Essex County EMS Strategic Plan Update: Looking to the Future after Five Years of Progress
CGR was engaged to conduct a follow up study to evaluate the changes since a 2017 strategic plan was enacted. Since then, there has been significant progress around dispatching, establishing a county EMS service, improving education and setting response targets. Service. Local EMS services have also increased paid staffing. Despite...

Needs Assessment of People Who Use Drugs in Rochester & Surrounding Region - Exploring Perspectives and Data to Inform Service Decisions
Trillium Health engaged CGR to understand the needs and perspectives of people who use drugs to inform strategic planning and future programming. Trillium provides medical care and operates a harm reduction program providing walk-in HIV, Hepatitis C and sexually transmitted infection testing, safe supplies such as needles and NARCAN, and...

Central New York Nonprofit Capacity Building - Assets, Needs & Opportunities
This report and related CNY Asset and Gaps/Needs Map identifies the capacity building needs and assets of nonprofit organizations in an eight-county region of Central New York (CNY). Commissioned by the Health Foundation for Western and Central New York (HFWCNY), CGR partnered with the Community Health Worker Network...

Central New York Nonprofit Capacity Building Assets/Gaps Map
This interactive "map" visually represents the capacity building assets and needs of nonprofit organizations in eight Central New York counties. The map is part of a study of the nonprofit capacity building needs and assets commissioned by the Health Foundation for Western and Central New York (HFWCNY). Data...

Western New York Nonprofit Capacity Building - Assets, Needs & Opportunities
This report and related WNY Asset and Gaps/Needs Map identifies the capacity building needs and assets of nonprofit organizations in a nine-county region of Western New York (WNY). Commissioned by the Western New York Nonprofit Support Group (WNYNSG), CGR partnered with the Community Health Worker Network...

Western New York Nonprofit Capacity Building Assets/Gaps Map
This interactive "map" visually represents the capacity building assets and needs of nonprofit organizations in nine Western New York counties. The map is part of a study of the nonprofit capacity building needs and assets commissioned by the Western New York Nonprofit Support Group (WNYNSG). Data in the
Renewing Our Pledge: A Path to Ending Lead Poisoning of Buffalo's Most Vulnerable Citizens
The lead contamination of Flint, Michigan’s water supply placed the problem of lead poisoning at center stage in cities across the nation. The Community Foundation of Greater Buffalo, along with the City of Buffalo and other partners, engaged CGR to help

The Future of the DuPage County Convalescent Center: Options for Consideration
Like many counties across the United States that continue to operate publicly-owned skilled nursing facilities, DuPage County, IL is seeking to preserve the historic mission of its 360-bed Convalescent Center (nursing home) while improving its financial sustainability in a challenging healthcare and long-term care environment. CGR was engaged by the...

Substance Abuse in Ontario County - Tracking Recent Trends
CGR was asked by the Partnership for Ontario County to collect and analyze data on substance abuse trends to inform the Partnership’s ongoing efforts, including a strategic planning initiative. We consulted a variety of national, state, and local data sources to compile a list of relevant indicators, then collaborated...

Emergency Medical Services System in Greene County - Assessment of EMS Operations and Options for Improving Service
In 2014, CGR completed a project for the Greene County (NY) EMS Task Force the focused on enabling the county EMS providers to plan to modify their system based on the demands for service, existing resource availability and geographic constraints. The study created three different options for resource...

An Assessment of Community Needs in Suffolk County, NY - A Step toward Better Aligning Community Needs, Health and Human Services Safety Net, and Available Resources
In the aftermath of Super Storm Sandy, CGR was engaged by the Health and Welfare Council of Long Island in 2013 to conduct a community needs assessment. The need for such an assessment had emerged in early 2012 and became clear as the members of the Health and Welfare Council...

Feasibility Analysis for the Merger for the Department of Health and the Department of Mental Hygiene in Dutchess County, NY
CGR conducted a feasibility study of merging the Departments of Health and Mental Hygiene within Dutchess County. Our review included a detailed examination of the baseline of current services (operated by both government and non-profit agencies), and an overview of the changing landscape of the healthcare delivery systems. We evaluated...

Otsego County Community Health Assessment - Prevention Agenda Objectives 2014-17
Otsego County engaged CGR to assist with the development of its Community Health Assessment for 2014-17. CGR, in partnership with the county Health Department collected and analyzed data on a variety of health issues, as well as socioeconomic, demographic, educational and environmental data. In addition, CGR facilitated a community stakeholder...

The Future of County Nursing Homes in New York State
In a study of county-owned nursing homes throughout New York State, CGR found 92% of homes outside NYC lost money in 2010, and without significant changes in how they operate, most have little chance to survive. Historically, counties have considered the homes to be an important part of their missions,...

