Scan of Workforce Development Efforts - Greater Rochester Region
CGR was engaged by the Greater Rochester Chamber of Commerce in late 2019 to conduct a scan of workforce development efforts in the Rochester region in order to inform local talent and economic development initiatives. Even though this report was completed in the first weeks of the COVID-19 outbreak, and...

Rochester Area Skill Needs Assessment and Business Climate Survey - May, 2014
Monroe Community College engaged CGR to support a survey of the workforce skill needs of the business firms in the Rochester metro area. In addition to training needs, the survey also explored business climate questions and the extent of the “skills gap”—i.e. the number of positions that remain unfilled due...

Rochester Area Skill Needs Assessment and Business Climate Survey
Monroe Community College engaged CGR to support a survey of the workforce skill needs of the business firms in the Rochester metro area. In addition to training needs, the survey also explored business climate questions and the extent of the “skills gap”—i.e. the number of positions that remain unfilled due...

Long Island Regional Innovation Grant Project: Implementation Plan Recommendations
As part of the Town of Hempstead’s (NY) federally-funded Regional Innovation Grant, CGR produced a comprehensive review of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in Long Island’s entrepreneurial development and support network. The analysis identified economic clusters with the greatest business startup potential; assessed the degree to which entrepreneurs are...

Long Island Regional Innovation Grant Project: Assessing Entrepreneurial Resources and Strategies
As part of the Town of Hempstead’s (NY) federally-funded Regional Innovation Grant, CGR produced a comprehensive review of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in Long Island’s entrepreneurial development and support network. The analysis identified economic clusters with the greatest business startup potential; assessed the degree to which entrepreneurs are...

Growing the Economy in the Greater Rochester Region; Drawing on the Competencies of the Finger Lakes
Finger Lakes Wired, one of the first 13 federally designated “Wired” regions in the country funded by the U.S. Department of Labor to support economic development and transform regional economies, engaged CGR to identify key competencies in its 9-county region and recommend strategies to capitalize on them.

Technology Needs Assessment Preparing for Tech Valley Occupations in the School Districts of the Washington-Saratoga-Warren-Hamilton-Essex BOCES
New York's Tech Valley cuts across 19 counties in the state's northeast quadrant, and a Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) and its 31 component school districts asked CGR to help them identify how best to prepare students for future high tech jobs.

The Rochester Community Physician Workforce - Factors Effecting Recruitment And Retention - July 2003
The Rochester Physician Workforce Task Force (Task Force), engaged CGR to conduct an analysis of the physician workforce in the six-county Rochester, NY region. The Task Force was concerned that existing data did not sufficiently measure supply nor identify the root causes of physicians leaving the Rochester area. This analysis...

Parental Workforce Participation and Childcare for Children Under Six in Monroe County - Formal and Informal Care, Subsidized and Unsubsidized Children - April 2003
The Rochester/Monroe County Workforce Investment Board (WIB) and its Welfare to Work subcommittee engaged CGR to conduct a study of child care in Monroe County. This study provides a “snapshot” of child care in Monroe County in terms of workforce participation. While CGR and the Welfare to Work committee believe...

Survey of Employer's Skill and Occupational Needs, and Recommendations for Action for the Finger Lakes WIB - February 2003
CGR conducted a labor market information scan and an employer survey to identify information gaps the WIB could then begin to address in its strategic planning process.

Workplace Satisfaction and Staff Morale Survey, Greece Central School District - June 2001
The Greece Teachers Association needed an external group to conduct a survey of GTA members to determine their level of satisfaction with their jobs and the District Administration.

Niagara County Workforce 2000:Phase 1 Recommended Opportunities and Next Steps (Niagara County Legislature) March 2000
In what was originally conceptualized as an assessment of government efficiency and workforce needs of Niagara County government, CGR worked with County officials to broaden the scope of the project to a strategic reassessment of the purposes and functions of County government. In a March 2000 report, CGR recommended...

A Report Card for Workforce Development Performance Accountability in Rochester/Monroe County (Monroe Community College, Rochester/ Monroe County Workforce Development Steering Committee) February 2000
The Workforce Investment Act, which changed the delivery of workforce development services in the U.S., requires more integrated and streamlined delivery of services through One Stop Career Centers. CGR was asked to assist the Rochester/Monroe County NY Workforce Development Steering Committee in developing a performance accountability design for the area’s...