Building a Coordinated, Equitable Out of School Time System - Ensuring Opportunities for Rochester's Youth
How to increase equity within and accessibility of out-of-school time (OST) programs for youth was the focus of a 2-year project that CGR, in partnership with RAND Corp., conducted for the Greater Rochester Afterschool & Summer Alliance (GRASA). The project included a local and national scan of OST systems, and a...

No Time for Excuses: It's Time for Action - Report of the Commission on Racial and Structural Equity (RASE)
CGR supported the work of the Racial and Structural Equity Commission of Rochester and Monroe County, a 24-member body appointed by Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren and County Executive Adam Bello to inventory and assess local laws and policies to recommend ways to eliminate institutional and structural biases, racism and inequities....

Community Racial Equity Initiatives - A Literature Review
The ESL Charitable Foundation commissioned CGR to conduct a literature scan of community-based racial justice and equity initiatives to better understand the types of initiatives that communities are engaged with nationally, the traits and best practices associated with these initiatives, and how is success defined and measured. To accomplish this,...

Early Childhood Collaboration in Western New York - Collaborative Efforts to Improve Systems and Outcomes for Young Children
Western NY Funders for Early Childhood retained CGR in 2019 to study how organizations across Western New York collaborate to improve outcomes for the region’s youngest residents. Liftoff, a group of more than two dozen funders, asked CGR to gather and analyze information about coalitions, councils and other collaborative groups...

Renewing Our Pledge: A Path to Ending Lead Poisoning of Buffalo's Most Vulnerable Citizens
The lead contamination of Flint, Michigan’s water supply placed the problem of lead poisoning at center stage in cities across the nation. The Community Foundation of Greater Buffalo, along with the City of Buffalo and other partners, engaged CGR to help

An Assessment of the Future of the Tompkins County Jail
CGR (Center for Governmental Research) was hired by Tompkins County to conduct an assessment of the County jail; alternative-to-incarceration and other criminal justice programs, policies and practices affecting the jail and its inmate population; trends over time in the numbers and characteristics of that population; and future jail population projections...

The Future of the DuPage County Convalescent Center: Options for Consideration
Like many counties across the United States that continue to operate publicly-owned skilled nursing facilities, DuPage County, IL is seeking to preserve the historic mission of its 360-bed Convalescent Center (nursing home) while improving its financial sustainability in a challenging healthcare and long-term care environment. CGR was engaged by the...

Elm City Communities Strategic Plan 2016-2018 Plan
The Housing Authority of the City of New Haven, CT engaged CGR to facilitate a strategic planning process for the agency. The Housing Authority provides public housing and housing choice vouchers to thousands of low-income or disabled residents of the City of New Haven, and has strengthened its reputation in...

School #17 Strategic Plan - Developing an Implementation Plan for a Community School
Receivership and Community Schools: In summer 2015, a new New York State Education Law was enacted pertaining to School Receivership to give greater autonomy and resources to chronically underperforming schools. CGR was engaged by the Farash Foundation to help a pre-K through 8th grade school in Rochester, NY...

City of Rochester's Recreation Services - A Roadmap Forward
The City engaged CGR to facilitate a strategic planning process for the Bureau of Recreational Services. CGR worked with bureau and department staff to articulate community expectations for Recreation Services in the city, through community surveys, focus groups and stakeholder interviews. We fed this information back to the department and...

Otsego County Community Health Assessment - Prevention Agenda Objectives 2014-17
Otsego County engaged CGR to assist with the development of its Community Health Assessment for 2014-17. CGR, in partnership with the county Health Department collected and analyzed data on a variety of health issues, as well as socioeconomic, demographic, educational and environmental data. In addition, CGR facilitated a community stakeholder...

The Future of County Nursing Homes in New York State
In a study of county-owned nursing homes throughout New York State, CGR found 92% of homes outside NYC lost money in 2010, and without significant changes in how they operate, most have little chance to survive. Historically, counties have considered the homes to be an important part of their missions,...

Options for Governmental Structural Changes: Dissolution & Alternatives Study for Village of Hoosick Falls, NY
In 2012, the officials in the eastern New York Village of Hoosick Falls contracted with CGR to conduct a study on the impacts of village dissolution. The study considered the impacts of dissolving the village government including the impacts on the police department, justice court, public works and administrative functions....

Rochester's Communities and their Public Libraries - 2012 and Beyond
To provide the foundation for the Rochester NY Public Library’s strategic planning process for 10 community branches, CGR documented how patrons use each branch. Key findings included: a) branches fill different roles in different locations and need flexibility to be responsive, b) since 1999 circulation was down but door count,...

Strategic Options to Realign Resources for the Southeastern NY Library Resources Council
The strategic plan of the Southeastern New York Library Resource Council, one of 9 Reference and Research Library Resource Councils (3Rs) in the state, calls for streamlining services and leveraging limited resources for more effective support of member libraries. CGR examined the feasibility of formalizing shared services and/or consolidating with...

Southern Arizona Community Indicators: A Foundation for Action
CGR was selected to coordinate the creation of Southern Arizona Indicators, an interactive profile of Southern Arizona now serving to spur discussion of community issues and solutions. Led by the Community Foundation of Southern Arizona and the United Way of Tucson & Southern Arizona, the initiative is also supported by...