Options for the Future of Cattaraugus County Nursing Homes
Cattaraugus County is one of only 2 NY counties to own and operate a pair of nursing homes. Due to concerns about current operating costs and uncertainties about future state and federal funding, the county engaged CGR to help weigh options concerning the future operation, management and ownership of the...

Options for the Future of the Chautauqua County Nursing Home
Concerned about the cost of its nursing home, Chautauqua County requested bids for the facility from potential buyers, then decided to simultaneously assess what it could do to operate the home more cost effectively. In early 2012, CGR was engaged to determine the home’s financial viability and assess options for...

Coming Home to Caring Communities: A Blueprint for Serving Veterans and Families
After more than a decade of war in Afghanistan and years of combat in Iraq, thousands of returning service members struggle with injury, post-traumatic stress or other challenging problems. The lives of more than 6,200 families changed forever when they lost family members in these wars. The Rochester NY nonprofit...

Orange County Valley View Nursing Home: Current Reality and Future Options
A team led by CGR assessed options for the future of the 360-bed public nursing home operated by Orange County NY, and recommends the county sell the facility. Although CGR identified ways to reduce costs if the county continues to own the home, we concluded that any potential cost savings...

Suffolk County's Bureau of Public Health Nursing: An Assessment
The Suffolk County Legislature engaged CGR to explore the balance of benefit and cost resulting from the County’s Bureau of Public Health Nursing. CGR also explored options for the sale or retention of the County’s Certified Home Health Agency. The final report includes a robust bibliography of cost-benefit analyses of...

Genesee County Nursing Home Assessment and Analysis of Future Options
For Genesee County (NY), CGR explored a spectrum of options for its long-term care operations. CGR recommends the county remain in the nursing home business for the time being, but initiate steps to downsize its 80-bed domiciliary (adult home); look for a partner to provide an assisted living program within...

Sullivan County Building Healthy Communities Needs Assessment
For the Sullivan County (NY) Department of Public Health Services, CGR evaluated existing resources, unmet needs, barriers and stakeholder perceptions regarding physical activity and nutrition in the county. In addition to data analysis, the assessment included more than 20 interviews with key stakeholders and online surveys. The...

An Evaluation of the Greater Rochester Health Foundation's Community Mini-Grants Initiative
The Greater Rochester (NY) Health Foundation has a 10-year plan to combat childhood obesity and its Mini-Grant Initiative is part of this plan. Under the iniitiative, 129 community organizations (e.g., daycare centers, faith-based groups, schools and neighborhood programs) were awarded funding to increase physical activity and improve nutrition...

Voices Together: A Community Conversation on Veterans' Reintegration in the Syracuse Region
Funding from Harris Beach law firm enabled CGR to conduct a day-long summit in fall 2009 on veteran’s reintegration issues in the Syracuse NY area. CGR's report on local priorities, service gaps and solutions are based on input provided by about 70 participants.

Growing the Physician Workforce: A Community Panel Examines the Challenges for Recruitment and Retention in the Fort Drum Region
The health of a region’s residents depends on the community’s ability to retain and recruit a full complement of health care professionals, which is a particular challenge in rural areas. CGR was engaged by the Community Foundation of Northern New York to document the deliberations and findings of the Physician...

Dutchess County ICA Community Health Survey - Final Report
In 2008, CGR was engaged by the Dutchess County Department of Health to conduct and analyze a survey of residents regarding the health of their communities. CGR surveyed a random sample of 1,000 residents, stratified by regions within the county. The survey focused on issues such as threats to community...

Independent Living in New York State: A Needs Assessment
A network of 35 nonprofit Independent Living Centers operate some 50 sites in NY that serve residents with disabilities. NYS has found these nonprofit organizations save taxpayers millions of dollars annually in avoided institutionalized care costs. In 2008, the centers’ statewide association engaged CGR to conduct a needs assessment. ...

An Evaluation of the City of Rochester's Lead Law: 2006-2008
Rochester NY is the first U.S. city to have a housing inspection law that incorporates both visual inspections and dust wipes for rental units located in areas at high risk for lead paint problems. CGR conducted a 2-year study, funded by the Greater Rochester Health Foundation, of the impact of...

Voices Together: Exploring Priority Needs and Solutions for Change in Veterans Reintegration
To help the Veterans Outreach Center serving the Greater Rochester NY region address veterans’ reintegration issues, CGR brought together 140 stakeholders in specially designed summits. Exposing veterans who had recently served in the military, family members and service providers to different perspectives, and having them work together to...

Assessment of the Dutchess County Department of Mental Hygiene
Dutchess County NY, which frequently turns to CGR to assist with assessments involving its human services delivery system, engaged CGR to review the Department of Mental Hygiene. Over the years, selected in-house services have been contracted out to nonprofits due to county financial constraints and a need to reduce staffing...

