Open Primary/Final Five Voting in NYS - Assessing Impacts on State and Local Elections

CGR studied the potential impact of a “Final Five” voting system in New York State, at the request of the League of Women Voters of the Rochester Metro Area. Final Five vote combines open primaries with ranked-choice voting of up to five candidates per race in the general election. Advocates of...


Step to College Evaluation Plan: A Multidimensional Approach

CGR completed an evaluation plan for East High School’s Step to College Program, an initiative to increase college preparation, matriculation and graduation of students. The evaluation plan included a revised theory of change and logic model, evaluation questions, measurement framework, and evaluation approaches and methods. The evaluation plan will...


The Difference a Diploma Makes - Impact Assessment for an Excel Center High School in Monroe County

CGR was engaged by Goodwill of the Finger Lakes to assess the potential benefits of a tuition-free high school and career acceleration center that would serve adults who dropped out and now wish to complete their education. Specifically, Goodwill is proposing a demonstration project for an Excel Center, a model...


Reducing Poverty in Rochester - An International Scan of Options to Consider

CGR was engaged by the United Way of Greater Rochester to research successful approaches to reducing poverty and their potential applicability to the 9-county Rochester region. Nearly 156,000 people live in poverty throughout the Greater Rochester region, with about two-thirds residing in Monroe County and over 40% in the City...


Rochester's Communities and their Public Libraries - 2012 and Beyond

To provide the foundation for the Rochester NY Public Library’s strategic planning process for 10 community branches, CGR documented how patrons use each branch. Key findings included: a) branches fill different roles in different locations and need flexibility to be responsive, b) since 1999 circulation was down but door count,...


City of Rochester Summer Meals Needs Assessment: Informing a Community-Wide Strategy to Close the Summer Meals Gap

CGR was engaged by the Rochester Area Community Foundation to assess the Summer Meals program providing free meals to eligible Rochester youth at sites throughout the city. Our analysis found that less than a quarter of children who would benefit from the program are currently being served, leaving a gap...


Summer Youth Employment in the City of Rochester: A Review and Benchmarking of the Summer of Opportunity Program

Rochester NY engaged CGR to review its Summer of Opportunity (youth jobs) Program. Key issues explored included overall cost, administrative expenses, how impact is measured, and whether the city should continue its own program. CGR identified benchmark programs in New York City, Buffalo, Hartford, and Oneida County NY, and made...


Local Development Corporations (LDC): Risks and Benefits - Case Studies in the Rochester Area

CGR, with funding from the Beatrice Bibby Fund at CGR in cooperation with the League of Women Voters of Metropolitan Rochester (NY), set out to identify the number, type and characteristics of local development corporations in the Rochester area. These quasi-government entities are not subject to the same public oversight...


An Evaluation of the Greater Rochester Health Foundation's Community Mini-Grants Initiative

The Greater Rochester (NY) Health Foundation has a 10-year plan to combat childhood obesity and its Mini-Grant Initiative is part of this plan. Under the iniitiative, 129 community organizations (e.g., daycare centers, faith-based groups, schools and neighborhood programs) were awarded funding to increase physical activity and improve nutrition...


The Impact of AmeriCorps Builds Lives through Education (ABLE): Getting Things Done for Buffalo

An evaluation of Western NY AmeriCorps’ ABLE program (AmeriCorps Builds Lives through Education) found evidence of a strong community impact on the Buffalo region. CGR’s evaluation, which included surveys, focus groups, interviews, site visits, and data analysis, met requirements of the Corporation for National & Community Service. CGR also provided...


Planning Service Alternatives for the Town of Canandaigua

The Canandaigua NY Town Board asked CGR to review its planning services and suggest alternative models. A growing community navigating the tensions of expanding residential development and desires for preservation, the town has experienced a 130% increase in expenditures for its planning, code, and zoning functions since 2000. CGR conducted...


Independent Living in New York State: A Needs Assessment

A network of 35 nonprofit Independent Living Centers operate some 50 sites in NY that serve residents with disabilities. NYS has found these nonprofit organizations save taxpayers millions of dollars annually in avoided institutionalized care costs. In 2008, the centers’ statewide association engaged CGR to conduct a needs assessment. ...


How Well Are We Doing? A Plan for Evaluation of 2-1-1 Service in New York State

NYS is implementing a regional network of 2-1-1 call centers. Part of a national movement, 2-1-1 will serve as the number to call to access community information and referral services for non-emergency situations. Working collaboratively with regional and state leaders, CGR identified 8 desired outcomes to provide 2-1-1 with...


AmeriCorps: Planning for the Future

At the request of the Rochester NY AmeriCorps, CGR identified internal management process improvement opportunities. CGR held focus groups with staff and conducted surveys of program alumni, and found the program is widely viewed as successful. CGR recommended, however, that AmeriCorps staff increase their presence at host sites, better educate...


Program Impact Evaluations for the City of Rochester: Mortgage Default Resolution, Landlord-Tenant, and Fair Housing Electronic Resource Services

For the Department of Community Development (DCD), we evaluated four programs that provide mortgage default resolution services, landlord and tenant services, and a fair housing electronic resource center. Services in these areas have been provided for years by four nonprofit agencies in Rochester (Human Services Council, Legal Aid Society, Monroe...


Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection Evaluation Performance Assessment: 2006 Update and Future Implications

The Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection, established in 1987, works with at-risk students in the Rochester and Syracuse NY public school districts, with the goal of keeping students in school through graduation. Recently, with support from the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, CGR completed its third assessment of the program. In the latest...


Information & Referral: How Well are We Doing? A Model for Evaluation of 2-1-1 Services

CGR assisted the Finger Lakes 2-1-1 Collaborative in developing an evaluation model to gauge progress toward key outcomes and measures. CGR collected information on six established 2-1-1 systems across the country to identify best practices and challenges in measuring the performance of 2-1-1 operations.


City of Buffalo Literacy Needs Assessment

A coalition of more than 40 groups is engaged in bringing about systemic changes in the way literacy services are provided in Buffalo, NY, and called upon CGR to conduct a citywide needs assessment.


An Evaluation of the Neighborhood Empowerment Team (NET) Office in the City of Rochester Options for the Future

In 1997, the City of Rochester introduced a new organization – the Neighborhood Empowerment Team (NET) Office - to focus resources to improve the quality of life in City neighborhoods. NET created six satellite offices throughout the City where code enforcement personnel and police officers work jointly with neighborhood...


The Center for Dispute Settlement Child Permanency Mediation Program: A Survey of Stakeholders and Key Program Participants

The Center for Dispute Settlement hired CGR to conduct a survey of stakeholders and participants in its Child Permanency Mediation Program. The survey found most respondents said the program created an environment for meaningful exchange and identified issues amenable to mediation, but fewer said the program was effective in developing...


The Hillside Work-Scholarship Connection: Charting a Course for the Future

CGR evaluated the Work-Scholarship Connection, which was established to help youth at risk of dropping out of school succeed academically. The program provides its students with youth advocates, a range of support services, enrichment workshops and, for some, part-time job opportunities and worksite mentors. The Work-Scholarship Connection currently...


Evaluating Service Learning at RIT: Students Working with Neighbors Building Neighborhoods: A Summary of Evaluation Findings

CGR was engaged by RIT to help design and evaluate the impact of renovations of a portion of the University course curriculum developed to focus more on hands-on learning for students in a community-based “learn and serve” environment.


Evaluation of SHARED Participant Progress on Behavioral Change: Analysis of Action Plan

Project SHARED was a community collaborative designed to provide socially and culturally appropriate healthcare services to low-income, uninsured, and underinsured individuals with health risks in Monroe County. CGR was hired to provide assistance to the collaborative in study design issues, survey instrument design, and data analysis.


Evaluation of Hudson Even Start - 2001-2002 School Year - August 2002

CGR conducted a one year evaluation of the City of Hudson Even Start program.


Lead Poisoning Among Young Children in Monroe County - A Needs Assessment, Projection Model, and Next Steps- May 2002

The County of Monroe and other local stakeholders including the City of Rochester, landlords, Human Services agencies, and individual advocates are searching ways to target resources to protect the most children possible, in the shortest period of time. CGR was asked to (1) use Monroe County Health Department data on...


An Evaluation of Family Focus Even Start: Year Three (2001-2002) Livingston County - June 2002

This was a three year evaluation of the Livingston County Even Start program. The evaluation involved surveys and interviews with staff, enrolled families and partner agencies, a focus group with the advisory board, and evaluation of performance indicators. Additional information on the program operations and the process evaluation is...


A Needs Assessment of Access to the Poison and Drug Information Center - The Deaf, Hard-of-Hearing, and Migrant Worker Populations - June 2002

CGR assisted the Finger Lakes Regional Poison and Drug Information Center in improving its services to the deaf and hard of hearing. By conducting a multi-county needs assessment through the use of focus groups and expert interviews, CGR was able to provide broad focus areas as well as a specialized...


Coordinated Children's Services Initiative (CCSI) in New York State: Implementation Status & Future Directions

CGR completed the first comprehensive assessment of this statewide interagency approach that enhances county efforts to create integrated systems of care, and support services designed to help children at risk of residential placement remain in their homes. CCSI promotes a set of core principles at state and local levels...


Livingston County Family Focus Even Start: Year Two Evaluation - July 2001

This was a three year evaluation of the Livingston County Even Start program. The evaluation involved surveys and interviews with staff, enrolled families and partner agencies, a focus group with the advisory board, and evaluation of performance indicators. Additional information on the program operations and the process evaluation is...


Livingston County Family Focus Even Start: Year One Evaluation (Livingston Family Focus Even Start) - June 2000

This was a three year evaluation of the Livingston County Even Start program. The evaluation involved surveys and interviews with staff, enrolled families and partner agencies, a focus group with the advisory board, and evaluation of performance indicators. Additional information on the program operations and the process evaluation is...


Evaluation of Job Creation Effectiveness of New York State Industrial Development Agencies

Mandated by NYS law, CGR was engaged to evaluate New York's industrial development agencies, assessing their effectiveness and exploring policy issues of concern to the Legislature.


Independent Living for Seniors: A 3-year Assessment of Perceptions and Impact of Program

Independent Living for Seniors was started in 1990 to provide a cost-effective, community-based alternative to nursing home care for frail elderly residents of northeastern Monroe County. CGR conducted an evaluation of the program’s initial 3 years, and this report is the final component of the evaluation.