Coming Home to Caring Communities: A Blueprint for Serving Veterans and Families
After more than a decade of war in Afghanistan and years of combat in Iraq, thousands of returning service members struggle with injury, post-traumatic stress or other challenging problems. The lives of more than 6,200 families changed forever when they lost family members in these wars. The Rochester NY nonprofit...

Orange County Valley View Nursing Home: Current Reality and Future Options
A team led by CGR assessed options for the future of the 360-bed public nursing home operated by Orange County NY, and recommends the county sell the facility. Although CGR identified ways to reduce costs if the county continues to own the home, we concluded that any potential cost savings...

Rochester Housing Authority Strategic Plan 2010-2015
The Rochester Housing Authority (RHA) provides public housing, Section 8 and/or other housing-related services for more than 22,000 low income or disabled residents in the 5-county Rochester NY region. CGR provided consultant and facilitation services to assist the agency as it developed its first comprehensive strategic plan. The engagement...

Genesee County Nursing Home Assessment and Analysis of Future Options
For Genesee County (NY), CGR explored a spectrum of options for its long-term care operations. CGR recommends the county remain in the nursing home business for the time being, but initiate steps to downsize its 80-bed domiciliary (adult home); look for a partner to provide an assisted living program within...

Veterans in Rensselaer County: Understanding Needs and Local Solutions
CGR was engaged to conduct a county-wide needs assessment for veterans in Rensselaer County NY. As the veteran population changes so do their needs, and local communities are increasingly called upon to collaborate with the Veterans Administration (VA) to provide a network of support. CGR combined surveys and...

Voices Together: A Community Conversation on Veterans' Reintegration in the Syracuse Region
Funding from Harris Beach law firm enabled CGR to conduct a day-long summit in fall 2009 on veteran’s reintegration issues in the Syracuse NY area. CGR's report on local priorities, service gaps and solutions are based on input provided by about 70 participants.

Community Services Benchmarking Summary
As part of a strategic planning process, the Town of Victor NY engaged CGR to perform a community service benchmarking study, comparing the town against a group of peer communities on a variety of fiscal, governmental and service delivery measures. The study’s purpose was not just to target the...

Voices Together: Exploring Priority Needs and Solutions for Change in Veterans Reintegration
To help the Veterans Outreach Center serving the Greater Rochester NY region address veterans’ reintegration issues, CGR brought together 140 stakeholders in specially designed summits. Exposing veterans who had recently served in the military, family members and service providers to different perspectives, and having them work together to...

MASTER CONTRACTING WITH COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE PROVIDERS: A Tool to Simplify Administration and Promote Outcome-Focused, Integrated Services
CGR was commissioned by the UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families and Communities to prepare a resource paper on master contracting because of the unique expertise of CGR staff in this area. Master contracting is an administrative tool to combine government contracts within a single provider to both simplify...

Building Partnerships For An Aging Community: 2006-2008 Strategic Plan for the Schenectady County Long Term Care Consortium
CGR helped the Schenectady County Long Term Care Consortium develop its first-ever strategic plan. CGR analyzed demographic data on the senior population in the county, conducted focus groups with providers and consumers to define major issues facing seniors, and facilitated a collaborative process for the consortium to review data and...

Buffalo Literacy Campaign Focus Groups with Target Populations
For a Buffalo, NY coalition that is working to bring about systemic changes in the way literacy services are provided in the city, CGR conducted focus groups with target populations.

RIT Climate Study - Perceptions of Faculty, Students and Staff - April 2003
In its continuing efforts to improve all aspects of campus life, RIT is striving to become a more racially, ethnically, and culturally diverse university. As part of that process, RIT engaged CGR to conduct an objective baseline assessment of how faculty, staff, and students perceive the current campus environment....

Closing Indian Point: The Physical Threat
CGR staffed the Westchester Public Issues Institute, aimed at studying public issues affecting the lower Hudson Valley. In 2002, CGR studied the impact of the closure of the Indian Point nuclear power plants and conducted a survey of Westchester businesses on the impact of high Human Services prices on...

Closing Indian Point: Implications for NYC Metro Energy Supply
CGR staffed the Westchester Public Issues Institute, aimed at studying public issues affecting the lower Hudson Valley. In 2002, CGR studied the impact of the closure of the Indian Point nuclear power plants and conducted a survey of Westchester businesses on the impact of high Human Services prices on...

The High Cost of Housing: A Survey of Employers & Employees in Westchester County - The Westchester Public Issues Institute
CGR staffed the Westchester Public Issues Institute, aimed at studying public issues affecting the lower Hudson Valley. In 2002, CGR studied the impact of the closure of the Indian Point nuclear power plants and conducted a survey of Westchester businesses on the impact of high Human Services prices on...

What Westchester's New York Address Does to Local Taxes - The Westchester Public Issues Institute - October 2001
CGR staffed the Westchester Public Issues Institute, aimed at studying public issues affecting the lower Hudson Valley. In 2001 CGR studied the NYS mandates on Westchester County, local e-commerce impacts and Human Services affordability. CGR estimates that Westchester County will lose from $4 million to $52 million in...