creating services that effectively assisted the mentally ill, and eliminating many unnecessary medical costs.

Results of Survey on Carter Street Recreational Center Expansion (14621 Neighborhood) Sept. 2000
City residents and officials were divided over whether to renovate the Carter St. Recreation Center. CGR was asked to conduct a survey of local residents to determine the level of support for the renovation and planned merger of Genesee Settlement House.

Return on Investment, Options for Agency Change- June 2000
With the implementation of the Return on Investment Project, CGR analyzed the initial phases to note its pros and cons. We identified a menu of options established or proposed within several non-profit agencies and the amount of use the ROI was being used in local agencies. CGR did not make...

Orleans County Preliminary Directions For Community Planning and Youth Asset Development: Inventory for Services, Community Perceptions, Issues and Data (Genesee/Orleans Integrated County Planning for Children, Youth and Families)
Working in conjunction with the Genesee/Orleans Youth Bureau and with the Genesee and Orleans County Departments of Human Services, CGR coordinated their joint integrated planning project, and helped develop a comprehensive vision of the strengths, resources and services Genesee and Orleans County already had in place and those that needed...

Integrated Systems of Care for Children's Mental Health: A Technical Assistance Resource Book
This project included research into county models of integrated systems of care and the development of a technical assistance tool, Integrated Systems of Care for Children’s Mental Health: A Technical Assistance Resource Book, which included profiles of the models and common core elements. Based on this work, CGR staff held...

Looking to the 21st Century: Improving the Return on Investment in Rochester's Human Services Delivery System (Human Services Return on Investment Leadership Team)
The goal of the Return on Investment (ROI) Project is to improve the community’s return on its investment in its people and human service systems. It aims to enhance human services outcomes of its citizens by shifting as many of our resources as possible from any inefficient administrative and overhead...