Economic Impact of State University of New York: Downstate Medical Center - Contributions to the Brooklyn Community
CGR was engaged by SUNY Downstate Medical Center (SUNY-DMC) to estimate the economic impact of SUNY-DMC on Brooklyn, the surrounding areas and New York State. Direct effects are for Brooklyn, NYC, and NYS; Indirect and induced effects are based on the five boroughs of NYC, plus Nassau, Westchester, Rockland, Union,...

An Evaluation of the City of Rochester’s Lead Law: Year One Report
Rochester NY is the first U.S. city to have a housing inspection law that incorporates both visual inspections and dust wipes for rental units located in areas at high risk for lead paint problems. CGR conducted a 2-year study, funded by the Greater Rochester Health Foundation, of the impact of...

Childhood Overweight Obesity Monroe County Elementary School Readiness
The Greater Rochester Health Foundation, formed in 2006, has identified elementary schools as key to addressing childhood overweight and obesity issues, and is seeking to promote strategies involving increased physical activity and improved nutrition. The foundation turned to CGR to conduct a multi-faceted survey of practices, policies and attitudes in...

County Nursing Facilities in New York State Current Status, Challenges and Opportunities
In 2007 CGR was asked to update a study completed 10 years earlier for the County Nursing Facilities of New York Inc. (CNFNY). The original study resulted in a report, What Should Be Done with County Nursing Facilities in New York State?, which presented factual information about the county facilities...

Worksite Wellness in Rochester, NY: Part I - Best Practices and Lessons Learned & Part II - Survey Results
CGR was engaged by the Rochester Business Alliance to complete a two-part study on worksite wellness issues. Part I included a summary of worksite wellness metrics and best practices based on findings in the literature, identified examples of worksite wellness initiatives nationwide, and described important resources available to employers of...

Tobacco Behavior in Sullivan County: A Survey of Residents
CGR was contracted by the Sullivan County Tobacco Free Coalition to conduct a phone survey of F County residents to assess their knowledge, opinions and behaviors related to tobacco issues. This report describes the survey methodology and findings.

Building Partnerships For An Aging Community: 2006-2008 Strategic Plan for the Schenectady County Long Term Care Consortium
CGR helped the Schenectady County Long Term Care Consortium develop its first-ever strategic plan. CGR analyzed demographic data on the senior population in the county, conducted focus groups with providers and consumers to define major issues facing seniors, and facilitated a collaborative process for the consortium to review data and...

Fiscal Impact of Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention and Safe Housing Act - Impact on NYS and Local Governments
As a coalition of groups worked to pass lead abatement legislation in the NYS Legislature, CGR was asked to draft the "fiscal note" that accompanies legislation slated for a vote. The "fiscal note" assesses the net impact of the proposed legislation on all levels of government.

Children in Broome County with Co-Occurring Mental Health and Developmental Disability Conditions Numbers and Service Gaps
Broome County (NY) Children's Mental Health Task Force, comprised of a cross-section of government, non-profit service agency, education and mental health representatives, commissioned CGR to identify the numbers, characteristics and needs of county children and adolescents who have both mental health and developmental disability conditions. In 2005, CGR identified approximately...

Rockland County Community Health Assessment
CGR was engaged to conduct the 2005-2010 Community Health Assessment for the Rockland County Health Department. CGR conducted a series of focus groups with a wide range of community groups, conducted selected interviews with individuals, and designed and conducted a survey with a convenience sample of the general population. CGR...

Wilmot Cancer Center: Economic Impact of Current & Proposed Operation
In preparation for a major capital campaign, URMC engaged CGR to assess the likely economic impact of a dramatic increase in the clinical and research activity stimulated by an expansion of the Wilmot Cancer Center.

Transforming Medicaid: Options for New York, Making Medicaid more Effective and Efficient
In the mid-1990’s, New York State faced a Medicaid crisis and the new governor at the time, George Pataki, created the Comprehensive Medicaid Task Force, to study Medicaid and make cost-containment recommendations. At the same time, CGR and the New York State Association of Counties (NYSAC) studied the underlying...

The Rochester Community Physician Workforce - Factors Effecting Recruitment And Retention - July 2003
The Rochester Physician Workforce Task Force (Task Force), engaged CGR to conduct an analysis of the physician workforce in the six-county Rochester, NY region. The Task Force was concerned that existing data did not sufficiently measure supply nor identify the root causes of physicians leaving the Rochester area. This analysis...

Evaluation of SHARED Participant Progress on Behavioral Change: Analysis of Action Plan
Project SHARED was a community collaborative designed to provide socially and culturally appropriate healthcare services to low-income, uninsured, and underinsured individuals with health risks in Monroe County. CGR was hired to provide assistance to the collaborative in study design issues, survey instrument design, and data analysis.

Health & Bioscience as Engine of Economic Growth: Case Studies of Academic Medical Centers & Their Economic Impact
CGR updated prior assessments of the economic impact on Rochester of the URMC expansion, prepared six case studies of the role academic medical centers play in their local economies and assessed the net impact of graduate medical education (GME) on the Rochester area. For the third component, CGR summed...

Building a New Foundation: The University of Rochester Medical Center in the Regional Economy
CGR updated prior assessments of the economic impact on Rochester of the URMC expansion, prepared six case studies of the role academic medical centers play in their local economies and assessed the net impact of graduate medical education (GME) on the Rochester area. For the third component, CGR summed...

Broome County Visioning Project for Children and Adolescents - An Assessment of What Exists and Service Gaps - July 2002
CGR coordinated a year-long research and community-based planning process which resulted in 2002 in a detailed action plan to expand and improve mental health and related services to children and adolescents, and their families, in Broome County. The primary focus of the county and state Office of Mental Health-funded...

Lead Poisoning Among Young Children in Monroe County - A Needs Assessment, Projection Model, and Next Steps- May 2002
The County of Monroe and other local stakeholders including the City of Rochester, landlords, Human Services agencies, and individual advocates are searching ways to target resources to protect the most children possible, in the shortest period of time. CGR was asked to (1) use Monroe County Health Department data on...

Coordinated Children's Services Initiative (CCSI) in New York State: Implementation Status & Future Directions
CGR completed the first comprehensive assessment of this statewide interagency approach that enhances county efforts to create integrated systems of care, and support services designed to help children at risk of residential placement remain in their homes. CCSI promotes a set of core principles at state and local levels...

Net Financial Impact of Graduate Medical Education in Rochester, NY- May 2002
CGR updated prior assessments of the economic impact on Rochester of the URMC expansion, prepared six case studies of the role academic medical centers play in their local economies and assessed the net impact of graduate medical education (GME) on the Rochester area. For the third component, CGR summed...

Behavior Issues in Early Childhood Programs in Monroe County - October 2001
CGR completed a comprehensive analysis of the extent to which childcare providers were being asked to serve children with severe behavioral problems. Prepared for the Children & Youth Services Intervention Council of Monroe County (NY) and the Children & Youth Services Development Initiative, the study concluded that childcare providers...

An Evaluation of Broome County's Community Reinvestment Programs- August 2001
CGR evaluated the progress of the Community Reinvestment initiative from the mid nineteen nineties to 2000. Research showed that the State appropriations had a positive impact on Broome County by funding and creating services that effectively assisted the mentally ill, and eliminating many unnecessary medical costs.

Governance Models for Regional Public Health Projects
Depending on the scope and focus of the program, regional public health initiatives require different types of management structures. CGR documented the alternatives and established criteria for selecting one structural model over another.

Economic Impact of URMC Strategic Plan: Phase II Expans Initial Impact Project
CGR updated a prior assessment of the impact of the URMC Strategic Plan on the Rochester economy, responding to an expansion of the previous initiative.

A Review of the Nassau County Department of Social Services Home Care Program
In 1998, Nassau County’s Personal Care Services Program spent nearly $100 million, far above the average for NYS counties whether calculated per recipient or per capita. This is about a third of all non-NYC spending on personal care in the State of New York, even though Nassau County...

Return on Investment, Options for Agency Change- June 2000
With the implementation of the Return on Investment Project, CGR analyzed the initial phases to note its pros and cons. We identified a menu of options established or proposed within several non-profit agencies and the amount of use the ROI was being used in local agencies. CGR did not make...

Integrated Systems of Care for Children's Mental Health: A Technical Assistance Resource Book
This project included research into county models of integrated systems of care and the development of a technical assistance tool, Integrated Systems of Care for Children’s Mental Health: A Technical Assistance Resource Book, which included profiles of the models and common core elements. Based on this work, CGR staff held...

What Should Be Done With County Nursing Facilities in New York State? (County Nursing Facilities of New York, Inc.)
Engaged by the state’s association of nursing homes, CGR studied the unique issues facing county homes and present options for county policy makers and nursing home administrators. This study has helped shape decisions in counties throughout the state.

Medicaid Cost Containment Options for New York (New York State Association of Counties)
NYS pays more per capita or per recipient for Medicaid than any other state. CGR identified the most costly program elements and what factors contributed to the differential between costs in New York and the rest of the nation.

Independent Living for Seniors: A 3-year Assessment of Perceptions and Impact of Program
Independent Living for Seniors was started in 1990 to provide a cost-effective, community-based alternative to nursing home care for frail elderly residents of northeastern Monroe County. CGR conducted an evaluation of the program’s initial 3 years, and this report is the final component of the evaluation.